SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.8?


Overview | API

What it does

ALDiagnosis module allows the robot to detect if there is a hardware trouble (mainly electrical connection).

Passive diagnosis

The passive diagnosis is running all the time without perturbing the robot behavior.

The main goal of the passive diagnosis is to check every device of the robot and to publish whether the device has or has not an error. A device is an actuator or a sensor.

Active diagnosis

The active diagnosis runs at ALMotionProxy::wakeUp.

The purpose of the active diagnosis is to verify if every device of the robot is functional and to publish whether the device has or has not an error.

If a failure is detected:

How it works

The ALDiagnosis module is automatically started with naoqi.

Passive diagnosis

Then, the passive diagnosis is launched. For each electronic board controlling devices, it checks:

  • Does the electronic board that supports the sensor or the actuator answer or not?
  • Is there a critical error detected on an actuator (over temperature, the position sensor answer...)?

A summary of the passive diagnosis is available using ALDiagnosisProxy::getPassiveDiagnosis

Active diagnosis

During ALMotionProxy::wakeUp, some tests are run.

A summary of the active diagnosis is available using ALDiagnosisProxy::getActiveDiagnosis

If a device is in failure mode and depends on its Level of failure severity, a notification is send:

Severity Notification
0: NEGLIGIBLE No notification.
1: SERIOUS Warning notification.
2: CRITICAL Error notification.

For further details, see: nao Diagnosis - NAO or pepp Diagnosis - Pepper notifications.

Active Diagnosis tests

nao NAO & pepp Pepper

  Test Suite Test Name What it does
Motion PositionTests_”JointName SensorCommandError Check motor command/sensor position error Detect if the motor is defective.
Vision AnyCameraTests_CameraName GetImage Try to get an image from camera.
DataChanged Check if data from camera change.

pepp Pepper only

  Test Suite Test Name What it does
Sensor WheelName“SensorTest WheelSensorTest Check command/sensor velocity error. Detect if the wheel is defective.
SensorName “BlockedTestSuite SensorBlockedStatusTest Verify if metrical sensor data changed. Detect if the sensor is defective.
InertialSensorTest InertialSensorTest Check the inertial sensor calibration.
GyrometerSensorTest GyrometerSensorTest Check the gyrometer sensor calibration.