SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.8?

Choregraphe 2.7.1

New preference: Automatically save modifications

In order to workaround the issue when Choregraphe is really slow with many boxes, it is now possible to deactivate the Automatically save modifications option.

For further details, see: Choregraphe preferences.

Dynamic language support

From now, you can develop applications supporting newly available robot languages without having to wait for a new release of Choregraphe Suite. Just make sure Choregraphe has access to Internet, and it will automatically download necessary information to support latest available robot languages.

For further details, see: Tip 1: unsupported languages.

Speech Reco. box deprecated

New sign & feedback makes Speech Reco. box almost deprecated.


ALSpeechRecognition is a low level module, offering elementary speech recognition functions, which are fully integrated in ALDialog.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to prefer the usage of ALDialog.

Notably, a direct usage of ALSpeechRecognition does not trigger the Listening feedback described in Talking with Pepper section.