SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.8?


What is a box

A Box is the basic element of the Behaviors.


A Box may contain a simple elementary action (Say box for example), as well as a very complex application (room exploration for example).

To go further:

Box identity


The table below describes the properties allowing you to identify a Box.

Part Name Description
A Name Name of the box.
B Image A specific image helps to understand the box type or content.
C Description

Displays the description of the box and some tips.

Appears when holding the pointer over the box and also at the bottom of the Box libraries panel.

Box content

The content of a box depend on its type:

How to display the content of a box

To display the content of a box, double click the box.


A Dialog box acts as a shortcut to the Dialog topic it refers to. If you double-click the box, you will edit the dialog topic. Other boxes referring to that topic will be impacted.

Box connectors and parameters

In order to communicate with other boxes and to be started or stopped, a box has some connectors.
The connectors of the boxes are connected through links on an event based communication logic.


The table below describes the main connectors of a Box:

Part Name Description
A Inputs Receive events in order to start or stop the box.
B Outputs Send events and/or data during box execution or when the box execution is stopped.
C Parameters Receive data used by the box.

How to create a new box

To create a box:

Step Action
Right click on the Flow diagram wherever you want to create the box.

In the contextual menu, under the Create a new box section, choose the type of the box you want to create.


Optional If you choosed to create a Dialog box, you must choose the dialog topic used by the box.


The box name is automatically generated from the chosen topic, unless you modify it by hand.


You can also create a new dialog topic directly from here.

Define a Name and a Description for your box.
Optional: set the picture to recognize it among other boxes.

Optional: set Parameters, Inputs and Outputs.

For further details about parameters, see: How to add/remove inputs, outputs, parameters in a box.

Click the OK button.

The created box is displayed on the diagram.

Editing a Box

The Inspector panel gives you a quick access to all the information and properties of any Box.

Click on a Box, to display and edit:


Edit Box widget

When you edit or create a Box, the following widget is displayed:


The table below describes the Edit Box widget:

Part Name Allows you to ...
A Box properties

Show some box properties:

  • the Box type (flow diagram, timeline, Python, Dialog)
  • If the box is of Dialog type, the box topic is shown and can be modified here.
B General description

Define the Box identity:

  • the Name of the box.

  • the Description (a brief description of what the box does and how to use it).

    Appears when holding the pointer over the box and also at the bottom of the Box libraries panel.

C Image

Specify an image.

Click the Edit button and select one or several image(s).


You can choose several images to have a complete graphical description of what it does. But you should know that only the first image is displayed beside the box name in a box library.

D Connectors and Parameters

Define the Box connectors and parameters.

The button ... Allows you to ...
../../../_images/del.png Remove the selected item.
../../../_images/edit1.png Edit the selected item.
../../../_images/add.png Add a new item.
E Advanced

Add a Plugin to the box.

It is an advanced feature allowing you to add a control the frontage of the box.