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makeTuple(Object...) - Static method in class com.aldebaran.qi.Tuple
Tuple factory.
move(Float, Float, Float) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALMotion
Makes the robot move at the given velocity.
move(Float, Float, Float, Object) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALMotion
Makes the robot move at the given velocity.
move(Float, Float, Float) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALNavigation
Makes the robot move at the given speed in S.I. units.
move(Float, Float, Float, Object) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALNavigation
Makes the robot move at the given speed in S.I. units.
moveAlong(Object) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALNavigation
moveInit() - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALMotion
Initialize the move process.
moveIsActive() - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALMotion
Check if the move process is actif.
moveStraightTo(Float) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALVisualCompass
Move along the robot X axis.
moveTo(Float, Float, Float) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALMotion
Makes the robot move at the given position.
moveTo(Float, Float, Float, Float) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALMotion
Makes the robot move at the given position in fixed time.
moveTo(Float, Float, Float, Object) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALMotion
Makes the robot move at the given position.
moveTo(Float, Float, Float, Float, Object) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALMotion
Makes the robot move at the given position in fixed time.
moveTo(Object) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALMotion
Makes the robot move to the given relative positions.
moveTo(Object, Object) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALMotion
Makes the robot move to the given relative positions.
moveTo(Float, Float, Float) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALNavigation
Makes the robot move at the given position.This is a blocking call.
moveTo(Float, Float, Float, Object) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALNavigation
Makes the robot move at the given position.This is a blocking call.
moveTo(Float, Float, Float) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALVisualCompass
Go to input pose (in robot referential).
moveToward(Float, Float, Float) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALMotion
Makes the robot move at the given normalized velocity.
moveToward(Float, Float, Float, Object) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALMotion
Makes the robot move at the given normalized velocity.
moveToward(Float, Float, Float) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALNavigation
Makes the robot move at the given speed in normalized speed fraction.
moveToward(Float, Float, Float, Object) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALNavigation
Makes the robot move at the given speed in normalized speed fraction.
muteAudioOut(Boolean) - Method in class com.aldebaran.qi.helper.proxies.ALAudioDevice
mute the loudspeakers
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