SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.8?

English Lexicon

NAOqi Interaction engines - Dialog Lexicon

Full content: English Lexicon - Japanese Lexicon - French Lexicon - Chinese Lexicon - German Lexicon - Italian Lexicon - Spanish Lexicon

topic: ~lexicon()
language: enu

pronunciation:(I) [i]





pronunciation:(nao) [now]
pronunciation:(Nao) [now]

##### Robot concepts #####
concept:(ald_robots) [~robotname ~myrobotname Nao Pepper Peppersan Romeo]

##### Voice tweaking #####
concept:(neutral) \style=neutral\ \rspd=100\ \vct=110\
concept:(neutral_slow) \style=neutral\ \vct=105\ \rspd=100\
concept:(joyful) \style=joyful\ \rspd=90\ \vct=95\
concept:(didactic) \style=didactic\ \rspd=105\ \vct=110\

##### Verbs #####
concept:(want_to) ["[want wish "would [like love]"] to" wanna "need {to}"]

##### Auxiliaries #####
concept:(dont) [don't "do not"]
concept:(didnt) [didn't "did not"]
concept:(havent) [haven't "have not"]
concept:(doesnt) [doesn't "does not"]
concept:(isnt) [isn't "is not"]
concept:(arent) [aren't "are not"]
concept:(cant) [can't cannot "can not"]
concept:(couldnt) [couldn't "could not"]

##### 1rst person verbs #####
concept:(i_am) [I'm "I am"]
concept:(i_have) ["I've {got gotten}" "I have {got gotten}"]
concept:(i_will) [I'll "I will" "[I'm "I am"] "going to" gonna"]
concept:(i_would) [I'd "I would"]
concept:(i_am_not) ["I'm not" "I am not" "I ain't"]
concept:(i_have_not) ["I haven't {got gotten}" "I don't have {got gotten}" "I do not have {got gotten}" "I have not {got gotten}"]
concept:(i_dont_have) ["I don't have" "I do not have"]
concept:(i_do_not) ["I do not" "I don't"]
concept:(i_did_not) ["I did not" "I didn't"]
concept:(i_will_not) ["I will not" "I won't"]
concept:(i_would_not) ["I would not" "I'd not" "I wouldn't"]
concept:(i_have_to) ["I have to" "I've got to"]
concept:(i_want) ["I [want wish]" "[I'll I'd] [like love]"]
concept:(i_dont_want) ["~i_do_not [want wish]" "[~i_would_not ~i_will_not] [like love]"]
concept:(i_want_to) ["I ["want to" wanna]" "[I'll I'd] [like love] to" "I wish [to "I can"]" "I'm looking {forward} to" "I {really} ~want_to"]
concept:(i_dont_want_to) ["I [don't "do not"] want to"]
concept:(we_are) [we're "we are"]
concept:(we_are_not) ["we're not" "we [are were] not" "we aren't"]

##### 2nd person verbs #####
concept:(you_are) [you're "you are"]
concept:(you_were) ["you were"]
concept:(you_have) ["you've {got gotten}" "you have {got gotten}"]
concept:(you_will) [you'll "you will"]
concept:(you_are_not) ["you're not" "you are not" "you aren't"]
concept:(you_have_not) ["you haven't {got gotten}" "you don't have {got gotten}" "you do not have {got gotten}" "you have not {got gotten}"]
concept:(you_do_not) ["you do not" "you don't"]
concept:(you_did_not) ["you did not" "you didn't"]
concept:(you_will_not) ["you will not" "you won't"]
concept:(do_you_need) ["do you [want wish wanna need]" "would you [like love]"]

##### 3rd person verbs #####
concept:(it) [it "[this that] {thing stuff}"] #add any synonym of "stuff" in the list
concept:(it_is) [it's that's "[it that this] [is was]" "{"I think" well "in my opinion"} [it's "it is"]"
"it's without doubt"]
concept:(it_is_not) ["[it's that's] not" "[it that this] [isn't wasn't]" "[it that this] [is was] not"]

##### Other verbs #####
concept:(vb_imp_talk) "~dont talk {"to me"} {about}"
concept:(vb_imp_chat) "~dont chat with me {about}"
concept:(vb_imp_say) "~dont say anything {"about it"}"
concept:(vb_imp_discuss) "~dont discuss it"
concept:(vb_imp_gossip) "~dont gossip {"about it"}"
concept:(verbs_inf_talk) "to [talk discuss gossip chat say]"
concept:(verbs_imp_talk) [~vb_imp_talk ~vb_imp_chat ~vb_imp_say ~vb_imp_discuss ~vb_imp_gossip]
concept:(tell_me) ["tell me"]

"go to the toilet"
"take a dump"
"do number 2"
"do number 1"


"to give"
"to offer"

"I give"
"I offer"


"[I'm "I am"] giving"
"[I'm "I am"] offering"


"[I'll "I will"] give"
"[I'll "I will"] offer"

"I gave"
"["I have" "I've" "I had"] given"
"I offered"
"["I have" "I've" "I had"] offered"

##### not good verbs #####
"to hit"
"to pinch"


"hit [them him her]"
"pinch [them him her]"

"hit me"
"pinch me"




"I hit"
"I pinch"

"you {have had} hit"
"you {have had} pinched"

"["I will" "I'll"] hit"
"["I will" "I'll"] pinch"

"I hit"
"["I had" "I have"] hit"
"I pinched"
"["I had" "I have"] pinched"

"hitting me"
"pinching me"

"hitting you"
"pinching you"



"I suffer"
"[I'm "I am"] suffering"
"[it that] makes me suffer"
"[I'm "I am"] hurting"
"[it that] makes me hurt"
"I sustain"
"[I'm "I am"] sustaining"
"I cry"
"[I'm "I am"] crying"
"[it that] makes me cry"

"we suffer"
"["we are" "we're"] suffering"
"[it that] makes us suffer"
"["we are" "we're"] hurting"
"[it that] makes us hurt"
"we sustain"
"["we are" "we're"] sustaining"
"we cry"
"["we are" "we're"] crying"
"[it that] makes us cry"

"I suffered"
"["I [had have]" "I'd" "I've"] suffered"
"I was hurting"
"I sustained"
"["I [had have]" "I'd" "I've"] sustained"
"I cried"
"["I [had have]" "I'd" "I've"] cried"

##### Pronouns #####
"$Dialog/requested_user_genre=^queryKnowledge($requested_user_id, gender, ?) $Dialog/requested_user_genre==masc he" 
"$Dialog/requested_user_genre=^queryKnowledge($requested_user_id, gender, ?)  $Dialog/requested_user_gender==fem she" 
"$Dialog/requested_user_genre=^queryKnowledge($requested_user_id, gender, ?) $Dialog/requested_user_genre==masc he" 
"$Dialog/requested_user_genre=^queryKnowledge($requested_user_id, gender, ?)  $Dialog/requested_user_gender==fem she" 

"$Dialog/requested_user_genre=^queryKnowledge($requested_user_id, gender, ?) $Dialog/requested_user_genre==masc him" 
"$Dialog/requested_user_genre=^queryKnowledge($requested_user_id, gender, ?)  $Dialog/requested_user_gender==fem her" 

"$Dialog/requested_user_genre=^queryKnowledge($requested_user_id, gender, ?) $Dialog/requested_user_genre==masc him" 
"$Dialog/requested_user_genre=^queryKnowledge($requested_user_id, gender, ?)  $Dialog/requested_user_gender==fem her" 

concept:(det_cdi)["me $temp/input=det_me $temp/output=you $temp/output2=you" "us $temp/input=det_us $temp/output=you $temp/output2=you" "him $temp/input=det_him $temp/output=him $temp/output2=he" "her $temp/input=det_her $temp/output=her $temp/output2=she" "them $temp/input=det_them $temp/output=them $temp/output2=they"]

concept:(pronoun_would)["I'd $temp/input_pronoun=I" "we'd $temp/input_pronoun=we" "she'd $temp/input_pronoun=she" "he'd $temp/input_pronoun=he" "they'd $temp/input_pronoun=they" "I would $temp/input_pronoun=I" "we would $temp/input_pronoun=we" "she would $temp/input_pronoun=she" "he would $temp/input_pronoun=he" "they would $temp/input_pronoun=they"]

concept:(pronoun_will)["I'll $temp/input_pronoun=I" "we'll $temp/input_pronoun=we" "he'll $temp/input_pronoun=he" "she'll $temp/input_pronoun=she" "they'll $temp/input_pronoun=they" "I will $temp/input_pronoun=I" "we will $temp/input_pronoun=we" "she will $temp/input_pronoun=she" "he will $temp/input_pronoun=he" "they will $temp/input_pronoun=they"]

concept:(pronoun_want_you_to)["I want you to $temp/input_pronoun=I" "we want you to $temp/input_pronoun=we" "she wants you to $temp/input_pronoun=she" "he wants you to $temp/input_pronoun=he" "they want you to $temp/input_pronoun=they" "["I would" "I'd"] like you to $temp/input_pronoun=I" "["we would" "we'd"] like you to $temp/input_pronoun=we" "["she would" "she'd"] like you to $temp/input_pronoun=she" "["he would" "he'd"] like you to $temp/input_pronoun=he" "["they would" "they'd"] like you to $temp/input_pronoun=they"]

concept:(pronoun_would_like_to)["I would like to $temp/input_pronoun=I" "I'd like to $temp/input_pronoun=I" "we would like to $temp/input_pronoun=we" "we'd like to $temp/input_pronoun=we" "he would like to $temp/input_pronoun=he" "he'd like to $temp/input_pronoun=he" "she would like to $temp/input_pronoun=she" "she'd like to $temp/input_pronoun=she" "they would like to $temp/input_pronoun=they" "they'd like to $temp/input_pronoun=they"]

concept:(pronoun_want_to)["I ["want to" "wanna"] $temp/input_pronoun=I" "we ["want to" wanna] $temp/input_pronoun=we" "he ["wants to" wanna] $temp/input_pronoun=he" "she ["wants to" wanna] $temp/input_pronoun=she" "they ["want to" wanna] $temp/input_pronoun=they"]

concept:(pers_pronoun_3)["he $temp/input=he $temp/output3=he"  "she $temp/input=she $temp/output3=she" "they $temp/input=they $temp/output3=they"]

concept:(pers_pronoun_3_sing)["he $temp/input=he $temp/output3=he"  "she $temp/input=she $temp/output3=she"]
concept:(pers_pronoun_3_plur)["they $temp/input=they $temp/output3=they"]

concept:(pronoun_poss_1p)["my $temp/pronoun_poss_2p=your" "our $temp/pronoun_poss_2p=your"]

concept:(pronoun_poss_3p)["his $temp/pronoun_poss_2p=your $temp/pronoun_poss_3p=his" "her $temp/pronoun_poss_2p=your $temp/pronoun_poss_3p=her" "their $temp/pronoun_poss_2p=your $temp/pronoun_poss_3p=their"]


##### Adjectives and adverbs #####
concept:(addicted) [
    "[crazy passionate fanatical avid] about"
    "keen on"
    "["in love" enamored] with"
    "addicted [with to]"
concept:(complete) ["very strongly" total complete absolute categorical radical integral unconditional]
concept:(big) [big fat enormous]
concept:(tiny) [tiny small minuscule]
concept:(size) [~big ~tiny]
concept:(adverbs) [really absolutely completely truly royally "a little" totally strictly perfectly enormously "too much" very rather]

##### Vocabulary #####
concept:(apps_sing) [application app activity program software]
concept:(apps_plur) [applications apps activities programs softwares]
concept:(months) [january february march april may june july august september october november december]
concept:(about) [about]
concept:(days) [monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday]


##### BirthDay #####
concept:(birth_day) ["[1st 1] $day=1" "[2nd 2] $day=2" "[3rd 3] $day=3" "[4th 4] $day=4" "[5th 5] $day=5" "[6th 6] $day=6" "[7th 7] $day=7" "[8th 8] $day=8" "[9th 9] $day=9" "[10th 10] $day=10" "[11th 11] $day=11" "[12th 12] $day=12" "[13th 13] $day=13" "[14th 14] $day=14" "[15th 15] $day=15" "[16th 16] $day=16" "[17th 17] $day=17" "[18th 18] $day=18" "[19th 19] $day=19" "[20th 20] $day=20" "[21st 21] $day=21" "[22nd 22] $day=22" "[23rd 23] $day=23" "[24th 24] $day=24" "[25th 25] $day=25" "[26th 26] $day=26" "[27th 27] $day=27" "[28th 28] $day=28" "[29th 29] $day=29" "[30th 30] $day=30" "[31st 31] $day=31"]
concept:(birth_month) ["january $month=1" "february $month=2" "march $month=3" "april $month=4" "may $month=5" "june $oonth=6" "july $month=7" "august $month=8" "september $month=9" "october $month=10" "november $month=11" "december $month=12"]
concept:(birth_year) [1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016]
##### Food #####
concept:(fat_food_entity) ["fries" "french fries" "chips" "hamburgers" "pizzas" "pasta"]
concept:(healthy_food_entity) ["salad" "soup"]
##### Color #####
concept:(color_entity) [red blue green yellow white pink violet orange brown black white gray]

##### Sport #####
concept:(sport) [football volley rugby basket karate footing handball]
concept:(sport_entity)[football volley rugby basket karate footing handball]

##### Questions to the robot #####
concept:(do_you_have) ["{do} you have" "have you got"]
concept:(do_you_like) [
    "{do} you [like love prefer]"
    "what do you think about"
    "do you get along with"
    "how are things with"
concept:(do_you_know) ["do you know" "have you heard [of about]" "you've heard [of about]"]
concept:(do_you_know_who_is)["do you know who is" who's]
concept:(do_you_know_what_is)["do you know what is" what's]
concept:(can_you) [
    "[can will could] you {please} $temp/input=can_you"
    "do you think you could $temp/input=do_you_think_you_could"
    "are you [ready able] to $temp/input=are_you_able_to"
    "do you know how to $temp/input=do_you_know"
concept:(can_you_request) [
    "[can will could] you"
    "do you think you could"
concept:(are_you) [~you_are "are you"]
concept:(were_you) [~you_were "were you"]
concept:(where_are_you) ["where are you" "do you know where you are"]
concept:(who_are_you) ["who are you" "do you know who you are" "who're you"]
concept:(what_is) [
    "{"~can_you tell me" "do you know" "tell me"} [
        "what is"
concept:(what_are) [
    "{"~can_you tell me" "do you know" "tell me"} [
        what are
        "what are"
concept:(who_is) [
    "{"do you know" "can you tell me"} who [is was]"
    "do you know"
    "are you familiar with"
concept:(who_are) [
    "who are"
    "{"do you know" "can you tell me"} who [are were]"
    "do you know"
    "are you familiar with"
concept:(where_is) ["where is" where's "where are"]
concept:(can_i) [
    "[can could may] [I we]"
    "[I'd "I would"] like to"
    "do you agree if I"
    "is it possible [to "that I"]"
concept:(what_is_your_name) [
    "~what_is your name"
    "how [do should can] I call you"
    "["do you know" "tell me"] {what} your name {is}"
    "tell me who you are"
    "give me your name"
    "what do they call you"

concept:(what_is_my_name) [
    "["what is" "what's"] my name"
    "do you know my name"
concept:(what_is_my_age) [
    "how old am I"
    "{do} you know my age"
    "{do} you know how old I am"
    "how old I am"    

concept:(what_is_his_name) [
    "~what_is the [name title] of {the this that}"
    "~what_is [his her its] [name title]"
concept:(what_are_you_talking_about) [
    "what are you taking about"
    "what are you ["telling me" saying]"
    "~what_is the [subject topic] {"of the [discussion conversation]"}"
concept:(who_wrote) [
    "who wrote"
    "who is the author of"
concept:(how_much_is) [
    "how much ["does it cost" "is that {worth}" "is it" is]"
    "[what's "what is"] the [value price] of"

"how old is"
"what's the age of"
"what is the age of"
"tell me the age of"

##### Orders to the robot #####
concept:(help) [
    "help me {please}"
    "{"would you" ~can_you} help me {please} ?"
    "your assistance please"
    "how ~can_you help me ?"
    "~can_you give me {some} [information informations assistance] ?"
    "I need {some} [information informations details help assistance]"
    "give me a hand"
    "~i_am looking for {some} [info information "more details" help assistance]"


concept:(shut_up) [
    "cut it out"
    "knock it off"
    "["could you" "can you"] {please} ["be quiet" "shut up"]"
    "I can't take it any more"
    "[keep remain] [quiet silent]"
    "{please} {god} ["shut up" "be quiet"]"
    "don't talk {"to me"} [anymore "any longer"]"
    "fuck off"
    "I don't want to [speak talk "discuss {it}"]  anymore"
    "["let's stop" stop end] the [discussion conversation chat]"
    "{let's please} stop [talking speaking discussing chatting]"
    "keep it quiet"
    "be quiet {please}"
    "shut [it "your mouth"]"
concept:(stop_it) ~shut_up
concept:(talk_again) [
    "[talk speak] to me"
    "{"you can"} [talk speak] again"
    "let's talk"
    "~i_am talking to you"

concept:(stop_application) [
    "[stop quit leave close] [this the that] [software app application program dialog topic activity game]"
    "stop [it this that]"
    "[that it] no longer interests me"
    "that's enough"
    "that's ["a pain" "not interesting" useless boring]"
    "["I've" "I have"] ["had it" "had enough" "had it up to here" "have had a belly full of it"]"
concept:(restart_application) [
    "[restart "start again" reboot replay] [this the that] [software app application program dialog topic activity]"
    "go back to the [beginning start]"
    "rewind please"
    "~i_want_to start again"
concept:(repeat_it) [
    "[restate repeat] {me} [the your] {last} question"
    "~what_is the question {again}?"
    "repeat ["the sentence" "your last sentence" "what you just said"] {again} {please}"
    "repeat {please}"
    "{~can_you} repeat {please}?"
    "ask {me} the question {again "one more time"}"
    "~can_you ask {me} the question {again "one more time"}?"
    "tell ["it to me" me] again"
    "what [is was] the question {again}?"
    "what ["did you say" "were you [saying "asking me"]"] {again}?"
    "ask {me} [the that] question {again}"
    "repeat [it please]"
    "come again"
    "[say ask] {that} again"
    "what was the question?"
    "do [it that "[the this that] [animation motion movement thing sound noise]"] again {please}"
    "~can_you do [it that "[the this that] [animation motion movement thing sound noise]"] again {please}?"
concept:(stop_talking) [~vb_imp_talk ~vb_imp_chat ~vb_imp_say ~vb_imp_discuss ~vb_imp_gossip "stop talking"]
concept:(lets_talk_about) [talk "talk to me" "let's talk"]
concept:(come_to_me) [
    "[come walk] [here closer "{next} to me"]"
    "get [here closer]"
    "[move come go] forward"
concept:(show_me) [
"show {him her me us them}"
"~can_you show {him her me us them}"
"~can_you make {him her me us them} [see watch]"
"~i_want_to [see watch]"
"~can_i [see watch]"
"~can_you do"

##### Human inputs #####
concept:(hello) [
    hello howdy hiya hi morning
    "hey there"
    "{good} [morning afternoon evening]"
#    "how's it [going hanging]"
#    "you [alright "doing ok"]"
concept:(thank_you) [
    "I ["thank you" "give you my thanks"]"
    "thank you {"very much" "a [million lot]" "from the bottom of my heart"}"
    "thanks {"a lot"}"
concept:(i_like) [
    "~i_am {~adverbs} ~addicted"
    "I {~adverbs} [like love adore dig worship prefer]"
    "I have an affinity for"
    "I have a {"little bit of a"} preference for"
    "I'm {"a bit"} weak for"
    "I'm obsessed with"
    "I'm {~adverbs} into"
concept:(i_dont_like) [
    "I {~adverbs} [detest hate despise]"
    "~i_do_not like"

concept:(i_dont_know) [
    "~i_do_not know {"anything about that"}"
    "I know nothing"
    "~i_have_not the least idea"
    "{I} [dunno "don't know"]"
    "~what_is that"
    "~i_have {never} heard {"of that"}"
    "I have no [clue idea]"
    "~i_do_not have ["a clue" "the slightest idea"]"
    "you [decide "tell me"]"

"~i_do_not know"
"I have no [clue idea]"
"no [clue idea]"
"~i_have_not the least idea"
"~i_do_not have ["a clue" "the slightest idea"]"

"I am sorry"
"I'm sorry"
"my bad"
"forgive me"
"pardon me"
"I beg your pardon"

concept:(i_didnt_understand) [
    "{sorry} [~i_did_not ~i_do_not] [understand grasp get catch] {it that "anything {"at all"}" zilch nada you "a thing" "what you {just} said"}"
    "~i_have_not understood"
    "[~i_dont_know "~i_do_not [see get understand]"] ["what you mean" "what you're talking about"]"
    "what is [it this that]?"
    "~i_do_not [understand get] {it that this}"
    "what do you [mean want say]?"
    "what are you [saying "trying to say" "talking about"]?"
    "[it that] doesn't make sense"
concept:(you_didnt_understand) [
    "you [~didnt ~dont] [understand grasp get] [anything {"at all"} "a thing" "{"a word of"} what ["I say" "I'm saying"]" zilch nada]"
    "it's not that {"at all"}"
    "you {still} [~didnt ~havent ~dont] understand [anything "very well"]"
    "you're wrong"
    "you [~didnt ~dont] get it"
concept:(i_dont_care) [
    "~i_do_not [care "give a shit"]"
    "~i_am_not interested"
    "I have no interest"
    "I couldn't care less"
    "I {really} don't give a [damn shit "two cents" "rat's ass"]"
    "{it this that} ~doesnt interest me {anymore "at all" "in the least"}"
    "who cares"
concept:(i_already_know) [
    "I already know"
    "I'm already familiar with"
    "I already heard about"
concept:(im_not_sure) [
    "~i_am_not sure"
    "not sure"
    "I'm hesitant"
    "no idea"
    "["I'm going to" ~i_will] think about it"
concept:(its_not_true) [
    "[it's that's "this is" "[it that is]"] ["not true" "a lie" false fake bullshit "{a} nonsense"]"
    "{it that this} ain't true"
concept:(its_a_stupid_question) [
    "that's {really} a {completely truly perfectly frankly particularly} ["damn lousy" "shitty" idiotic imbecile stupid "uninteresting" question]"
    "~what_is ["this ["piece of shit" "{shitty lousy} question"]"]"
    "~it_is {completely} [stupid lousy imbecile crap]"
    "~it_is_not {very} [clever fun interesting]"
concept:(guess) [
    "what do you [think]"
    "what do you advise me"
    "what do you recommend"
    "what would you [advise recommend]"
    "what is your advice"
concept:(i_guess) [
    "it was"
        "i guess"
        "i think"
        "~i_am sure"
        "of course"
    ] {~it_is}"
    "my answer is"
    "is it"
    "was it"
    "could it be"
    "it looks like {~it_is}"
    "i would [
concept:(i_will_try) [
    "I'm going to [try attempt "take a shot"]"
    "let's try [it this]"
    "let's take a shot at [it this]"

concept:(i_am_drunk) [
    "i drank too much {alcohol}"
    "i am {pretty completely too} [drunk wasted hammered smashed]"
    "i went on a bender"
    "i got {so really pretty} drunk"
    "i have a {"{really pretty} bad"} hangover"
    "i am {so really pretty very completely} hungover"

"[you're "you are"] !not
    "kind $compliment_output="that I'm kind!" $compliment_scale=1 $excitement=calm"
    "cool $compliment_output="that I'm cool!" $compliment_scale=1 $excitement=calm" 
    "sweet $compliment_output="that I'm sweet!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
    "handsome $compliment_output="that I'm handsome!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
    "beautiful $compliment_output="that I'm beautiful!" $compliment_scale=2 $excitement=calm"
    "such a cutie $compliment_output="that I'm such a cutie!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
    "cute $compliment_output="that I'm cute!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
    "smart $compliment_output="that I'm smart!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
    "cunning $compliment_output="that I'm cunning!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
    "shrewd $compliment_output="that I'm shrewd!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
    "bright $compliment_output="that I'm bright!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
    "clever $compliment_output="that I'm clever!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
    "pretty $compliment_output="that I'm pretty!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
    "lovely $compliment_output="that I'm lovely!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm" 
    "nice $compliment_output="that I'm nice!" $compliment_scale=1 $excitement=calm"
    "pleasant $compliment_output="that I'm pleasant!" $compliment_scale=1 $excitement=calm"
    "likeable $compliment_output="that I'm likeable!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
    "extraordinary $compliment_output="that I'm extraordinary!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited" 
    "remarkable $compliment_output="that I'm remarkable!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited" 
    "outstanding $compliment_output="that I'm outstanding!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited" 
    "wonderful $compliment_output="that I'm wonderful!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited" 
    "admirable $compliment_output="that I'm admirable" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
    "exceptional $compliment_output="that I'm exceptional!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
    "incredible $compliment_output="that I'm incredible!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
    "amazing $compliment_output="that I'm amazing!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
    "unique $compliment_output="that I'm unique!" $compliment_scale=4 $excitement=excited"
    "priceless $compliment_output="that I'm priceless!" $compliment_scale=4 $excitement=excited"
    "great $compliment_output="that I'm great!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=excited" 
    "intelligent $compliment_output="that I'm intelligent!" $compliment_scale=2 $excitement=calm"
    "fantastic $compliment_output="that I'm fantastic!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=excited"
    "brilliant $compliment_output="that I'm brilliant!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=excited"
    "magnificent $compliment_output="that I'm magnificent!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"]"
"[you're "you are"] !not a {*} 
    "good $compliment_output="that I'm a good robot!" $compliment_scale=2 $excitement=calm" 
    "beautiful $compliment_output="that I'm a beautiful robot!" $compliment_scale=2 $excitement=calm"
    "good looking $compliment_output="that I'm a good looking robot!" $compliment_scale=2 $excitement=calm"
    "handsome $compliment_output="that I'm a handsome robot!" $compliment_scale=2 $excitement=calm"
    "such a cutie $compliment_output="that I'm a cute robot!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
    "smart $compliment_output="that I'm a smart robot!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
    "cunning $compliment_output="that I'm a cunning robot!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
    "shrewd $compliment_output="that I'm a shrewd robot!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
    "bright $compliment_output="that I'm a bright robot!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
    "clever $compliment_output="that I'm a clever robot!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
    "pretty $compliment_output="that I'm a pretty robot!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
    "lovely $compliment_output="that I'm a lovely robot!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm" 
    "nice $compliment_output="that I'm a nice robot!" $compliment_scale=1 $excitement=calm"
    "pleasant $compliment_output="that I'm a pleasant robot!" $compliment_scale=1 $excitement=calm"
    "likeable $compliment_output="that I'm a likeable robot!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
    "extraordinary $compliment_output="that I'm an extraordinary robot!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited" 
    "remarkable $compliment_output="that I'm a remarkable robot!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited" 
    "outstanding $compliment_output="that I'm an outstanding robot!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited" 
    "wonderful $compliment_output="that I'm a wonderful robot!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited" 
    "admirable $compliment_output="that I'm an admirable robot!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
    "exceptional $compliment_output="that I'm an exceptional robot!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
    "incredible $compliment_output="that I'm an incredible robot!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
    "amazing $compliment_output="that I'm an amazing robot!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
    "unique $compliment_output="that I'm an unique robot!" $compliment_scale=4 $excitement=excited"
    "priceless $compliment_output="that I'm a priceless robot!" $compliment_scale=4 $excitement=excited"
    "great $compliment_output="that I'm a great robot!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=excited" 
    "intelligent $compliment_output="that I'm an intelligent robot!" $compliment_scale=2 $excitement=calm"
    "fantastic $compliment_output="that I'm a fantastic robot!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=excited"
    "brilliant $compliment_output="that I'm a brilliant robot!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=excited"]
"[you're "you are"] the best $compliment_output="that I'm the best" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
"[you're "you are"]
     "the kindest $compliment_output="that I'm the kindest robots!" $compliment_scale=1 $excitement=calm" 
     "the sweetest $compliment_output="that I'm sweetest robots!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
     "the most handsome $compliment_output="that I'm the most handsome robots!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
     "the most beautiful $compliment_output="that I'm the most beautiful robots!" $compliment_scale=2 $excitement=calm"
     "the cutest $compliment_output="that I'm the cutest robots!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
     "the smartest $compliment_output="that I'm the smartest robots!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
     "the most cunning $compliment_output="that I'm the most cunning of robots!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
     "the shrewdest $compliment_output="that I'm the shrewdest!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
     "the brightest $compliment_output="that I'm the brightest robots!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
     "the most clever $compliment_output="that I'm the most clever robots!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
     "the prettiest $compliment_output="that I'm pretty!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
     "the most lovely $compliment_output="that I'm the most lovely robots!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm" 
     "the nicest $compliment_output="that I'm the nicest robots!" $compliment_scale=1 $excitement=calm"
     "the most pleasant $compliment_output="that I'm the most pleasant robots!" $compliment_scale=1 $excitement=calm"
     "the most likeable $compliment_output="that I'm the most likeable robots!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=calm"
     "the most extraordinary $compliment_output="that I'm the most extraordinary robots!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited" 
     "the most remarkable $compliment_output="that I'm the most remarkable robots!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited" 
     "the most outstanding $compliment_output="that I'm the most outstanding robots!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited" 
     "the most wonderful $compliment_output="that I'm the most wonderful robots!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited" 
     "the most admirable $compliment_output="that I'm the most admirable robots!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
     "the most exceptional $compliment_output="that I'm the most exceptional robots!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
     "the most incredible $compliment_output="that I'm the most incredible robots!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
     "the most amazing $compliment_output="that I'm the most amazing robots!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"
     "the most unique $compliment_output="that I'm the most unique robots!" $compliment_scale=4 $excitement=excited"
     "the greatest $compliment_output="that I'm the greatest robots!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=excited" 
     "the most intelligent $compliment_output="that I'm the most intelligent robots!" $compliment_scale=2 $excitement=calm"
     "the most fantastic $compliment_output="that I'm the most fantastic robots!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=excited"
     "the most brilliant $compliment_output="that I'm the most brilliant robots!" $compliment_scale=3 $excitement=excited"
     "the most magnificent $compliment_output="that I'm the most magnificent!" $compliment_scale=5 $excitement=excited"]
 ["robots" "of all robots"] "

concept:(yes) [
    "{oh} [yes yep yeah] {please "me too" "of course" "I [am do did]" sure}"
    "[ok okay] {sure "why not"}"
    "{possibly} maybe"
    "all right"
    "of course"
    "sure {"I do"}"
    "let's go"
    "do it"
    "go [on ahead "for it"]"
    "~it_is [it right good certain]"
    "~it_is true"
    "you're right"
    "why not"
    "go ahead"
    "{yes yep yeah} [I'd "I would"] love [to that]"
    "[with my] pleasure"
    "if you want to"
    "no [problem problems worries problemo]"
    "not a problem"
    "no doubt"
    "so to speak"
    "[good excellent] idea"
    "very well"
    "you got it"
    "it sure is"
    "we sure are"
    "I agree"
    "I don't mind"
    "{it} sounds [good great fun]"
    "feel free {"to do it"}"
    "bring it on"
    "I guess so"
    "let's do it"
    "if you want"
    "great idea"
    "sounds fun"
    "as you [wish want]"
    "it happens"

concept:(no) [
    "[no nah nope] {thanks "thank you" "[it's that's] [enough fine ok]"}"
    "no {fucking} way"
    "yeah right"
    "{no} not [really "at all" "in the least" "right now" exactly "so much"]"
    "I'm not interested"
    "{no} ["I don't want to" "I'm not" "I don't"]"
    "{I'm} not sure"
    "i don't think so"
    "I'll think about it"
    "not at all"
    "[definitely absolutely probably totally] not"
    "in your dreams"
    "[were are] you dreaming"
    "dream on"
    "not for ["the time being" "the moment"]"
    "not so much"
    "I ["don't agree" disagree]"
    "no that'll work {thanks}"
    "no it'll be fine {thanks}"
    "no it's ok"
    "that's not true"
    "that's false"
    "absolutely not"
    "not really"
    "not exactly"
    "not {quite} yet"
    "{it's} none of your business"
    "it doesn't involve you"
    "why do you give a shit"
    "what are you getting involved in"
    "what do you give a shit about"
    "mind your own business"
    "what's it got to do with you"
    "never {"in my life"}"
    "it doesn't interest me"
    "it doesn't tempt me"
    "no thank you"
    "not especially"
    "no question"
    "it's not {exactly} that"
    "~you_are [mistaken wrong]"
    "I don't feel like it"
    "not now"
    "maybe later"
    "another time"

"I don't think so"
"I think it's not [right true]"
"I guess not"

##### Human mood #####
concept:(im_good) [
    "{~i_am} {very} [well wonderful great terrific amazing superb splendid fine]"
    "~i_am [good "full of get up and go" "in a great mood"]"
    "not bad"
    "I feel in shape"
    "all's well"
    "{very} good {thanks}"
    "doing well {thanks}"
    "it goes [well super perfect]"
    "hey yeah I'm good"
    "rather well"
    "goes great"
concept:(im_ok) [
    "~i_am ok"
    "so so"
    "not {too} bad"
    "well enough"
concept:(i_dont_feel_good) [
    "it's not going so well"
    "I don't feel ["{very} well" good "at my best" special great "in "the best" shape"]"
    "I've been better"
    "it goes ["{very rather pretty} poorly" "not {very} well"]"
    "I hurt myself"
    "I hurt {myself}"
    "not {very} well"
    "not good"
    "~i_am_not so good"
    "not super"
    "I'm not in the best shape"
    "I have a [sprain tendonitis break "twisted ankle"]"
    "I [open cut broke] {my}"
    "{super} [bad badly]"
concept:(im_sick) [
    "~i_am {"a little" "a bit" very feeling} [ill sick snuffly queasy congested]"
    "~i_have ["a {"{very} bad"} [headache "sore throat" "stomach ache" cold "stiff neck" "throat infection" "sore throat" strep migraine "stomach [flu ache]" cough]" "an {ear} infection" "the flu" blisters "chicken pox" measles]"
    "~i_am coughing"
    "my head hurts"
concept:(im_tired) [
    "I need to {"go to" "get some"} sleep"
    "["~i_am {feeling}" "I feel"] {suddenly "a [little bit]" very super too} [
        "worn out"
        "knocked out"
        "out of it"
concept:(im_angry) [
    "[~you_are ~it_is] [crazy ugly shitty useless rubbish crap rotten sick stupid idiotic moronic "wide off the mark" "completely mistaken" "half-assed"]
    "~you_are ["an [idiot imbecile]" "a [moron pain numbskull]"]
    "[it that this] sucks"
    "you stink"

##### DAPS #####
    "let's highfive"
    "do a highfive"
    "let's do a highfive"
    "[can could] you shake my [hand hands]?"
    "shake my [hand hands]"
    "{"let's"} do a handshake"
    "let's shake hands"
    "let's [bump pound] it"
    "let's fistbump"
    "do a fistbump"
    "let's do a fistbump"
    "let's lowfive"
    "do a lowfive"
    "let's do a lowfive"
    "["give me" want "want to"] a [hug squeeze]"
    "[can could] you ["hug me" "give me a hug"]?"
    "["hug me" "give me a hug"]"
    "let's {"do a"} hug"
    "come into my arms"

##### WCYD #####
    "that's all?"
    "what else?"
    "[something anything] else?"
    "[do don't] you have {any} more {apps applications activities}?"
    "{please} show me"
    "[can could] you show me?"
    "give me an example"

##### Miscellaneous #####
concept:(proposition_next) ["ask me ["some questions" "another question"]" "["ask me" suggest "tell me"] something" "you [can could] ask me ["some questions" "[a another] question"]" "suggest something {to me}" "talk about something else"]
concept:(happy_human) [wonderful excellent super "too [good cool]" "that's {really} nice" "that's [super good marvelous magnificent awesome]" "it's {very} nice of you" "you're {really very} nice"]
concept:(what_were_you_saying) [
    "what was [the your] question?"
    "what were [we you] [talking chatting speaking] about?"

##### Human inputs #####
concept:(my_name_is) [
    "my [name "first name"] is"
    "you [can could] call me"
    "~i_am named"
    "~i_am known as"
    "{"as for me"} it's"
    "{please} call me"
    "just call me"
    "the name's"
    "the name is"
    "~i_am called"
    "they call me"
concept:(my_name_is_not) [
    "you [misunderstood "didn't [get understand]"] ["my name" "what my name is"]"
    "[that's "this is" "that is"] not my name"
    #"[~names_masc ~names_fem] is not my name"
    "is not my name"
    "~i_am not named"
    "~i_am not known as"
    #"my [name's "name is"] not [~names_masc ~names_fem]"
    "my [name's "name is"] not"
    "{no} ["that isn't" "that's not" "it's not"] my name"
    "{no} my name {still} [isn't "is not"]"
    "{"I [want "would like"] to"} [change modify fix correct] my name"
    "you got my name wrong"
    "["that is" that's] wrong"
    "["that is" that's] [incorrect "not correct"]"
concept:(your_name_is) [
    "your ["name is" name's]"
    "~you_are [named "known as"]"

##### NG ENTITY #####


##### DEPRECATED #####
concept:(confirmation) [~yes]
concept:(negation) [~no]
concept:(simple_neg) [no nah "no no" "no no {and} no" "{no} ["not at all" "absolutely not" "that's [false "not true"]"]" "never {"in my life"}"]
concept:(confirmation_purikura) [yes yeah ok "do it" "go on" "exactly" "of course" "if you'd like" "why not" absolutely assuredly "that's [certain right]" certainly obviously perfect perfectly "very good" "with pleasure" precisely surely understood gladly indeed exactly  "no [problem worries problemo]" exactly "you got it" "you're [too really] good" "good answer" "well [said spoken]" "without a doubt" "no doubt" "not a single doubt" "that's sure" "good idea" "excellent idea" please]
concept: (negation_purikura) ["no {thanks}" "not [really "at all" exactly]" "I'm not interested" "that doesn't interest me" quit stop "I dont [want "want to" wanna]" nah "I'll think about it" "[definitely absolutely] not" "in your dreams" "dream on" "not for ["the time being" "the moment"]" "not right now" "I don't agree" "I don't like [it that]" "{no} ["that'll do" "that will do"] {thanks}" "{no} ["it'll be fine" "it will be fine"] {thanks}" "that's not true" "that's false" "it doesn't concern you" "what are you meddling in" "why does it concern you" "mind your own business" "what's it got to do with you" "never {"in my life"}" "it doesn't tempt me" "I can't relate to that"]
concept:(rooms) [kitchen bathroom toilets "[living dining rec recreational rumpus] room" bedroom closet basement attic den office foyer patio backyard front yard room]
concept:(its_difficult) "{wait "hold on"} [it's "this is"] {super ultra too} [difficult hard]"
concept:(what_is_that) ["what's that" "what is {that}" explain "explain to me {"what that is"}"]
concept:(I_am_astro) ["I am" I'm "{"I think"} ["that was" "it was" "that is" that's "it is" it's]"]
concept:(insult_astro) ["you {little dirty} [boot-licker suck-up toadie]" "don't think you can fool me like that" "you think you've got me" "you won't fool me like that"]
concept:(affirmation_soso) ["that's a half truth" "one part truth one part lie" "not one or the other" "not entirely true"]
concept:(like_drink_food) ["I [love "{really} like"] {drinking "to drink"}" "I'm crazy about" "I'm nuts about" "I'm a big drinker"]
concept:(to_like_season) ["I {really} like" "I'm crazy about" it's "it is" that's "that is"]
concept:(mybirthday) ["I was born {on the "on the"}" "it's {on the "on the"}" "my birthday is {on the "on the"}"]
concept:(like_to_eat) "["I adore" "I really like" "I love" "I'm nuts about eating" "I'm a big eater of" "I'm crazy about"] {[a some] good}"
concept:(have_eaten) ["I ate" "I've eaten" "I scarfed" "I stuffed my pie hole" "I threw down"]
concept:(how_about) "[what how "tell me more"] about"
concept:(what_is_the_meaning_of) "what ["is the [meaning definition] of" "do you mean by" "does it mean" means]"
concept:(why) ["why {"on earth"}" "how comes" "how ["is it" "can it be"] possible that"]
concept:(sportslist) [dance volleyball handball soccer football basketball swimming skiing "{stationary} bike" gymnastics gym weightlifting cardio stepclass pilates yoga jazzercise "body pump" "strength training" cycling]
concept:(sportplaces) [beach mountains mountain ocean sea seaside ski resort forest woods "{swimming} pool" fishing vacation]
concept:(music) "{classical} music"
concept:(instrument)[violin drums cello piano battery "{double} bass {recorder}" "{transverse} flute" piccolo clarinet saxophone trumpet harp alto harpsichord harp "{electric} guitar" kettledrum organ accordion harmonica bassoon viola]

concept:(likeanimals)[~i_like it's "that is"]
concept:(its_long) [~it_is]
concept:(difficult) [~its_difficult]
concept:(whatsthat) [~what_is_that]
concept:(idonthave) [~i_have_not]
concept:(talk) [~lets_talk_about]
concept:(different) [different another]
concept:(wanna) [
    "[want wish "would [like love]"] to"
concept:(notmyname) [
    "you [misunderstood "didn't [get understand]"] ["my name" "what my name is"]"
    "[that's "this is" "that is"] not my name"
    "~i_am not named"
    "~i_am not known as"
    "{no} ["that isn't" "that's not" "it's not"] my name"
    "{no} my name {still} [isn't "is not"]"
    "{"I [want "would like"] to"} [change modify fix correct] my name"
    "you got my name wrong"
    "my [name "first name"] is"
    "you [can could] call me"
    "~i_am named"
    "~i_am known as"
    "{"as for me"} it's"
    "{please} call me"
concept:(whatprice_of) [~how_much_is]
concept:(whatpricce) [~how_much_is]
concept:(nice) [~happy_human]
concept:(too) [
    "me too"
    "me the same"
    "same {"for me"}"
concept:(whats_his_name) [
    "~what_is the [name title] of {the this that}"
    "what ["is the name of" "is [his her its] name"]"
concept:(whats_your_name) [~what_is_your_name]
concept:(ask_to_be_familiar_with) [~who_is]
concept:(happy_user) [~happy_human]
concept:(restart_it) [~restart_application]
concept:(i_dont_understand) [~i_didnt_understand]
concept:(robot_didnt_understand) [~you_didnt_understand]
concept:(stupid_question) [~its_a_stupid_question]
concept:(a_little_bit) [
    "a {little "really little"} bit"
    "not a lot"
concept:(adj_addicted) [~addicted]
concept:(adj_total) [~complete]
concept:(adj_size) [~size]
concept:(its) [~it_is]
concept:(itsnot) [~it_is_not]
concept:(cannot) [~cant]
concept:(couldnot) [~couldnt]
concept:(whats) [~what_is]
concept:(whos) [~who_is]
concept:(where_are) ["where are"]
concept:(thats) ["that is" that's]
concept:(thatsnot) ["that is not" "that's not" "that isn't"]
concept:(weare) [~we_are]
concept:(wearenot) [~we_are_not]
concept:(iam) [~i_am]
concept:(ive) [~i_have]
concept:(iamnot) [~i_am_not]
concept:(ivenot) [~i_have_not]
concept:(ididnot) [~i_did_not]
concept:(ihaveto) [~i_have_to]
concept:(youvenot) [~you_have_not]
concept:(youdonot) [~you_do_not]
concept:(youdidnot) [~you_did_not]
concept:(youwillnot) [~you_will_not]

concept:(its_up_to_you) [
    "{~it_is} up to you"
    "[whatever whichever anything] {"you want"}"
    "you [choose pick decide]"
    "[decide "pick {one}" choose] for me"
    "as you [wish want]"

concept:(do_it_again) [
    "[do replay] [it this that] [again "one more time"]"
    "[redo restart] [it this that]"

"not your business"
"{it's} none of your business"
"it doesn't involve you"
"why do you give a shit"
"what are you getting involved in"
"what do you give a shit about"
"mind your own business"
"what's it got to do with you"

##### NUMBER #####
concept:(number_0_100)["0 $num=0" "zero $num=0" "1 $num=1" "one $num=1" "2 $num=2" "two $num=2" "3 $num=3" "three $num=3" "4 $num=4" "four $num=4" "5 $num=5" "five $num=5" "6 $num=6" "six $num=6" "7 $num=7" "seven $num=7" "8 $num=8" "eight $num=8" "9 $num=9" "nine $num=9" "10 $num=10" "ten $num=10" "11 $num=11" "eleven $num=11" "12 $num=12" "twelve $num=12" "13 $num=13" "thirteen $num=13" "14 $num=14" "fourteen $num=14" "15 $num=15" "fifteen $num=15" "16 $num=16" "sixteen $num=16" "17 $num=17" "seventeen $num=17" "18 $num=18" "eighteen $num=18" "19 $num=19" "nineteen $num=19" "20 $num=20" "twenty $num=20" "21 $num=21" "twenty-one $num=21" "22 $num=22" "twenty-two $num=22" "23 $num=23" "twenty-three $num=23" "24 $num=24" "twenty-four $num=24" "25 $num=25" "twenty-five $num=25" "26 $num=26" "twenty-six $num=26" "27 $num=27" "twenty-seven $num=27" "28 $num=28" "twenty-eight $num=28" "29 $num=29" "twenty-nine $num=29" "30 $num=30" "thirty $num=30" "31 $num=31" "thirty-one $num=31" "32 $num=32" "thirty-two $num=32" "33 $num=33" "thirty-three $num=33" "34 $num=34" "thirty-four $num=34" "35 $num=35" "thirty-five $num=35" "36 $num=36" "thirty-six $num=36" "37 $num=37" "thirty-seven $num=37" "38 $num=38" "thirty-eight $num=38" "39 $num=39" "thirty-nine $num=39" "40 $num=40" "forty $num=40" "41 $num=41" "forty-one $num=41" "42 $num=42" "forty-two $num=42" "43 $num=43" "forty-three $num=43" "44 $num=44" "forty-four $num=44" "45 $num=45" "forty-five $num=45" "46 $num=46" "forty-six $num=46" "47 $num=47" "forty-seven $num=47" "48 $num=48" "forty-eight $num=48" "49 $num=49" "forty-nine $num=49" "50 $num=50" "fifty $num=50" "51 $num=51" "fifty-one $num=51" "52 $num=52" "fifty-two $num=52" "53 $num=53" "fifty-three $num=53" "54 $num=54" "fifty-four $num=54" "55 $num=55" "fifty-five $num=55" "56 $num=56" "fifty-six $num=56" "57 $num=57" "fifty-seven $num=57" "58 $num=58" "fifty-eight $num=58" "59 $num=59" "fifty-nine $num=59" "60 $num=60" "sixty $num=60" "61 $num=61" "sixty-one $num=61" "62 $num=62" "sixty-two $num=62" "63 $num=63" "sixty-three $num=63" "64 $num=64" "sixty-four $num=64" "65 $num=65" "sixty-five $num=65" "66 $num=66" "sixty-six $num=66" "67 $num=67" "sixty-seven $num=67" "68 $num=68" "sixty-eight $num=68" "69 $num=69" "sixty-nine $num=69" "70 $num=70" "seventy $num=70" "71 $num=71" "seventy-one $num=71" "72 $num=72" "seventy-two $num=72" "73 $num=73" "seventy-three $num=73" "74 $num=74" "seventy-four $num=74" "75 $num=75" "seventy-five $num=75" "76 $num=76" "seventy-six $num=76" "77 $num=77" "seventy-seven $num=77" "78 $num=78" "seventy-eight $num=78" "79 $num=79" "seventy-nine $num=79" "80 $num=80" "eighty $num=80" "81 $num=81" "eighty-one $num=81" "82 $num=82" "eighty-two $num=82" "83 $num=83" "eighty-three $num=83" "84 $num=84" "eighty-four $num=84" "85 $num=85" "eighty-five $num=85" "86 $num=86" "eighty-six $num=86" "87 $num=87" "eighty-seven $num=87" "88 $num=88" "eighty-eight $num=88" "89 $num=89" "eighty-nine $num=89" "90 $num=90" "ninety $num=90" "91 $num=91" "ninety-one $num=91" "92 $num=92" "ninety-two $num=92" "93 $num=93" "ninety-three $num=93" "94 $num=94" "ninety-four $num=94" "95 $num=95" "ninety-five $num=95" "96 $num=96" "ninety-six $num=96" "97 $num=97" "ninety-seven $num=97" "98 $num=98" "ninety-eight $num=98" "99 $num=99" "ninety-nive $num=99" "100 $num=100" "one hundred $num=100"]

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59]

##### PEOPLE #####
"{Adolf} Hitler"
"Kim Jong-Un"
"{Barack} Obama"
"Donald Trump"
"Hilary Clinton"
"Bill Clinton"
"Emmanuel Macron"
"François Holland"
"{Nicolas} Sarkozy"
"Justin Trudeau"
"Ben Carson"
"Bernie Sanders"
"{Vladimir} Putin"
"Malcolm Turnbull"
"Pierre Trudeau"
"Ronald Reagan"
"Abraham Lincoln"
"Ted Cruz"
"{George} Washington"
"{Thodore} Roosevelt"
"Arnold Shwarzenegger"
"George {w} Bush"
"Beau Biden"
"{Joseph} Stalin"
"Alexander Hamilton"
"Thomas Jefferson"
"Marco Rubio"
"Narendra Modi"
"{Nelson} Mandela"
"{the} Dalai Lama"
"Jimmy Carter"
"Richard Nixon"
"John McCain"
"Margaret Thatcher"
"Saddam Hussein"
"Joe Biden"
"{"Dwight {D}"} Eisenhower"
"David Cameron"
"Angela Merkel"
"Jawaharlal Nehru"
"Mao {Zedong}"
"Lyndon {B} Johnson"
"{Vladimir} Lenin"
"Andrew Jackson"
"James Madison"
"Woodrow Wilson"
"Benjamin Disraeli"
"Fidel Castro"
"Jesse Ventura"
"{Benito} Mussolini"
"Indira Gandhi"
"John Adams"
"Aung San Suu kyi"
"Trey Gowdy"
"Roman Abramovich"
"Grover Cleveland"
"Oliver Cromwell"
"Gerald Ford"
"Harry {s} Truman"
"Ulysses {s} Grant"
"Subbahs Chandra Bose"
"Benjamin Netanyahu"
"Tony Blair"
"Henry Kissinger"
"{Mikhail} Gorbachev"
"François Holland"
"Otto von Bismarck"
"John Goebbels"
"Bobby Jindal"
"Recep Tayyip Erdogan"
"Yasser Arafat"
"Shinzo Abe"
"Aaron Burr"
"Robert {f} Kennedy"
"Kim Jong-il"
"Leon Trotsky"
"Nikita Khruschchev"
"Dick Cheney"
"Mauricio Macri"
"Herbert Hoover"
"Jerry Springer"
"Nawaz Sharif"
"William McKinley"
"Eleanor Roosevelt"
"Karl Dönitz"
"{John} Quincy Adams"
"Sarah Palin"
"Walter Raleigh"
"Muhammad Ali Jinnah"
"Pranad Mukherjee"
"Warren {g} Harding"
"Joseph McCarthy"
"Chiang Kai-shek"
"William Howard Taft"
"Boris Yeltsin"
"Chris Christie"
"Park Geun-hye"
"Enrique Pena Nieto"
"Ron Paul"
"Nicolas Sarkozy"
"Benigno Aquino 3"
"Nicolas Maduro"
"Andrew Johnson"
"Otto Perez Molina"
"Calvin Coolidge"
"Hugo Chavez"
"Martin Bormann"
"Ferdinand Marcos"
"Robert Mugabe"
"Christina Fernandez de Kirchner"
"Ho Chi Minh"
"Ali Khamenei"
"William Henry Harrison"
"Condoleeza Rice"
"James {A} Garfield"
"{Cardinal} Richelieu"
"James Buchanan"
"Lal Bahadur Shastri"
"Joe Clark"
"Fulgencio Batista"
"Ross Perot"
"Jefferson Davis"
"Booker {T} Washington"
"Mohamed Morsi"
"Martin Van Buren"
"Boris Johnson"
"Yitzhak Rabin"
"Lee Hsien Loong"
"James {k} Polk"
"Jean Chrétien"
"James Monroe"
"William Wilberforce"
"Josip Broz Tito"
"Neville Chamberlain"
"Leonid Brezhnev"
"Zachary Taylor"
"George Wallace"
"Gamal Abdel Nasser"
"Benazir Bhutto"
"Bal Gangadhar Tilak"
"Nursultan Nazarbayev"
"Mariano Rajoy"
"Jerry Brown"
"{MG} Ramachandran"
"Goodluck Jonathan"
"John {C} Calhoun"
"Marcus Garvey"
"Yoweri Museveni"
"Ayaan Hirsi Ali"
"John Tyler"
"Gordon Brown"
"Sheikh Mujibur Rahman"
"Rafael Correa"
"Fred Thompson"
"Atal Bihari Vajpayee"
"Henry Clay"
"Jacob Zuma"
"Arthur Wellesley"
"1st Duke of Wellington"
"Ilham Aliyev"
"Dilma Rousseff"
"Raul Castro"
"Sonia Ghandi"
"Franklin Pierce"
"Kofi Annan"
"David Crockett"
"Joko Widodo"
"Bob Dole"
"John Hancock"
"Hu Jintao"
"Ariel Sharon"
"Imelda Marcos"
"Patrick Henry"
"Pablo Neruda"
"Dalia Grybauskaite"
"Rutherford {b} Hayes"
"Dan Quayle"
"Nelson Rockefeller"
"Tony Tan"
"Silvio Berlusconi"
"Mahmoud Ahmadinejad"
"Chester {A} Arthur"
"Helmut Kohl"
"Benjamin Harrison"
"John Glenn"
"David Lloyd George"
"Golda Meir"
"José Mujica"
"David Duke"
"Harvey Milk"
"William Jennings Bryan"
"Hassan Rouhani"
"Almazbek Atambayev"
"Corazon Aquino"
"Clement Attlee"
"Ma ying-jeou"
"Napoleon Bonaparte"

"arabic $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangArabic"
"berber $available_language=0"
"algerian {arabic} $available_language=0"
"egyptian {arabic} $available_language=0"
"chinese $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangChinese"
"cantonese $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangCantoneseHK"
"[yue yueh] {chinese} $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangCantoneseHK"
"gan chinese $available_language=0"
"hakka {chinese} $available_language=0"
"kejia {chinese} $available_language=0"
"jin {chinese} $available_language=0"
"["standard chinese" mandarin "{modern} standard mandarin"] $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangChinese"
"nothern min {chinese} $available_language=0"
"[min miin] chinese $available_language=0"
"wu chinese $available_language=0"
"[hunanese "Xiang {chinese}" "hsiang {chinese}"] $available_language=0"
"german $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangGerman"
"amharic $available_language=0"
"english $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangEnglish"
"[assamese asamiya] $available_language=0"
"awadhi $available_language=0"
"[azerbaijani azeri "azeri turkic" "azeri turkish"] $available_language=0"
"[bengali bangla] $available_language=0"
"bhojpuri $available_language=0"
"burmese $available_language=0"
"belarussian $available_language=0"
"chhattisgarhi $available_language=0"
"[chittagonian "chittagong bangla" chatgaya] $available_language=0"
"croatian $available_language=0"
"korean $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangKorean"
"danish $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangDanish"
"[dakhini dakkani deccani] $available_language=0"
"[spanish castilian] $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangSpanish"
"[farsi persian] $available_language=0"
"filipino $available_language=0"
"finnish $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangFinnish"
"["flemish dutch" "belgian dutch" "southern dutch"] $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangDutch"
"french $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangFrench"
"gujarati $available_language=0"
"greek $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangGreek"
"hausa $available_language=0"
"haryanvi $available_language=0"
"[hindi "modern standard hindi"] $available_language=0"
"[hollandic hollandish] $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangDutch"
"hungarian $available_language=0"
"igbo $available_language=0"
"indonesian $available_language=0"
"italian $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangItalian"
"japanese $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangJapanese"
"javanese $available_language=0"
"[kannada canarese kanarese] $available_language=0"
"madurese $available_language=0"
"[magahi magadhi] $available_language=0"
"maithili $available_language=0"
"malay $available_language=0"
"malayalam $available_language=0"
"marathi $available_language=0"
"marwari $available_language=0"
"dutch $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangDutch"
"[nepali gurkha gorkhali gurkhali khaskura] $available_language=0"
"[norwegian norsk] $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangNorwegian"
"[oriya odia] $available_language=0"
"[urdu "modern standard urdu"] $available_language=0"
"uzbek $available_language=0"
"punjabi $available_language=0"
"polish $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangPolish"
"portuguese $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangPortuguese"
"[romanian rumanian roumanian] $available_language=0"
"russian $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangRussian"
"[saraiki siraiki seraiki]  $available_language=0"
"serbian $available_language=0"
"sindhi $available_language=0"
"sinhalese $available_language=0"
"swedish $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangSwedish"
"sundanese $available_language=0"
"tamil $available_language=0"
"czech $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangCzech"
"telugu $available_language=0"
"[thai "central thai" siamese] $available_language=0"
"turkish $available_language=$Dialog/Language/LangTurkish"
"ukrainian $available_language=0"
"vietnamese $available_language=0"
"[visayan bisaya binisaya] $available_language=0"
"yoruba $available_language=0"
"["sign language" "signed language" "ASL" "amerian sign language"] $available_language=0"

"ASL" "african" "algerian {arabic}" "american sign language" "amharic" "arabic" "asamiya" "asian" "assamese" "awadhi" "azerbaijani" "azeri" "azeri turkic" "azeri turkish" "bangla" "belarussian" "belgian dutch" "bengali" "berber" "bhojpuri" "binisaya" "bisaya" "burmese" "canarese" "cantonese" "castilian" "central thai" "chatgaya" "chhattisgarhi" "chinese" "chittagong bangla" "chittagonian" "croatian" "czech" "dakhini" "dakkani" "danish" "deccani" "dutch" "egyptian {arabic}" "english" "european" "farsi" "filipino" "finnish" "flemish dutch" "french sign language" "french" "FSL" "gan chinese" "german" "gorkhali" "greek" "gujarati" "gurkha" "gurkhali" "hakka {chinese}" "haryanvi" "hausa" "hsiang {chinese}" "hindi" "hollandish" "hollandic" "hunanese" "hungarian" "igbo" "indonesian" "italian" "japanese" "japanese sign language" "javanese" "jin {chinaese}" "JSL" "kanarese" "kannada" "kejia {chinese}" "khaskura" "korean" "madurese" "magadhi" "magahi" "maithili" "malay" "malayalam" "mandarin" "marathi" "marwari" "[min miin] {chinese}" "modern standard hindi" "{modern} standard mandarin" "modern standard urdu" "moroccan" "nepali" "nothern min {chinese}" "norsk" "norwegian" "odia" "oriya" "persian" "polish" "portuguese" "punjabi" "romanian" "roumanian" "rumanian" "russian" "saraiki" "seraiki" "serbian" "siamese" "sign language" "signed language" "sindhi" "sinhalese" "siraiki" "southern dutch" "spanish" "standard chinese" "sundanese" "swedish" "tamil" "telugu" "thai" "turkish" "ukrainian" "urdu" "uzbek" "visayan" "vietnamese" "wu chinese" "Xiang {chinese}" "[yue yueh] {chinese}" "yoruba"

"arabic $lang=Arabic"
"czech $lang=Czech"
"danish $lang=Danish"
"greek $lang=Greek"
"korean $lang=Korean"
"german $lang=German"
"english $lang=English"
"spanish $lang=Spanish"
"finnish $lang=Finnish"
"french $lang=French"
"italian $lang=Italian"
"dutch $lang=Dutch"
"chinese $lang=Chinese"
"japanese $lang=Japanese"
"norwegian $lang=Norwegian"
"polish $lang=Polish"
"brazilian $lang=Brazilian"
"portuguese $lang=Portuguese"
"russian $lang=Russian"
"swedish $lang=Swedish"
"turkish $lang=Turkish"
"taiwanese mandarin $lang="Taiwanese Mandarin""

"an ASL"
"an african"
"an algerian {arabic}"
"an amharic"
"an arabic"
"an asamiya"
"an asian"
"an assamese"
"an awadhi"
"an azerbaijani"
"an azeri"
"an azeri turkic"
"an azeri turkish"
"a bangla"
"a belarussian"
"a belgian dutch"
"a bengali"
"a berber"
"a bhojpuri"
"a binisaya"
"a bisaya"
"a burmese"
"a canarese"
"a cantonese"
"a castilian"
"a central thai"
"a chatgaya"
"a chhattisgarhi"
"a chinese"
"a chittagong bangla"
"a chittagonian"
"a croatian"
"a czech"
"a dakhini"
"a dakkani"
"a danish"
"a deccani"
"a dutch"
"an Egyptian {arabic}"
"an English"
"an European"
"a farsi"
"a filipino"
"a finnish"
"a flemish dutch"
"a french sign language"
"a french"
"a FSL"
"a gan chinese"
"a german"
"a gorkhali"
"a greek"
"a gujarati"
"a gurkha"
"a gurkhali"
"a hakka {chinese}"
"a haryanvi"
"a hausa"
"a hsiang {chinese}"
"a hindi"
"a hollandish"
"a hollandic"
"a hunanese"
"a hungarian"
"an igbo"
"an indonesian"
"an italian"
"a japanese"
"a japanese sign language"
"a javanese"
"a jin {chinaese}"
"a JSL"
"a Kanarese"
"a Kannada"
"a Kejia {chinese}"
"a Khaskura"
"a Korean"
"a madurese"
"a magadhi"
"a magahi"
"a maithili"
"a malay"
"a malayalam"
"a mandarin"
"a marathi"
"a marwari"
"[min miin] {chinese}"
"a modern standard hindi"
"{modern} standard mandarin"
"a modern standard urdu"
"a moroccan"
"nothern min {chinese}"
"an odia"
"an oriya"
"a persian"
"a polish"
"a portuguese"
"a punjabi"
"a romanian"
"a roumanian"
"a rumanian"
"a russian"
"a saraiki"
"a seraiki"
"a serbian"
"a siamese"
"a sign language"
"a signed language"
"a sindhi"
"a sinhalese"
"a siraiki"
"a southern dutch"
"a spanish"
"a standard chinese"
"a sundanese"
"a swedish"
"a tamil"
"a telugu"
"a thai"
"a turkish"
"an ukrainian"
"an urdu"
"an uzbek"
"a visayan"
"a vietnamese"
"a wu chinese"
"a Xiang {chinese}"
"a [yue yueh] {chinese}"
"a yoruba"

"algerian {arabic}"
"american sign language"
"azeri turkic"
"azeri turkish"
"belgian dutch"
"central thai"
"chittagong bangla"
"egyptian {arabic}"
"flemish dutch"
"french sign language"
"gan chinese"
"hakka {chinese}"
"hsiang {chinese}"
"japanese sign language"
"jin {chinaese}"
"kejia {chinese}"
"[min miin] {chinese}"
"modern standard hindi"
"{modern} standard mandarin"
"modern standard urdu"
"nothern min {chinese}"
"sign language"
"signed language"
"southern dutch"
"standard chinese"
"wu chinese"
"Xiang {chinese}"
"[yue yueh] {chinese}"

#fictional languages#
"adunaic $temp/reference=tolkien"
"atlantean $temp/reference="atlantis the lost empire""
"baronh $temp/reference="cresh of the stars""
"barsoomian $temp/reference="john carter""
"black speech $temp/reference=tolkien"
"bordurian $temp/reference=tintin"
"commonn eldarin $temp/reference=tolkien"
"dothraki $temp/reference="game of throne""
"entish $temp/reference=tolkien"
"enchanta $temp/reference=Encantadia"
"elvish $temp/reference="tolkien""
"goa uld $temp/reference=stargate"
"goldogrin $temp/reference=tolkien"
"ilkorin $temp/reference=tolkien"
"khuzdul $temp/reference=tolkien"
"kilikili $temp/reference="baahubali the beginning""
"klingon $temp/reference="star trek""
"kobaian $temp/reference=magma"
"ku $temp/reference="the interpreter""
"laadan $temp/reference="native tongue""
"lapine $temp/reference="watership down""
"loxian $temp/reference=enya"
"moss $temp/reference="jockson moore""
"nadsat $temp/reference="a clockwork orange""
"navi $temp/reference=avatar"
"newspeak $temp/reference="nineteen eighty-four""
"pakuni $temp/reference="land of the lost""
"parseltongue $temp/reference="harry potter""
"primitive quendian $temp/reference=tolkien"
"quenya $temp/reference=tolkien"
"rohirric $temp/reference=tolkien"
"shivaisith $temp/reference=thor"
"sindari $temp/reference=tolkienn"
"spocanian $temp/reference="rolandt tweehuysen""
"starsza mowa $temp/reference="the witcher""
"syldavian $temp/reference=tintin"
"taliska $temp/reference=tolkien"
"tantalog $temp/reference="lilo and stitch""
"telerin $temp/reference=tolkien"
"tenctonese $temp/reference="alien nation""
"verbis diablo $temp/reference="penny dreadful""
"valyrian $temp/reference="game of throne""
"vulcan language $temp/reference="star trek""
"westron $temp/reference=tolkien"
"zaum $temp/reference="velimir khlebnikov""

"Afro beat {music} $context=music"
"Classical {music} $context=music"
"Country {music} $context=music"
"Disco {music} $context=music"
"Dub {music} $context=music"
"Funk {music} $context=music"
"Hip-Hop music $context=music"
"Hip-Hop $context=maybe_music $context2=dance"
"Punk {music} $context=music"
"[Rock "Rock'n'roll"] $context=music"
"Techno {music} $context=music"
"Bossa nova $context=music"
"Metal $context=maybe_music $context2=material"
"Opera $context=music"
"Electro $context=music"
"House music $context=music"
"Electro music $context=music"
"Contemporaty music $context=music"
"Gospel $context=music"
"Jazz $context=music"
"Rap $context=music"
"Reggae $context=music"
"Soul music $context=music"

"2-step garage" "2 tone" "4-beat" "12-bar blues" "50s progression" "a cappella" "acid breaks" "acid house" "acid jazz" "acid rock" "acid techno" "acid trance" "acoustic" "adult contemporary" "afrobeat" "afro-cuban jazz" "afropop" "aguinaldo" "aleatoric" "alternative country" "alternative dance" "alternative hip hop" "alternative metal" "alternative r&b" "alternative rock" "ambient" "ambient house" "americana" "anarcho-punk" "anasheed" "ancient" "anatolian rock" "anime" "anti-folk" "apala" "arabic pop" "argentine rock" "ars antiqua" "ars nova" "ars subtilior" "art pop" "art punk" "art rock" "artcore " "ashik" "assyrian pop music" "australian country" "australian pub rock" "australian hip hop" "avant-garde" "avant-garde jazz" "avant-garde metal" "avant-punk" "axé" "bachata" "baggy" "baguala" "baião" "bakersfield sound" "baila" "baisha xiyue" "bajourou" "bal-musette" "balakadri" "balinese gamelan" "balearic beat" "balearic house" "balkan brass band" "ballad" "ballata" "ballet" "baltimore club" "bambuco" "banda" "bangsawan" "bantowbol" "barbershop" "barcarolle" "barn dance" "baroque" "baroque pop" "barynya" "bass" "bassline" "batá-rumba" "batucada" "baul" "beach" "beat" "beatboxing" "beautiful" "bebop" "beguine" "biguine" "beiguan" "bel canto" "bend-skin" "benga" "bent edge" "berejú" "berlin school" "bhajan" "bhangra" "bhangragga" "big band" "big beat" "biguine" "blackened death metal" "black metal" "black midi" "bluegrass" "blue-eyed soul" "blues" "blues ballad" "blues rock" "biomusic" "bitpop" "bihu" "boogaloo" "boenke-boenke" "boi" "bossa nova" "bounce" "bouncy techno" "brass" "breakbeat" "breakbeat hardcore" "breakcore" "breakstep" "brega" "breton" "brill building sound" "brit funk" "britpop" "british blues" "british folk rock" "british invasion" "broken beat" "brostep" "brown-eyed soul" "brukdown" "bubblegum dance" "bubblegum pop" "bullerengue" "bikutsi" "bulerías" "bunraku" "burger-highlife" "burgundian school" "bush ballad" "byzantine" "ca din tulnic" "ca trù" "cabaret" "cadence-lypso" "cadence rampa" "cải lương" "cajun" "cakewalk" "calinda" "čalgija" "calypso" "calypso-style baila" "campursari" "can can" "candombe" "canon" "cantata" "cante chico" "cante jondo" "canterbury scene" "cantiñas" "cantiga" "canto livre" "cantopop" "canzone napoletana" "capoeira" "carimbó" "cariso" "carnatic" "carol" "cartageneras" "carnavalito" "cavacha" "celempungan" "cello rock" "celtic" "celtic fusion" "celtic hip hop" "celtic metal" "celtic punk" "celtic reggae" "celtic rock" "cha-cha-cha" "chacarera" "chakacha" "chalga" "chamamé" "chamarrita" "chamber" "chamber jazz" "chamber pop" "champeta" "changüí" "chanson" "chant" "chap hop" "charanga" "charanga-vallenata" "charikawi" "charleston" "chastushka" "chầu văn" "chèo" "children's music" "chicago blues" "chicago house" "chicago soul" "chicken scratch" "chill-out" "chillwave" "chinese music" "chinese rock" "chiptune" "chouval bwa" "chowtal" "choro" "christmas carol" "christmas music" "christian electronic" "christian alternative rock" "christian country" "christian hardcore" "christian hip hop" "christian metal" "christian music" "christian punk" "christian rock" "christian ska" "chylandyk" "chula" "chumba" "church music" "chut-kai-pang" "chutney" "chutney soca" "cifra" "cielito" "classic country" "classic female blues" "classical" "classical period" "close harmony" "coladeira" "coldwave" "combined rhythm" "comedy music" "comedy rap" "comedy rock" "comic opera" "compas" "concerto" "concerto grosso" "conga" "conjunto" "contemporary christian music" "contemporary r&b" "contradanza" "cool jazz" "coon song" "corrido" "country" "country blues" "country folk" "country pop" "country rap" "country rock" "coupé-décalé" "cowpunk" "cretan" "crossover thrash" "crunk" "crunkcore" "crust punk" "csárdás" "cuándo" "cuarteto" "cueca" "cumbia" "cumbia villera" "currulao" "cybergrind" "dabke" "dadra" "dadra tala" "daina" "daina" "dance" "dance-pop" "dance-punk" "dance-rock" "dancehall" "dangdut" "danger" "dansband" "danza" "danzón" "dappan koothu" "dark ambient" "dark cabaret" "darkcore" "dark pop" "dark rock" "darkstep" "dark wave" "de dragoste" "deathcore" "deathgrind" "death industrial" "death metal" "death doom" "death rock" "décima" "delta blues" "deep funk" "deep house" "dementia" "descarga" "desi" "detroit blues" "detroit techno" "dhamar" "dhrupad" "dhun" "diablada" "digital hardcore" "dirge" "dirty rap" "disco" "disco polo" "diva house" "dixieland" "djent" "doina" "dondang sayang" "donegal" "dongjing" "doo-wop" "doom metal" "downtempo" "dream pop" "drone metal" "drill music" "drone" "drum and bass" "drumstep" "dub" "dubtronica" "dubstep" "dubstyle" "dunun" "dunedin sound" "dutch jazz" "early" "east coast blues" "east coast hip hop" "easy listening" "electric blues" "electro" "electro backbeat" "electro blues" "electro house" "electro-industrial" "electro swing" "electroclash" "electronic body music" "electronic dance" "electronic music" "electronic rock" "electronica" "electronicore" "electropop" "electropunk" "electrostep" "elevator music" "emo" "emo pop" "enka" "epic" "eremwu" "ethereal wave" "eurobeat" "eurodance" "euro disco" "euro house" "europop" "eurotrance" "exotica" "experimental" "experimental hip hop" "experimental pop" "experimental rock" "extreme metal" "fado" "falak" "fandango" "farruca" "festejo" "filk" "film score" "filmi" "filmi-ghazal" "fingerstyle" "flamenco" "florida breaks" "folk jazz" "folk metal" "folk" "folk pop" "folk punk" "folk rock" "folktronica" "forró" "foxtrot" "franco-country" "freakbeat" "freak folk" "free improvisation" "free jazz" "freestyle" "free tekno" "french house" "frevo" "fuji" "full on trance" "funaná" "funeral doom" "funk" "funk metal" "funk rock" "funky house" "furniture music" "fusion jazz" "future garage" "future bass" "futurepop" "g-funk" "gaana" "gabber" "gagaku" "gaita zuliana" "galant" "gamelan" "gamelan bebonangan" "gamelan degung" "gamelan gong kebyar" "gamelan salendro" "gamelan selunding" "gamelan semar pegulingan" "gammaldans" "gandrung" "gangster rap" "gar" "garba" "garage house" "garage rock" "gato" "gavotte" "gender wayang" "german folk" "ghazal" "ghetto house" "ghettotech" "girl group" "glam metal" "glam punk" "glam rock" "glitch" "gnawa" "go-go" "goa trance" "gong chime" "goombay" "goregrind" "goshu ondo" "gospel" "gothic metal" "gothic rock" "grebo" "gregorian chant" "grime" "grindcore" "groove metal" "group sounds" "grunge" "grupera" "guarania" "guajira" "gumbe" "gunchei" "gunka" "guoyue" "gwo ka" "modern gwo ka" "gypsy jazz" "gypsy punk" "habanera" "halling" "hambo" "hamburger schule" "happy hardcore" "haqibah" "hardcore hip hop" "hardcore punk" "hardcore techno" "hard bop" "hard house" "hard rock" "hardstep" "hardstyle" "hard trance" "harmonica blues" "hasapiko" "hát tuồng" "heartland rock" "heavy metal" "hi-nrg" "highlife" "hiplife" "hip hop" "hip house" "hindustani classical" "hiragasy" "honky-tonk" "honkyoku" "hora" "hora lungă" "hornpipe" "horrorcore" "horror punk" "house" "huayño" "huella" "hula" "humppa" "hunguhungu" "hyangak" "hymn" "hyphy" "icaro" "igbo" "illbient" "impressionist" "improvisational" "incidental" "indietronica" "indie folk" "indie" "indie pop" "indie rock" "indo jazz" "industrial death metal" "industrial hip hop" "industrial" "industrial musical" "industrial metal" "industrial rock" "instrumental" "instrumental rock" "intelligent dance" "inuit" "irish folk" "irish rebel" "isicathamiya" "islamic music" "isolationist" "italo dance" "italo disco" "italo house" "izvorna bosanska" "j-pop" "j-rock" "jaipongan" "jam" "jamrieng samai" "jangle pop" "japanoise" "jarana yucateca" "jarocho" "jawaiian" "jazz" "jazz blues" "jazz-funk" "jazz fusion" "jazz rap" "jazz-rock" "jegog" "jenkka" "jesus" "jig" "jing ping" "jingle" "jit" "jitterbug" "jive" "joged" "joged bumbung" "joik" "joropo" "jota" "jug" "juke joint blues" "jùjú" "jump blues" "jumpstyle" "jungle" "junkanoo" "k-pop" "kaba" "kabuki" "kagok" "kaiso" "kalamatianó" "kan ha diskan" "kansas city blues" "kantrum" "kargyraa" "kaseko" "kachāshī" "kawachi ondo" "kawaii metal" "karaoke" "kayōkyoku" "kecak" "kacapi suling" "kertok" "khaleeji" "khene" "khyal" "khoomei" "kirtan" "kiwi rock" "kizomba" "klapa" "klasik" "klezmer" "kliningan" "kolomyjka" "komagaku" "kpanlogo" "kpop" "krakowiak" "krautrock" "kriti" "kroncong" "kuduro" "kulintang" "kundiman" "kvæði" "kwaito" "kwassa kwassa" "kwela" "laiko" "lambada" "landó" "latin metal" "latin music" "latin pop" "latin swing" "lavani" "legényes" "letkajenkka" "lhamo" "lied" "light" "liquid funk" "liquindi" "lo-fi" "logobi" "loncomeo" "long song" "louisiana blues" "lounge" "lovers rock" "lowercase" "lubbock sound" "luk krung" "luk thung" "lullaby" "lundu" "lust" "madchester" "madrigal" "mafioso rap" "mahori" "makossa" "malhun" "maloya" "malambo" "mambo" "manaschi" "mandopop" "manele" "mangue bit" "manila sound" "mapouka" "marabi" "maracatu" "mariachi" "marrabenta" "martial industrial" "maskanda" "marinera" "martinetes" "mass" "matamuerte" "mathcore" "math rock" "maxixe" "mazurka" "mbalax" "mbaqanga" "mbube" "meditation" "medieval folk rock" "medieval metal" "medieval" "mejoranera" "malhun" "melam" "melodic hardcore" "melodic metalcore" "melodic" "memphis blues" "memphis soul" "mento" "merengue" "merengue típico" "méringue" "metalcore" "mexican rock" "meykhana" "mezwed" "miami bass" "microhouse" "mini-jazz" "minuet" "milonga" "milongón" "min'yō" "minimal" "minimal goa" "minimal trance" "minimal techno" "minstrel" "minneapolis sound" "modinha" "modern classical" "modern laïka" "modern rock" "morenada" "mor lam" "mor lam sing" "moombahton" "moombahcore" "motown" "montuno" "morna" "mozambique of cuba" "mozambique of america" "mugham" "murga" "musette" "mushroom jazz" "music drama" "music hall" "música criolla" "musica llanero" "música popular brasileira" "musiqi-e assil" "musique concrète" "muwashshah" "nagauta" "nakasi" "nangma" "nanguan music" "narcocorrido" "nardcore" "narodna muzika" "nashville sound" "national socialist black metal" "nederpop" "neoclassical" "neoclassical dark wave" "neo-classical metal" "neoclassical new age" "neo kyma" "neofolk" "neo-medieval" "neo-progressive rock" "neo-psychedelia" "neo soul" "neotraditional country" "nerdcore" "neue deutsche welle" "neue deutsche todeskunst" "neurofunk" "new-age" "new beat" "neue deutsche härte" "new jack swing" "new orleans blues" "new prog" "new rave" "new school hip hop" "new taiwanese song" "new wave" "new wave of new wave" "new weird america" "new york blues" "nintendocore" "nisiotika" "no wave" "noh" "noise" "noise pop" "noise rock" "nordic folk" "nordic folk dance" "nortec" "norteño" "northern soul" "nu-disco" "nu-funk" "nu gaze" "nu jazz" "nu metal" "nu skool breaks" "obscuro" "old school hip hop" "old-time" "oldies" "olonkho" "old time radio" "ondo" "opera" "operatic pop" "oratorio" "orchestra" "organ trio" "organic ambient" "organum" "oriental metal" "ottava rima" "ottoman military band" "outlaw country" "outsider music" "operetta" "p-funk" "pbr&b" "pagan metal" "pagan rock" "pagode" "paisley underground" "palm wine" "panambih" "panchai baja" "panchavadyam" "pansori" "paraguayan polka" "paranda" "parranda" "parody" "patriotic" "pambiche" "paranda" "parang" "partido alto" "pasacalle" "pasillo" "pasodoble" "payada" "psychobilly" "peace punk" "pelimanni music" "persian traditional music" "peruvian cumbia" "petenera" "peyote song" "philadelphia soul" "piano blues" "pimba" "piedmont blues" "pinoy rock" "pinpeat orchestra" "piphat" "pirate metal" "piyyutim" "plainchant" "plena" "pleng phua cheewit" "pleng thai sakorn" "polka" "polo" "polonaise" "pols" "polska" "pong lang" "pop folk" "pop music" "pop punk" "pop rap" "pop rock" "pop sunda" "pornocore" "pornogrind" "porro" "post-britpop" "post-dubstep" "post-disco" "post-grunge" "post-hardcore" "post-industrial" "post-metal" "post-minimalism" "post-punk" "post-rock" "post-romanticism" "powada-marathi folk" "power duo" "power electronics" "power metal" "power noise" "power pop" "power trio" "powerviolence" "pow-wow" "ppongtchak" "praise song" "program symphony" "progressive electronic music" "progressive folk music" "progressive house" "progressive metal" "progressive bluegrass" "progressive rock" "progressive trance" "protopunk" "psychedelic music" "psychedelic folk" "psychedelic rock" "psychedelic trance" "psychobilly" "pub rock" "pungmul" "punk blues" "punk cabaret" "punk jazz" "punk rock" "punta" "punta rock" "puya" "quan ho" "qasidah" "qasidah modern" "qawwali" "quadrille" "queercore" "quiet storm" "raga rock" "raga" "raggamuffin" "ragga jungle" "ragtime" "rai" "raicore" "raï'n'b" "rake-and-scrape" "ramkbach" "ramvong" "ranchera" "rapso" "rap rock" "rara" "rare groove" "rasguido doble" "rasiya" "ravanahatha" "rebetiko" "red dirt" "reel" "refalosa" "reggae" "reggae dancehall" "reggae fusion" "reggae highlife" "reggaeton" "rekilaulu" "religious" "rembetiko" "renaissance music" "retro" "requiem" "rhapsody" "rhumba" "rhyming spiritual" "rhythm and blues" "ricercar" "rímur" "riot grrrl" "rock" "rock opera" "rock and roll" "rock en español" "rockabilly" "rocksteady" "rococo" "romantic period in music" "ronggeng" "roots reggae" "roots rock" "roots rock reggae" "rumba" "sabar" "salsa" "salsa erotica" "salsa romantica" "saltarello" "samba" "samba-canção" "samba-reggae" "samba-rock" "sambai" "sambass" "sangueo" "sanjo" "sanjuanito" "sârbă" "sardana" "sato kagura" "sawt" "saya" "schlager" "schottisch" "scottish baroque music" "scrumpy and western" "scuff" "sea shanty" "sean nós" "seapunk" "second viennese school" "sega music" "seggae" "seis" "semba" "sephardic music" "serialism" "sertanejo" "set dance" "sevdalinka" "sevillana" "shabad" "shalako" "shan'ge" "shango" "shape note" "shibuya-kei" "shidaiqu" "shima-uta" "shock rock" "shoegaze" "shoka" "shomyo" "shota" "show tune" "sica" "siguiriyas" "silat" "sinawi" "singer-songwriter" "situational" "ska" "ska punk" "skald" "skate punk" "skiffle" "skyladiko" "skullstep" "slack-key guitar" "slängpolska" "slide" "slowcore" "sludge metal" "smooth jazz" "ska" "skweee" "soca" "soft rock" "son-batá" "son cubano" "son montuno" "son nica" "sonata" "songo" "songo-salsa" "sophisti-pop" "soukous" "soul blues" "soul jazz" "soul music" "soundtrack" "southern gospel" "southern harmony" "southern hip hop" "southern metal" "southern rock" "southern soul" "space age pop" "space disco" "space music" "space rock" "spectralism" "speedcore" "speed garage" "speed metal" "spirituals" "spouge" "sprechgesang" "square dance" "saint louis blues" "steelband" "stoner metal" "stoner rock" "straight edge" "strathspeys" "street bass" "stride" "string" "string quartet" "sufi music" "suite" "sunshine pop" "suomirock" "super eurobeat" "surf ballads" "surf instrumental" "surf music" "surf pop" "surf rock" "swamp blues" "swamp pop" "swamp rock" "swing music" "sygyt" "symphonic black metal" "symphonic metal" "symphonic poem" "symphonic rock" "symphony" "synthpop" "synthwave" "taarab" "tai tu" "taiwanese pop" "tala" "talempong" "talking blues" "tambito" "tamborito" "tambu" "tamburitza" "tamil christian keerthanai" "táncház" "tango" "tanguk" "tappa" "taquirari" "taqwacore" "tarana" "tarantella" "taranto" "tech house" "tech trance" "technical death metal" "technical metal" "techno" "technoid" "techstep" "techtonik" "tecno brega" "teen pop" "tejano music" "tex-mex" "third stream" "tekno" "tembang sunda" "texas blues" "theme music" "thillana" "third wave ska" "thirty-two-bar form" "thrashcore" "thrash metal" "thumri" "tibetan pop" "tientos" "timbila" "tin pan alley" "tinga" "tinku" "toeshey" "togaku" "tondero" "t'ong guitar" "traditional pop music" "trallalero" "trance" "trap music" "trival" "tribal house" "trikitixa" "trip hop" "tropicalia" "tropical music" "tropical house" "tropipop" "truck-driving country" "tsapika" "tsapiky" "tsjingel tsjangel" "tumba" "turbo-folk" "turkish music" "turntablism" "tuvan throat-singing" "twee pop" "twist" "two tone" "uk garage" "uk hardcore" "uk hard house" "uk pub rock" "unblack metal" "underground music" "uplifting trance" "urban cowboy" "urban folk" "vallenato" "vaporwave" "vaudeville" "verbunkos" "verismo" "vidala" "vidalita" "video game music" "viking metal" "villanella" "virelais" "visual kei" "visual music" "vocal house" "vocal jazz" "vocal music" "vocaloid" "volksmusik" "vomitstep" "waila" "waltz" "wangga" "warabe uta" "wassoulou" "were music" "west coast hip hop" "western blues" "western swing" "witch house" "wizard rock" "women's music" "wong shadow" "wonky" "work song" "wood sounds" "worldbeat" "world music" "xoomii" "xote" "xhosa music" "yaraví" "yass" "yayue" "yé-yé" "yo-pop" "yodeling" "youth crew" "yukar" "zajal" "zamacueca" "zamba" "zamrock" "zapin" "zarzuela" "zeuhl" "zeibekiko" "zef" "ziglibithy" "zouglou" "zouk" "zouklove" "zulu music" "zydeco"

concept:(futur_moment)["today" "[this tomorrow] morning" "[this tomorrow] night" "[this tomorrow] afternoon" "[this tomorrow] evening" "tomorrow" "the day after tomorrow" "this weekend" "next weekend" "next week"]

concept:(past_moment)["yesterday" "the day before yesterday" "yesterday night" "yesterday morning" "yesterday afternoon" "yesterday evening" "last weekend" "last week"]

concept:(at_special_date)["on christmas" "on new year" "this summer" "this winter" "this autumn" "this spring" "on independence day"]

##### PHOBIAS #####
"acerophobia $temp/theme=sourness"
"achievemephobia $temp/theme=success"
"achluophobia $temp/theme=darkness"
"acrophobia $temp/theme=heights"
"aerophobia $temp/theme=flying"
"agliophobia $temp/theme=pain"
"agoraphobia $temp/theme="crowded spaces""
"aichmophobia $temp/theme="sharp things""
"algophobia $temp/theme=pain"
"allodoxaphobia $temp/theme=opinions"
"amathophobia $temp/theme=dust"
"ancraophobia $temp/theme=wind"
"anemophobia $temp/theme=wind"
"anesthesia phobia $temp/theme=anesthesia"
"angrophobia $temp/theme=anger"
"ankylophobia $temp/theme=immobility"
"anthropophobia $temp/theme=people"
"anuptaphobia $temp/theme="staying single""
"apeirophobia $temp/theme=infinity"
"aphenphosmphobia $temp/theme=intimacy"
"aphephobia $temp/theme="being touched""
"aquaphobia $temp/theme=water"
"arithmophobia $temp/theme=numbers"
"astraphobia $temp/theme="thunder and lightning""
"athazagoraphobia $temp/theme="being forgotten""
"atychiphobia $temp/theme=failure"
"aurophobia $temp/theme=gold"
"automysophobia $temp/theme="being dirty""
"autophobia $temp/theme=abandonment"
"bananaphobia $temp/theme=bananas"
"basiphobia $temp/theme=falling"
"basophobia $temp/theme=falling"
"bathmophobia $temp/theme=stairs"
"bathophobia $temp/theme=depths"
"bicyclophobia $temp/theme="riding a bike""
"blemmophobia $temp/theme="being seen by other people""
"brontophobia $temp/theme="thunder and lightning""
"capnophobia $temp/theme=smoke"
"carcinophobia $temp/theme=cancer"
"cardiophobia $temp/theme="cardiovascular diseases""
"catoptrophobia $temp/theme=mirrors"
"cenosillicaphobia $temp/theme="empty glasses""
"chaetophobia $temp/theme=hairs"
"cherophobia $temp/theme=happiness"
"chorophobia $temp/theme=dancing"
"chronophobia $temp/theme="the future""
"claustrophobia $temp/theme="closed spaces""
"climacophobia $temp/theme=climbing"
"coasterphobia $temp/theme="roller coasters""
"coprophobia $temp/theme="going to the toilet""
"coulrophobia $temp/theme=clowns"
"cyclophobia $temp/theme="riding a bike""
"defecaloesiophobia $temp/theme="going to the toilet""
"dementophobia $temp/theme="going crazy""
"demophobia $temp/theme=crowds"
"dental [phobia fear anxiety] $temp/theme=dentists"
"dentophobia $temp/theme=dentists"
"diarrhea phobia $temp/theme="going to the toilet""
"didaskaleinophobia $temp/theme=school"
"disposo$temp/theme="getting rid of stuff""
"ecclesiophobia $temp/theme=churches"
"emetophobia $temp/theme=vomiting"
"enochlophobia $temp/theme=crowds"
"enocholophobia $temp/theme=crowds"
"epistaxiophobia $temp/theme=nosebleeds"
"eremophobia $temp/theme=isolation"
"ergophobia $temp/theme=work"
"erythrophobia $temp/theme=blushing"
"fainting phobia $temp/theme=fainting"
"fear of diarrhea $temp/theme="going to the toilet""
"fear of fainting $temp/theme=fainting"
"fumiphobia $temp/theme=smoke"
"gamophobia $temp/theme=commitment"
"gelotophobia $temp/theme="being laughed at""
"gephyrophobia $temp/theme=bridges"
"gerascophobia $temp/theme="getting old""
"globophobia $temp/theme=balloons"
"glossophobia $temp/theme="public speaking""
"graphophobia $temp/theme=writing"
"gymnophobia $temp/theme=nudity"
"halitophobia $temp/theme="having bad breath""
"haphophobia $temp/theme="being touched""
"hapnophobia $temp/theme="being touched""
"haptephobia $temp/theme="being touched""
"haptophobia $temp/theme="being touched""
"hemophobia $temp/theme=blood"
"hylophobia $temp/theme=forests"
"hypegiaphobia $temp/theme="having responsibilites""
"hypengyophobia $temp/theme="having responsibilites""
"isolophobia $temp/theme=isolation"
"ithyphallophobia $temp/theme="seeing an erect penis""
"keraunophobia $temp/theme="thunder and lightning""
"kinemortophobia $temp/theme=zombies"
"kopophobia $temp/theme="being tired""
"koumpounophobia $temp/theme=buttons"
"latrophobia $temp/theme=doctors"
"leucoselophobia $temp/theme="blank pages""
"lunaphobia $temp/theme="the moon""
"lygophobia $temp/theme=darkness"
"maskaphobia $temp/theme=masks"
"medorthophobia $temp/theme="seeing an erect penis""
"megalophobia $temp/theme="large objects""
"metathesiophobia $temp/theme=change"
"monophobia $temp/theme="being alone""
"musicophobia $temp/theme=music"
"mysophobia $temp/theme=germs"
"necrophobia $temp/theme=corpses"
"needle phobia $temp/theme=needles"
"neurophobia $temp/theme=neurology"
"nomophobia $temp/theme="not having my cell phone""
"nosocomephobia $temp/theme=hospitals"
"nosophobia $temp/theme="contracting an illness""
"numerophobia $temp/theme=numbers"
"nyctophobia $temp/theme=darkness"
"ochlophobia $temp/theme=crowds"
"odontophobia $temp/theme=dentists"
"ombrophobia $temp/theme=rain"
"omphalophobia $temp/theme="belly buttons""
"ophthalmophobia $temp/theme="being seen by other people""
"panophobia $temp/theme=everything"
"pediophobia $temp/theme=dolls"
"phagophobia $temp/theme=choking"
"phasmophobia $temp/theme=ghosts"
"philophobia $temp/theme=love"
"phobophobia $temp/theme=fear"
"phone phobia $temp/theme=phonecalls"
"pistanthrophobia $temp/theme="trusting people""
"placophobia $temp/theme=tombstones"
"podophobia $temp/theme=feet"
"pogonophobia $temp/theme=beards"
"pseudodysphagia $temp/theme=choking"
"pyrophobia $temp/theme=fire"
"queunliskanphobia $temp/theme=saliva"
"rhypophobia $temp/theme="going to the toilet""
"samhainophobia $temp/theme=Halloween"
"scatophobia $temp/theme="fecal matter""
"scelerophobia $temp/theme=crime"
"scopophobia $temp/theme="being seen by other people""
"scoptophobia $temp/theme="being seen by other people""
"scotophobia $temp/theme=darkness"
"selenophobia $temp/theme="the moon""
"siderodromophobia $temp/theme="travelling by train""
"sidonglophobia $temp/theme="cotton balls or plastic foams""
"somniphobia $temp/theme=sleep"
"spectrophobia $temp/theme=ghosts"
"stasiphobia $temp/theme="standing or walking""
"stasophobia $temp/theme="standing or walking""
"taphophobia $temp/theme="being buried alive""
"telephobia $temp/theme=phonecalls"
"telephonophobia $temp/theme=phonecalls"
"teraphobia $temp/theme=monsters"
"thalassophobia $temp/theme="the ocean""
"thanatophobia $temp/theme=death"
"theophobia $temp/theme=God"
"thixophobia $temp/theme="being touched""
"toilet phobia $temp/theme="going to the toilet""
"tokophobia $temp/theme=pregnancy"
"tonitrophobia $temp/theme="thunder and lightning""
"trypanophobia $temp/theme=crowds"
"trypophobia $temp/theme=holes"
"vehophobia $temp/theme=driving"

"cibophobia $temp/theme=food"
"fructophobia $temp/theme=fruits"
"mycophobia $temp/theme=mushrooms"
"turophobia $temp/theme=cheese"
"voutyrophobia $temp/theme=butter"

"acarophobia $temp/theme="very tiny bugs""
"ailurophobia $temp/theme=cats"
"alektorophobia $temp/theme=chickens"
"anatidaephobia $temp/theme=ducks"
"apiphobia $temp/theme=bees"
"arachnophobia $temp/theme=spiders"
"chiroptophobia $temp/theme=bats"
"cynophobia $temp/theme=dogs"
"entomophobia $temp/theme=insects"
"equinophobia $temp/theme=horses"
"herpetophobia $temp/theme=reptiles"
"galeophobia $temp/theme=sharks"
"ichthyophobia $temp/theme=fish"
"katsaridaphobia $temp/theme=cockroaches"
"lepidopterophobia $temp/theme=butterflies"
"leporiphobia $temp/theme=rabbits"
"mottephobia $temp/theme=moths"
"musophobia $temp/theme=mice"
"myrmecophobia $temp/theme=ants"
"ophidiophobia $temp/theme=snakes"
"ornithophobia $temp/theme=birds"
"ranidaphobia $temp/theme=frogs"
"scoleciphobia $temp/theme=worms"
"spheksophobia $temp/theme=wasps"
"teutiphobia $temp/theme=squids"
"zoophobia $temp/theme=animals"

"ligyrophobia $temp/theme="loud sounds""
"photophobia $temp/theme=light"
"olfactophobia $temp/theme=odors"
"osmophobia $temp/theme=odors"
"phonophobia $temp/theme="loud sounds""
"sonophobia $temp/theme="loud sounds""
"rabies hydrophobia $temp/theme="water as a symptom of rabies""

"hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia $temp/theme="the number 666""
"paraskevidekatriaphobia $temp/theme="Friday the 13th""
"tetraphobia $temp/theme="the number 4""
"triskaidekaphobia $temp/theme="the number 13""

"acephobia $temp/theme=asexuals"
"achondroplasiaphobia $temp/theme=midgets"
"AIDS phobia  $temp/theme=AIDS"
"androphobia $temp/theme=men"
"biphobia $temp/theme=bisexuals"
"cacomorphobia $temp/theme="fat people""
"christianophobia $temp/theme=Christians"
"dysmorphophobia $temp/theme="physical anomalies""
"gerontophobia $temp/theme="old people""
"gynophobia $temp/theme=women"
"heterophobia $temp/theme=heterosexuals"
"homophobia $temp/theme=homosexuals"
"islamophobia $temp/theme=Muslims"
"judeophobia $temp/theme=Jews"
"lesbophobia $temp/theme=lesbians"
"paedophobia $temp/theme=children"
"pediaphobia $temp/theme=children"
"pedophobia $temp/theme=children"
"peladophobia $temp/theme="bald people""
"psychophobia $temp/theme="mental illness""
"transphobia $temp/theme="transgender people""
"xenophobia $temp/theme=strangers"

"acidophobia $temp/theme=acid"
"chemophobia $temp/theme=chemicals"
"heliophobia $temp/theme=sunlight"
"lipophobia $temp/theme=fat"
"lipophobicity $temp/theme=fat"
"photophobia $temp/theme=daylight"
"thermophobia $temp/theme=heat"

"acartohygieiophobia $temp/theme="running out of toilet paper""
"aibohphobia $temp/theme=palindromes"
"astihophobia $temp/theme="hair bands""
"hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia $temp/theme="long words""
"luposlipaphobia $temp/theme="being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table while wearing socks on a newly waxed floor""
"technophobia $temp/theme=technology"


[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110]




#==========================================ROBOT OUPUTS===========================================#
concept:(output_ok)^rand["Ok!" "Alright!"]
concept:(output_approval)^rand["Sure!" "Yes!" "Of course!" "with pleasure"]
concept:(output_yes)^rand["Yes !" "Sure!" "Yeah!"]
concept:(output_thanks)^rand["Thank you!" "Thanks!" "Thank you very much!" "Thank you so much!"]


concept:(animation_sad) ^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Sad_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Sad_1)"]
concept:(animation_angry) ^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Angry_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Angry_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Angry_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Angry_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Angry_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Angry_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Angry_3)"]
concept:(animation_anxious) ["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Anxious_1)"]
concept:(animation_bored) ^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Bored_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Bored_2)"]
concept:(animation_Exhausted) ^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Exhausted_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Exhausted_2)"]
concept:(animation_fear) ^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Fear_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Fear_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Fearful_1)"]
concept:(animation_hurt) ^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Hurt_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Hurt_1)"]
concept:(animation_shocked) ^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Shocked_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Surprise_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Surprise_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Surprise_3)"]
concept:(animation_surprise)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Shocked_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Surprise_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Surprise_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Negative/Surprise_3)"]
concept:(animation_desperate)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Desperate_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Desperate_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Desperate_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Desperate_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Desperate_5)"]
concept:(animation_no)["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/No_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/No_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/No_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/No_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/No_5)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/No_6)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/No_7)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/No_8)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/No_9)"]
concept:(animation_reject)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Reject_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Reject_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Reject_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Reject_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Reject_5)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Reject_6)"]

concept:(animation_enthusiastic)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Enthusiastic_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Enthusiastic_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Enthusiastic_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Enthusiastic_5)"]
concept:(animation_excited) ^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Excited_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Excited_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Excited_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Excited_1)"]
concept:(animation_happy)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Happy_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Happy_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Happy_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Happy_4)"]
concept:(animation_interested)["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Interested_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Interested_2)"]
concept:(animation_laugh)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Laugh_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Laugh_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Laugh_3)"]
concept:(animation_proud) ^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Proud_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Proud_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Proud_3)"]
concept:(animation_shy)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Shy_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Shy_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Shy_1)"]
concept:(animation_winner)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Winner_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Positive/Winner_2)"]
concept:(animation_yes)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Yes_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Yes_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Yes_3)"]
concept:(animation_relaxation)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/Relaxation_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/Relaxation_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/Relaxation_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/Relaxation_4)"]

concept:(animation_remember) ^rand["^run(animations/BodyTalk/Thinking/Remember_3)" "^run(animations/BodyTalk/Thinking/Remember_2)" "^run(animations/BodyTalk/Thinking/Remember_1)"]
concept:(animation_ask_for_attention)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Neutral/AskForAttention_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Neutral/AskForAttention_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Neutral/AskForAttention_3)"]
concept:(animation_innocent)["^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Neutral/Innocent_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/Innocent_1)"]
concept:(animation_bow) ^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/BowShort_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/BowShort_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/BowShort_3)"]
concept:(animation_calm_down) ^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/CalmDown_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/CalmDown_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/CalmDown_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/CalmDown_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/CalmDown_5)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/CalmDown_6)"]
concept:(animation_confused)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Confused_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Confused_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Emotions/Neutral/Confused_1)"]
concept:(animation_everything)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Everything_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Everything_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Everything_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Everything_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Everything_5)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Everything_6)"]
concept:(animation_explain)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Explain_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Explain_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Explain_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Explain_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Explain_5)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Explain_6)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Explain_7)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Explain_8)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Explain_9)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Explain_10)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Explain_11)"]
concept:(animation_far)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Far_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Far_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Far_3)"]
concept:(animation_give)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Give_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Give_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Give_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Give_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Give_5)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Give_6)"]
concept:(animation_he_says)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/HeSays_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/HeSays_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/HeSays_3)"]
concept:(animation_hey)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Hey_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Hey_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Hey_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Hey_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Hey_5)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Hey_6)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Hey_7)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Hey_8)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Hey_9)"]
concept:(animation_hot)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Hot_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Hot_2)"]
concept:(animation_dont_know)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/DontKnow_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/DontKnow_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/DontKnow_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/DontKnow_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/DontKnow_5)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/DontKnow_6)"]
concept:(animation_look)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Look_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Look_2)"]
concept:(animation_me)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Me_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Me_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Me_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Me_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Me_7)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Me_8)"]
concept:(animation_mime)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Mime_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Mime_2)"]
concept:(animation_nothing)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Nothing_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Nothing_2)"]
concept:(animation_on_the_evening)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/OnTheEvening_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/OnTheEvening_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/OnTheEvening_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/OnTheEvening_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/OnTheEvening_5)"]
concept:(animation_please)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Please_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Please_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Please_3)"]
concept:(animation_salute)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Salute_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Salute_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Salute_3)"]
concept:(animation_show_floor)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowFloor_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowFloor_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowFloor_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowFloor_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowFloor_5)"]
concept:(animation_show_sky)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowSky_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowSky_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowSky_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowSky_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowSky_5)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowSky_6)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowSky_7)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowSky_8)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowSky_9)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/ShowSky_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/ShowSky_2)"]
concept:(animation_show_tablet)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowTablet_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowTablet_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowTablet_3)"]
concept:(animation_strech)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Strech_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Strech_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/Strech_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/Strech_2)"]
concept:(animation_take_place)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/TakePlace_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/TakePlace_1)"]
concept:(animation_thinking)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Thinking_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Thinking_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Thinking_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Thinking_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Thinking_5)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Thinking_6)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Thinking_7)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Thinking_8)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/Think_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/Think_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/Think_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/Think_4)"]
concept:(animation_this)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/This_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/This_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/This_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/This_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/This_5)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/This_6)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/This_7)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/This_8)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/This_9)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/This_10)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/This_11)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/This_12)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/This_13)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/This_14)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/This_15)" ]
concept:(animation_whats_this)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_5)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_6)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_7)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_8)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_9)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_10)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_11)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_12)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_13)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_14)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_15)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/WhatSThis_16)"]
concept:(animation_wings)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Wings_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Wings_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Wings_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Wings_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/Wings_5)"]
concept:(animation_you)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/You_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/You_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/You_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/You_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/You_5)"]
concept:(animation_you_know_what)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/YouKnowWhat_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/YouKnowWhat_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/YouKnowWhat_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/YouKnowWhat_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/YouKnowWhat_5)" "^run(animations/Stand/Gestures/YouKnowWhat_6)"]
concept:(animation_ethernet_off)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/EthernetOff_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/EthernetOff_2)"]
concept:(animation_heat)["^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/Heat_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/Heat_2)"]
concept:(animation_lightshine)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/LightShine_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/LightShine_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/LightShine_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/LightShine_4)"]
concept:(animation_see_color)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/SeeColor_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/SeeColor_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/SeeColor_3)"]
concept:(animation_see_something)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/SeeSomething_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/SeeSomething_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/SeeSomething_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/SeeSomething_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/SeeSomething_5)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/SeeSomething_6)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/SeeSomething_7)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/SeeSomething_8)"]
concept:(animation_shake_body)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/ShakeBody_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/ShakeBody_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/ShakeBody_3)"]
concept:(animation_touch_head)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/TouchHead_1)"  "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/TouchHead_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/TouchHead_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Reactions/TouchHead_4)"]
concept:(animation_look_hand)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/LookHand_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/LookHand_1)"]
concept:(animation_play_hands)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/PlayHands_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/PlayHands_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/PlayHands_3)"]

concept:(animation_fitness)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/Fitness_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/Fitness_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/Fitness_3)"]
concept:(animation_show_muscles)^rand["^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/ShowMuscles_1)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/ShowMuscles_2)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/ShowMuscles_3)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/ShowMuscles_4)" "^run(animations/Stand/Waiting/ShowMuscles_5)"]

