SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.8?

ALBasicAwareness API

NAOqi Interaction engines - Overview | API | Getting started

Namespace : AL

#include <alproxies/albasicawareness>


void ALBasicAwarenessProxy::setEnabled(bool enabled)

Enables or disables basic awareness.

  • enabled – True to enable it, false to disable it.
bool ALBasicAwarenessProxy::isEnabled()

Returns whether basic awareness is enabled.

Returns:True if it is enabled, False otherwise.
bool ALBasicAwarenessProxy::isRunning()

Returns whether basic awareness is actually running, i.e. is started and not paused (neither manually nor automatically).

Returns:True if it is running, False otherwise.
void ALBasicAwarenessProxy::pauseAwareness()

Manually pauses ALBasicAwareness. For further details see: Pausing and Resuming.

void ALBasicAwarenessProxy::resumeAwareness()

Manually resumes ALBasicAwareness. For further details see: Pausing and Resuming.

bool ALBasicAwarenessProxy::isAwarenessPaused()

Gets the status (paused or not) of the module.

Returns:Boolean value: true if the module is paused, false otherwise.
void ALBasicAwarenessProxy::setStimulusDetectionEnabled(const std::string stimType, const bool enable)

Enables/disables detection of the specified type of stimulus.

  • stimType – Type of stimulus. For further details, see: Types of stimulus.
  • enable – true to enable, false to disable.
bool ALBasicAwarenessProxy::isStimulusDetectionEnabled(const std::string stimType)

Gets status enabled/disabled for the detection of the specified type of stimulus.


true if enabled, false if disabled


Throws AL::ALError if setting fails.

void ALBasicAwarenessProxy::setEngagementMode(const std::string& modeName)

Sets the engagement mode.

  • modeName – Name of the engagement mode to be set. For further details, see: Engagement Modes.
std::string ALBasicAwarenessProxy::getEngagementMode()

Gets the current engagement mode. For further details, see: Engagement Modes.

Returns:The engagement mode name.
bool ALBasicAwarenessProxy::engagePerson(const int idPersonToEngage)

Forces the robot to engage a person identified by its PeoplePerception ID.


true if the robot succeeded to engage the person, else false.

int ALBasicAwarenessProxy::triggerStimulus(const std::vector<float>& positionFrameWorld)

Triggers a custom stimulus that will be processed as other stimuli, but with a higher priority.

  • positionFrameWorld – position of the custom stimulus in Frame World.

The ID of the found human if any, as referenced in PeoplePerception/PeopleList(), or -1, if no human has been found.

void ALBasicAwarenessProxy::setTrackingMode(const std::string& trackingMode)

Sets the current tracking Mode.

  • trackingMode – name of the tracking mode. For further details, see: Tracking Modes.
std::string ALBasicAwarenessProxy::getTrackingMode()

Gets the current tracking mode.

Returns:the tracking mode name. For further details, see: Tracking Modes.
void ALBasicAwarenessProxy::setParameter(const std::string& paramName, const AL::ALValue& paramValue)

Sets parameters related to basic awareness features.

  • paramName – name of the parameter, among the following:
  • “LookStimulusSpeed”: speed of head moves when looking at a stimulus (float in ]0;1]),
  • “LookBackSpeed”: speed of head moves when looking back to previous position after false alarm (float in ]0;1]).
  • paramValue – value of the parameter to be set (ALValue).
AL::ALValue ALBasicAwarenessProxy::getParameter(const std::string& paramName)

Gets parameters related to basic awareness features.

  • paramName – name of the parameter, among: “LookStimulusSpeed”, “LookBackSpeed”.

value of the parameter (ALValue).

void ALBasicAwarenessProxy::resetAllParameters()

Resets all parameters to their default values.

void ALBasicAwarenessProxy::startAwareness()

Deprecated since version 2.4: use ALBasicAwarenessProxy::setEnabled instead.

Starts basic awareness.

void ALBasicAwarenessProxy::stopAwareness()

Deprecated since version 2.4: use ALBasicAwarenessProxy::setEnabled instead.

Stops basic awareness.

bool ALBasicAwarenessProxy::isAwarenessRunning()

Deprecated since version 2.4: use ALBasicAwarenessProxy::isRunning instead.

Gets the status (started or not) of the module.

Returns:Boolean value: true if the module is started, false if it’s stopped or paused.


Event: "ALBasicAwareness/StimulusDetected"
callback(std::string eventName, std::string stimulusName, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when a stimulus is detected.

  • eventName (std::string) – “ALBasicAwareness/StimulusDetected”
  • stimulusName – Name of the stimulus detected. See the names of the available stimuli in section Stimuli Types.
  • subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –


To know if a person is detected in the general case, use the event HumanTracked rather than the event StimulusDetected with the value People. For example, if the robot detects a person thanks to a sound stimulus, the robot will raise the event StimulusDetected with the value Sound, then recognize the person and raise the event HumanTracked with a positive ID, but the event StimulusDetected won’t be raised with the value People.

Event: "ALBasicAwareness/HumanTracked"
callback(std::string eventName, int humanID, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the robot begins to track a person, when the tracked person is lost, or when the tracked person’s ID is updated.

  • eventName (std::string) – “ALBasicAwareness/HumanTracked”
  • humanID – The ID of the currently tracked person. If no person is tracked, the value is -1.
  • subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –
Event: "ALBasicAwareness/HumanLost"
callback(std::string eventName, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the person tracked can no longer be found for some time.