Pepper - Lasers


The robot is equipped with 6 laser line generators.

Wavelength 808 nm
Mode of operation pulsed
Global shutter camera
Framerate 6.66Hz per laser
Auto-exposure control


Position relative to KneePitch.

Laser Sensors

Part X(m) Y(m) Z(m) WX(deg) WY(deg) WZ(deg) VFOV HFOV
1 0.05620 0.00000 -0.06920 0.00000 20.00000 0.00000 40 ° 60 °
2 -0.01800 0.08990 -0.07590 11.0000 0.00000 -90.00000
3 0.01800 -0.08990 -0.07590 -11.0000 0.00000 90.00000

Laser Actuators – front ground evaluation

Part X(m) Y(m) Z(m) WX(deg) WY(deg) WZ(deg) Beam angle
A 0.11290 0.00000 -0.17550 0.0000 14.00000 0.0000 60 °
B 0.14020 -0.03050 -0.21380 -0.9000 23.50000 29.5000
C 0.14020 0.03050 -0.21380 0.9000 23.50000 -29.5000

To access values by using ALMemory key names, see: Shovel data (A), Vertical right data (B), Vertical left data (C).


The Laser located on the front right (B) projects its line on the left side of the robot’s center (seen from a robot’s point of view).

The Laser located on the front left (C) projects its line to the right side of the robot’s center (seen from a robot’s point of view).

Laser Actuators – surroundings

Part X(m) Y(m) Z(m) WX(deg) WY(deg) WZ(deg) Beam angle
D 0.12960 -0.02700 -0.30010 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 60 °
E -0.08600 0.10100 -0.30000 -1.00000 0.00000 90.0000
F -0.08600 -0.10100 -0.30000 1.00000 0.00000 -90.0000

To access values by using ALMemory key names, see: Front (D), Left (E), Right (F).