Sim::Actuator | Actuator is a generic class defining a robot owned object that have an influence on it and/or its environment |
  Sim::DCMActuator | DCMActuator defines a generic actuator which commands are communicated through the DCM |
   Sim::AngleActuator | AngleActuator is a class defining an angular motor. It is attached to the joint that it can actuate |
   Sim::AngleSpeedActuator | AngleSpeedActuator is a class defining a speed-controlled motor. It is attached to one joint and can actuate it |
   Sim::CoupledActuator | CoupledActuator is a class defining a coupled motor. It is attached to several joints and can actuate them. Its command is between 0 and 1 |
   Sim::LEDActuator | LEDActuator is a class defining a LED actuator |
   Sim::TorqueActuator | TorqueActuator is a class defining a torque-controlled motor. It is attached to one joint and can actuate it |
   Sim::WheelTorqueActuator | WheelTorqueActuator is a class defining an actuator that drives a wheel |
   Sim::WheelVelocityActuator | WheelVelocityActuator is a class defining an actuator that drives a wheel |
 Sim::ActuatorGroup | ActuatorSymmetry is a predefined and named ordered group of actuators that allows simpler calls of ALMotion API |
 Sim::Frame | Frame defines a position in space and has a name |
 Sim::Joint | Joint defines an articulation of the robot |
 Sim::JointGroup | JointGroup is a predefined and named ordered group of joints that allow simpler calls of ALMotion API |
 Sim::JointSymmetry | JointSymmetry defines a symmetry between two joints |
 Sim::Link | Link defines a solid and mobile part of the robot |
 Sim::MassData | MassData embeds information about the inertial mass of a physical object |
 Sim::Model | Model is responsible of giving information of a physical robot |
 Sim::Sensor | Sensor is a generic class defining a robot owned object that measure a quantity about it or its environment |
  Sim::BaseCamera | BaseCamera is the base class of Camera classes |
   Sim::CameraDepthSensor | CameraDepthSensor is a class defining a depth sensing camera |
   Sim::CameraSensor | CameraSensor is a class defining a camera |
  Sim::DCMSensor | DCMSensor defines a generic sensor which values are communicated through the DCM |
   Sim::AngleSensor | AngleSensor is a class defining an angular sensor. It is attached to an angular motor (it has the same name) and can measure its rotation |
   Sim::AngleSpeedSensor | AngleSpeedSensor is a class defining an angle speed sensor. It is attached to an angle speed motor (it has the same name) and can measure its angle speed |
   Sim::ArrayDepthSensor | ArrayDepthSensor is a class defining a sensor made of an array of depth sensors |
   Sim::BumperSensor | BumperSensor is a class defining a bumper sensor |
   Sim::CoupledSensor | CoupledSensor is a class defining a coupled sensor |
   Sim::FSRSensor | FSRSensor is a class defining a Force Sensitive Resistor sensor |
   Sim::InertialSensor | InertialSensor is a class defining a inertial unit sensor |
   Sim::SingleDepthSensor | SingleDepthSensor is a class defining a sensor that provides a single depth measurement |
   Sim::SonarSensor | SonarSensor is a class defining a sonar sensor |
   Sim::TactileSensor | TactileSensor is a class defining a tactile sensor |
   Sim::TorqueSensor | TorqueSensor is a class defining an torque sensor. It is attached to a torque motor (it has the same name) and can measure its torque |
   Sim::WheelVelocitySensor | WheelVelocitySensor is a class defining a wheel velocity sensor. It is to a wheel velocity motor (it has the same name) and can measure its wheel velocity |
  Sim::MicrophoneSensor | MicrophoneSensor is a class defining a microphone sensor |
 Sim::VisualData | VisualData embeds information about the visualization of a physical object |