void | getSphereCentersFromPill (float pHalfExtent, const Math::Transform &pEndTfToPillCenter, Math::Position3D &pCenterA, Math::Position3D &pCenterB) |
void | computePillParameters (const Math::Position3D &pEndTfToCenterA, const Math::Position3D &pEndTfToCenterB, float &pHalfExtent, Math::Transform &pEndTfToPillCenter) |
Matrix34f | toEigenMatrix34 (const AL::Math::Transform &tr) |
Eigen::Matrix3f | toEigenMatrix3 (const AL::Math::Transform &tr) |
Eigen::Vector3f | toEigenVector3 (const AL::Math::Position3D &v) |
Eigen::AffineCompact3f | toEigenAffineCompact3 (const AL::Math::Transform &tr) |
template<typename Derived0 > |
void | toALMathTransform (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived0 > &in, Transform &out) |
template<typename Derived0 > |
Transform | toALMathTransform (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived0 > &m) |
template<int _Mode, int _Options> |
void | toALMathTransform (const Eigen::Transform< float, 3, _Mode, _Options > &in, Transform &out) |
template<int _Mode, int _Options> |
Transform | toALMathTransform (const Eigen::Transform< float, 3, _Mode, _Options > &tr) |
template<typename Derived0 > |
Position3D | toALMathPosition3D (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived0 > &in) |
template<typename Derived0 > |
void | toALMathVelocity6D (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived0 > &in, Velocity6D &out) |
template<typename Derived0 > |
Velocity6D | toALMathVelocity6D (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived0 > &in) |
ros::Time | toValidRosTime (qi::Duration time_since_epoch) |
qi::Duration | toQiDuration (ros::Time time) |
Eigen::Quaterniond | eigenQuaternionFromUrdfRpy (const AL::urdf::Array3d &rpy) |
template<typename T > |
AL::urdf::Array3d | urdfRpyFromEigenMatrix3 (const T &t) |
Eigen::Isometry3d | toEigenTransform (const AL::urdf::Pose &p) |
Eigen::Matrix3d | toEigenMatrix3 (const AL::urdf::Inertial &inertial) |
template<typename Scalar , typename Derived0 , typename Derived1 > |
void | addPointMassInertia (Scalar mass, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived0 > &position, Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived1 > &output) |
template<typename Scalar , typename EPose , typename Derived1 > |
void | squashInertial (Scalar mass_a, const EPose &pose_a, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived1 > &inertia_a, Scalar mass_b, const EPose &pose_b, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived1 > &inertia_b, Scalar &mass_c, EPose &pose_c, Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived1 > &inertia_c) |
template<typename Scalar , typename Derived0 , typename Derived1 > |
void | urdfInertialToEigen (const AL::urdf::Inertial &inertial, Scalar &mass, Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived0 > &com_a, Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived1 > &inertia_a) |
std::vector< Pose2D > | getDubinsSolutions (const Pose2D &pTargetPose, const float pCircleRadius) |
| Get the dubins solutions. More...
void | modulo2PIInPlace (float &pAngle) |
| Set an angle between ]-PI, PI]. More...
float | modulo2PI (float pAngle) |
| Return an angle between ]-PI, PI]. More...
float | meanAngle (const std::vector< float > &pAngles) |
| Returns the mean of given angles (between ]-PI, PI]). It is defined by the direction of the mean of all unitary vectors corresponding to the given angles. If that mean vector is a null vector, then the angular mean is not defined and the method will throw. For example, meanAngle([0, PI]) throws. More...
float | weightedMeanAngle (const std::vector< float > &pAngles, const std::vector< float > &pWeights) |
| Returns the weighted mean of given angles (between ]-PI, PI]). It is defined by the direction of the mean of all unitary vectors corresponding to the given angles, multiplied by the given weights. If that mean vector is a null vector, then the angular mean is not defined and the method will throw. For example, meanAngle([0, PI], [1.0, 1.0]) throws. More...
bool | clipData (const float &pMin, const float &pMax, float &pData) |
| Clip an input data inside min and max limit. More...
bool | clipData (const float &pMin, const float &pMax, std::vector< float > &pData) |
bool | clipData (const float &pMin, const float &pMax, std::vector< std::vector< float > > &pData) |
void | changeReferencePose2D (const float &pTheta, const Pose2D &pPosIn, Pose2D &pPosOut) |
void | changeReferencePose2DInPlace (const float &pTheta, Pose2D &pPosOut) |
| Change orientation of a Pose2D in place. More...
Position6D | position6DFromVelocity6D (const Velocity6D &pVel) |
| Create a Position6D from a Velocity6D More...
void | position2DFromPose2DInPlace (const Pose2D &pPose2D, Position2D &pPosition2D) |
| Compute a Position2D from a Pose2D. The theta member of the Pose2D is not taken into account. More...
Position2D | position2DFromPose2D (const Pose2D &pPose2D) |
| Create a Position2D from a Pose2D More...
Position3D | position3DFromPosition6D (const Position6D &pPosition6D) |
| Create a Position3D from a Position6D More...
Position3D | operator* (const Rotation &pRot, const Position3D &pPos) |
| Overloading of operator * between Rotation and Position3D: More...
Position3D | operator* (const Quaternion &pQuat, const Position3D &pPos) |
| Overloading of operator * between Quaternion and Position3D More...
Velocity6D | operator* (const float pVal, const Position6D &pPos) |
| Overloading of operator * for float to Position6D, give a Velocity6D: More...
Velocity3D | operator* (const float pVal, const Position3D &pPos) |
| Overloading of operator * for float to Position3D, give a Velocity3D: More...
Velocity3D | operator* (const Rotation &pRot, const Velocity3D &pVel) |
| Overloading of operator * between Rotation and Velocity3D: More...
Rotation | rotationFromAngleDirection (const float &pTheta, const Position3D &pPos) |
| Creates a 3*3 Rotation Matrix from a an angle and a normalized Position3D. More...
void | position6DFromPose2DInPlace (const Pose2D &pPose2D, Position6D &pPosition6D) |
| Compute a Position6D from a Pose2D. More...
Position6D | position6DFromPose2D (const Pose2D &pPose2D) |
| Create a Position6D from a Pose2D. More...
void | position6DFromPosition3DInPlace (const Position3D &pPosition3D, Position6D &pPosition6D) |
| Compute a Position6D from a Position3D. More...
Position6D | position6DFromPosition3D (const Position3D &pPosition3D) |
| Create a Position6D from a Position3D. More...
void | pose2DFromPosition6DInPlace (const Position6D &pPosition6D, Pose2D &pPose2D) |
| Compute a Pose2D from a Position6D. More...
Pose2D | pose2DFromPosition6D (const Position6D &pPosition6D) |
| Create a Pose2D from a Position6D. More...
void | pose2DFromPosition2DInPlace (const Position2D &pPosition2D, const float pAngle, Pose2D &pPose2D) |
| Compute a Pose2D from a Position2D. pPose2D.x = pPosition2D.x pPose2D.y = pPosition2D.y pPose2D.theta = pAngle More...
Pose2D | pose2DFromPosition2D (const Position2D &pPosition2D, const float pAngle=0.0f) |
| Create a Pose2D from a Position2D. More...
Position2D | operator* (const Pose2D &pVal, const Position2D &pPos) |
| Overloading of operator * for Pose2D to Position2D, give a Position2D: More...
void | quaternionFromRotation3D (const Rotation3D &pRot3D, Quaternion &pQuaternion) |
| Create a Quaternion from a Rotation3D when composed in the following order: Rz(wz) * Ry(wy) * Rx(wx) More...
Quaternion | quaternionFromRotation3D (const Rotation3D &pRot3D) |
void | rotationFromQuaternion (const Quaternion &pQua, Rotation &pRot) |
| Create a Rotation Matrix from a Quaternion More...
Rotation | rotationFromQuaternion (const Quaternion &pQua) |
void | rotation3DFromQuaternion (const Quaternion &pQuaterion, Rotation3D &pRot3D) |
| Create a Rotation3D from a Quaternion when composed in the following order: Rz(wz) * Ry(wy) * Rx(wx) More...
Rotation3D | rotation3DFromQuaternion (const Quaternion &pQuaternion) |
void | quaternionPosition3DFromPosition6D (const Position6D &pPos6D, Quaternion &pQua, Position3D &pPos3D) |
| Convert a Position6D to Quaternion and Position3D More...
void | pointMassRotationalInertia (float pMass, const Position3D &pPos, std::vector< float > &pInertia) |
| Return the rotational inertia, expressed at the origin, of a point mass located at pPos. The inertia value is More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &pStream, const Pose2D &pPos) |
| Overloading of operator << for Pose2D. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &pStream, const Position2D &pPos) |
| Overloading of operator << for Position2D. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &pStream, const Position3D &pPos) |
| Overloading of operator << for Position3D. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &pStream, const Position6D &pPos) |
| Overloading of operator << for Position6D. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &pStream, const PositionAndVelocity &pPosVel) |
| Overloading of operator << for PositionAndVelocity. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &pStream, const Rotation &pRot) |
| Overloading of operator << for Rotation. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &pStream, const Rotation3D &pRot) |
| Overloading of operator << for Rotation3D. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &pStream, const Transform &pT) |
| Overloading of operator << for Transform. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &pStream, const TransformAndVelocity6D &pTV) |
| Overloading of operator << for TransformAndVelocity6D. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &pStream, const Velocity3D &pVel) |
| Overloading of operator << for Velocity3D. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &pStream, const Quaternion &pQua) |
| Overloading of operator << for Quaternion. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &pStream, const Velocity6D &pVel) |
| Overloading of operator << for Velocity6D. More...
std::string | toSpaceSeparated (const Position3D &pPos) |
| Create a string of Position3D. More...
std::string | toSpaceSeparated (const Rotation3D &pPos) |
| Create a string of Rotation3D. More...
std::string | toSpaceSeparated (const Velocity6D &pVel) |
| Create a string of Velocity6D. More...
std::string | toSpaceSeparated (const Transform &pT) |
| Create a string of Transform. More...
std::string | toSpaceSeparated (const Position6D &pPos) |
| Create a string of Position6D. More...
std::string | toSpaceSeparated (const Quaternion &pQuat) |
| Create a string of Quaternion. More...
void | transformLogarithmInPlace (const Transform &pT, Velocity6D &pVel) |
| Compute the logarithme of a transform. Angle must be between More...
Velocity6D | transformLogarithm (const Transform &pT) |
| Compute the logarithme of a transform. Angle must be between More...
Transform | velocityExponential (const Velocity6D &pVel) |
void | velocityExponentialInPlace (const Velocity6D &pVel, Transform &pT) |
void | changeReferenceVelocity6D (const Transform &pT, const Velocity6D &pVelIn, Velocity6D &pVelOut) |
void | changeReferencePosition6D (const Transform &pT, const Position6D &pPosIn, Position6D &pPosOut) |
void | changeReferencePosition3DInPlace (const Transform &pT, Position3D &pPosOut) |
void | changeReferenceTransposePosition3DInPlace (const Transform &pT, Position3D &pPosOut) |
void | changeReferencePosition3D (const Transform &pT, const Position3D &pPosIn, Position3D &pPosOut) |
void | changeReferenceTransposePosition3D (const Transform &pT, const Position3D &pPosIn, Position3D &pPosOut) |
void | changeReferenceTransform (const Transform &pT, const Transform &pTIn, Transform &pTOut) |
void | changeReferenceTransposeTransform (const Transform &pT, const Transform &pTIn, Transform &pTOut) |
void | changeReferenceTransposeVelocity6D (const Transform &pT, const Velocity6D &pVelIn, Velocity6D &pVelOut) |
void | changeReferenceTransposePosition6D (const Transform &pT, const Position6D &pPosIn, Position6D &pPosOut) |
void | transformMeanInPlace (const Transform &pTIn1, const Transform &pTIn2, const float &pVal, Transform &pTOut) |
| Preform a logarithmic mean of pTIn1 and pTIn2 and put it in pTout. More...
Transform | transformMean (const Transform &pTIn1, const Transform &pTIn2, const float &pVal=0.5f) |
| Preform a logarithmic mean of pTIn1 and pTIn2. More...
Transform | transformFromRotationPosition3D (const Rotation &pRot, const float &pX, const float &pY, const float &pZ) |
| Create a Transform from 3D cartesian coordiantes and a Rotation. More...
Transform | transformFromRotationPosition3D (const Rotation &pRot, const Position3D &pPos) |
| Create a Transform from a Position3D and a Rotation. More...
void | transformFromPosition3DInPlace (const Position3D &pPosition, Transform &pTransform) |
| Modify pTransform to set the translation part to pPosition. More...
Transform | transformFromPosition3D (const Position3D &pPosition) |
| Create a 4*4 transform matrix from cartesian coordinates given in pPosition. More...
void | transformFromRotationInPlace (const Rotation &pRotation, Transform &pTransform) |
| Modify the rotation part of the transform. The translation part of the transform is not modified. More...
Transform | transformFromRotation (const Rotation &pRotation) |
void | rotationFromTransformInPlace (const Transform &pTransform, Rotation &pRotation) |
| Extract the position coordinates from a Transform. More...
Rotation | rotationFromTransform (const Transform &pTransform) |
Rotation3D | rotation3DFromRotation (const Rotation &pRotation) |
| return 3 angles which result in the equivalent rotation when composed in the following order: Rz(wz) * Ry(wy) * Rx(wx) = R More...
Rotation | rotationFromAxesXY (const Position3D &pX, const Position3D &pY) |
| return a Rotation Matrix initialized with its direction vectors X and Y in world coordinates. These vectors represent, respectively, the first and second columns of the Rotation matrix. The vectors must be unitary and orthogonal. More...
Rotation | rotationFromAxesXZ (const Position3D &pX, const Position3D &pZ) |
| return a Rotation Matrix initialized with its direction vectors X and Z in world coordinates. These vectors represent, respectively, the first and third columns of the Rotation matrix. The vectors must be unitary and orthogonal. More...
Rotation | rotationFromAxesYZ (const Position3D &pY, const Position3D &pZ) |
| return a Rotation Matrix initialized with its direction vectors X and Y in world coordinates. These vectors represent, respectively, the second and third columns of the Rotation matrix. The vectors must be unitary and orthogonal. More...
Rotation | rotationFromAxesXYZ (const Position3D &pX, const Position3D &pY, const Position3D &pZ) |
| return a Rotation Matrix initialized with its direction vectors in world coordinates. The vectors represent the columns of the Rotation matrix. The vectors must be unitary and orthogonal. More...
void | position6DFromTransformInPlace (const Transform &pT, Position6D &pPos) |
| Compute Position6D corresponding to the Transform. More...
Position6D | position6DFromTransform (const Transform &pT) |
| Compute Position6D corresponding to 4*4 Homogenous Transform. More...
void | transformFromPose2DInPlace (const Pose2D &pPose, Transform &pT) |
| Compute a Transform from a Pose2D. More...
Transform | transformFromPose2D (const Pose2D &pPose) |
| Create a Transform from a Pose2D. More...
void | pose2DFromTransformInPlace (const Transform &pT, Pose2D &pPos) |
| Compute a Pose2D from a Transform. More...
Pose2D | pose2DFromTransform (const Transform &pT) |
| Create a Pose2D from a Transform. More...
void | position2DFromTransformInPlace (const Transform &pT, Position2D &pPos) |
| Compute a Position2D from a Transform. More...
Position2D | position2DFromTransform (const Transform &pT) |
| Create a Position2D from a Transform. More...
Transform | transformFromRotation3D (const Rotation3D &pRotation) |
| Create a Transform from the 3 angles stored in a Rotation3D. The angles are composed in the following order: Rz(wz) * Ry(wy) * Rx(wx) = R More...
Transform | transformFromPosition6D (const Position6D &pPosition6D) |
| Create a Transform from a Position6D. More...
void | position6DFromTransformDiffInPlace (const Transform &pCurrent, const Transform &pTarget, Position6D &result) |
| Computes a 6 differential motion required to move from a 4*4 Homogenous transform matrix Current to a 4*4 Homogenous transform matrix target. More...
Position6D | position6DFromTransformDiff (const Transform &pCurrent, const Transform &pTarget) |
| Computes a 6 differential motion require to move from a 4*4 Homogenous transform matrix Current to a 4*4 Homogenous transform matrix target. More...
void | position3DFromTransformInPlace (const Transform &pT, Position3D &pPos) |
| Compute a Position3D from a Transform. More...
Position3D | position3DFromTransform (const Transform &pT) |
| Create a Position3D from a Transform. More...
Rotation3D | rotation3DFromTransform (const Transform &pT) |
| Create a Rotation3D (Roll, Pitch, Yaw) corresponding to the rotational part of the Transform. R = Rz(wz) * Ry(wy) * Rx(wx) More...
void | transformFromRotVecInPlace (const int pAxis, const float pTheta, const Position3D &pPos, Transform &pT) |
| Compute a Transform from More...
Transform | transformFromRotVec (const int pAxis, const float pTheta, const Position3D &pPos) |
void | transformFromRotVecInPlace (const Position3D &pPos, Transform &pT) |
Transform | transformFromRotVec (const Position3D &pPos) |
Transform | transformFromRotVec (const int &pAxis, const float &pTheta) |
Position3D | operator* (const Transform &pT, const Position2D &pPos) |
Position3D | operator* (const Transform &pT, const Position3D &pPos) |
Transform | axisRotationProjection (const Position3D &pAxis, const Transform &pT) |
Rotation | axisRotationProjection (const Position3D &pAxis, const Rotation &pRot) |
void | axisRotationProjectionInPlace (const Position3D &pAxis, Transform &pT) |
void | axisRotationProjectionInPlace (const Position3D &pAxis, Rotation &pRot) |
void | orthogonalSpace (const Position3D &pPos, Transform &pTf) |
Transform | orthogonalSpace (const Position3D &pPos) |
Transform | transformFromQuaternion (const Quaternion &pQua) |
Quaternion | quaternionFromTransform (const Transform &pT) |
Transform | transformFromDisplacement (const Displacement &pDisp) |
Displacement | displacementFromTransform (const Transform &pTrans) |
const bool | avoidFootCollision (const std::vector< Position2D > &pLFootBoundingBox, const std::vector< Position2D > &pRFootBoundingBox, const bool &pIsLeftSupport, Pose2D &pMove) |
| Compute the best position(orientation) of the foot to avoid collision. More...
const bool | clipFootWithEllipse (const float &pMaxFootX, const float &pMaxFootY, Pose2D &pMove) |
| Clip foot move with ellipsoid function More...
const bool | areTwoBoxesInCollision (const std::vector< Position2D > &pBoxA, const std::vector< Position2D > &pBoxB) |
void | computeBox (const std::vector< Position2D > &pInitBox, const Pose2D &pMove, std::vector< Position2D > &pMovedBox) |
const void | dichotomie (const std::vector< Position2D > &pFixedBox, const std::vector< Position2D > &pMovingBox, Pose2D &pMove) |
bool | intersectionSegment2D (const Position2D &pA1, const Position2D &pA2, const Position2D &pB1, const Position2D &pB2, Position2D &pC) |
bool | isAxisMask (const int pAxisMask) |
| Validates an AxisMask. More...
float | distanceSquared (const Pose2D &pPos1, const Pose2D &pPos2) |
| Compute the squared distance between two Pose2D. More...
float | distance (const Pose2D &pPos1, const Pose2D &pPos2) |
| Compute the distance between two Pose2D. More...
void | pose2dInvertInPlace (Pose2D &pPos) |
| Inverse the given Pose2D in place: More...
Pose2D | pinv (const Pose2D &pPos) |
| Alternative name for inverse: return the pose2d inverse of the given Pose2D. More...
Pose2D | pose2dDiff (const Pose2D &pPos1, const Pose2D &pPos2) |
| Compute the Pose2D between the actual Pose2D and the one give in argument result: More...
Pose2D | pose2DInverse (const Pose2D &pPos) |
| Compute the inverse of a Pose2D. More...
void | pose2DInverse (const Pose2D &pPos, Pose2D &pRes) |
| Compute the inverse of a Pose2D. More...
Position2D | operator* (const float pM, const Position2D &pPos1) |
float | distanceSquared (const Position2D &pPos1, const Position2D &pPos2) |
| Compute the squared distance between two Position2D. More...
float | distance (const Position2D &pPos1, const Position2D &pPos2) |
| Compute the distance between two Position2D : More...
float | norm (const Position2D &pPos) |
| Compute the norm of a Position2D. More...
Position2D | normalize (const Position2D &pPos) |
| Normalize a Position2D. More...
float | dotProduct (const Position2D &pPos1, const Position2D &pPos2) |
| Compute the dot Product between two Position2D: More...
float | crossProduct (const Position2D &pPos1, const Position2D &pPos2) |
| Compute the cross Product of two Position2D. More...
void | crossProduct (const Position2D &pPos1, const Position2D &pPos2, float &pRes) |
| Compute the cross Product of two Position2D. More...
float | distanceSquared (const Position3D &pPos1, const Position3D &pPos2) |
| Compute the squared distance between two Position3D: More...
float | distance (const Position3D &pPos1, const Position3D &pPos2) |
| Compute the distance between two Position3D: More...
float | norm (const Position3D &pPos) |
| Compute the norm of a Position3D: More...
Position3D | normalize (const Position3D &pPos) |
| Normalize a Position3D: More...
float | dotProduct (const Position3D &pPos1, const Position3D &pPos2) |
| Compute the dot Product between two Position3D: More...
Position3D | crossProduct (const Position3D &pPos1, const Position3D &pPos2) |
| Compute the cross Product between two Position3D: More...
void | crossProduct (const Position3D &pPos1, const Position3D &pPos2, Position3D &pRes) |
| Compute the cross Product between two Position3D: More...
bool | isUnitVector (const Position3D &pPos, const float &pEpsilon=0.0001f) |
| Checks if the norm of a Position3D is near to 1.0 More...
bool | isOrthogonal (const Position3D &pPos1, const Position3D &pPos2, const float &pEpsilon=0.0001f) |
| Checks if two Position3D are orthogonal More...
float | distanceSquared (const Position6D &pPos1, const Position6D &pPos2) |
| Compute the squared distance of translation part (x, y and z) between two Position6D: More...
float | distance (const Position6D &pPos1, const Position6D &pPos2) |
| Compute the distance of translation part (x, y and z) between two Position6D: More...
float | norm (const Position6D &pPos) |
| Compute the norm of a Position6D: More...
Position6D | normalize (const Position6D &pPos) |
| Normalize a Position6D: More...
float | norm (const Quaternion &pQua) |
| Compute the norm of a Quaternion: More...
Quaternion | normalize (const Quaternion &pQua) |
| Normalize a Quaternion: More...
void | quaternionInverse (const Quaternion &pQua, Quaternion &pQuaOut) |
| Return the quaternion inverse of the given Quaternion: More...
Quaternion | quaternionInverse (const Quaternion &pQua) |
| Return the quaternion inverse of the given Quaternion More...
Quaternion | quaternionFromAngleAndAxisRotation (const float pAngle, const float pAxisX, const float pAxisY, const float pAxisZ) |
| Create a Quaternion initialized with explicit angle and axis rotation. More...
void | angleAndAxisRotationFromQuaternion (const Quaternion &pQuaternion, float &pAngle, float &pAxisX, float &pAxisY, float &pAxisZ) |
| Compute angle and axis rotation from a Quaternion. More...
std::vector< float > | angleAndAxisRotationFromQuaternion (const Quaternion &pQuaternion) |
| Compute angle and axis rotation from a Quaternion. More...
Rotation | transpose (const Rotation &pRot) |
| Compute the transpose rotation of the one given in argument: More...
float | determinant (const Rotation &pRot) |
| Compute the determinant of the given Rotation: More...
void | normalizeRotation (Rotation &pRot) |
| Normalize data, if needed, to have Rotation properties. More...
Rotation | rotationFromQuaternion (const float pA, const float pB, const float pC, const float pD) |
| Creates a 3*3 Rotation Matrix from a normalized quaternion ( |a + bi + cj + dk| = 1). More...
Rotation | rotationFromAngleDirection (const float pAngle, const float pX, const float pY, const float pZ) |
| Creates a 3*3 Rotation Matrix from a an angle and a normalized direction( |pX, pY, pZ| = 1). More...
void | applyRotation (const AL::Math::Rotation &pRot, float &pX, float &pY, float &pZ) |
| Apply Rotation to a 3D point. More...
Rotation | rotationFromRotX (const float pRotX) |
| Create a Rotation initialized with explicit rotation around x axis. More...
Rotation | rotationFromRotY (const float pRotY) |
| Create a Rotation initialized with explicit rotation around y axis. More...
Rotation | rotationFromRotZ (const float pRotZ) |
| Create a Rotation initialized with explicit rotation around z axis. More...
Rotation | rotationFrom3DRotation (const float &pWX, const float &pWY, const float &pWZ) |
| Create a Rotation initialized with euler angle. Rot = fromRotZ(pWZ)*fromRotY(pWY)*fromRotX(pWX) More...
float | norm (const Rotation3D &pRot) |
| Compute the norm of a Rotation3D: More...
void | transformPreMultiply (const Transform &pT, Transform &pTOut) |
| pTOut = pT*pTOut More...
float | norm (const Transform &pT) |
| Compute the norm translation part of the actual Transform: More...
void | normalizeTransform (Transform &pT) |
| Normalize data, if needed, to have transform properties. More...
void | transformToFloatVector (const Transform &pT, std::vector< float > &pTOut) |
| DEPRECATED: Use toVector function. Copy the Transform in a vector of float: More...
std::vector< float > | transformToFloatVector (const Transform &pT) |
| DEPRECATED: Use toVector function. Return the Transform in a vector of float: More...
float | determinant (const Transform &pT) |
| Compute the determinant of rotation part of the given Transform: More...
float | determinant (const std::vector< float > &pFloats) |
| Compute the determinant of rotation part of the given vector of floats: More...
void | transformInverse (const Transform &pT, Transform &pTOut) |
| Return the transform inverse of the given Transform: More...
Transform | transformInverse (const Transform &pT) |
| Return the transform inverse of the given Transform: More...
Transform | transformFromRotX (const float pRotX) |
| Create a Transform initialize with explicit rotation around x axis: More...
Transform | transformFromRotY (const float pRotY) |
| Create a Transform initialize with explicit rotation around y axis: More...
Transform | transformFromRotZ (const float pRotZ) |
| Create a Transform initialize with explicit rotation around z axis: More...
Transform | transformFrom3DRotation (const float &pWX, const float &pWY, const float &pWZ) |
| Create a Transform initialize with euler angle: H = fromRotZ(pWZ)*fromRotY(pWY)*fromRotX(pWX) More...
Transform | transformFromPosition (const float &pX, const float &pY, const float &pZ) |
| Create a Transform initialize with explicit value for translation part: More...
Transform | transformFromPosition (const float &pX, const float &pY, const float &pZ, const float &pWX, const float &pWY, const float &pWZ) |
| Create a Transform initialize with explicit value for translation part and euler angle: More...
void | transformInvertInPlace (Transform &pT) |
| Inverse the given Transform in place: More...
Transform | pinv (const Transform &pT) |
| Alternative name for inverse: return the transform inverse of the given Transform: More...
Transform | transformDiff (const Transform &pT1, const Transform &pT2) |
| Compute the Transform between the actual Transform and the one give in argument result: More...
float | transformDistanceSquared (const Transform &pT1, const Transform &pT2) |
| Compute the squared distance between the actual Transform and the one give in argument (translation part): More...
float | transformDistance (const Transform &pT1, const Transform &pT2) |
| Compute the distance between the actual Transform and the one give in argument: More...
Velocity3D | operator* (const float pM, const Velocity3D &pVel1) |
float | norm (const Velocity3D &pVel) |
| Compute the norm of a Velocity3D: More...
Velocity3D | normalize (const Velocity3D &pVel) |
| Normalize a Velocity3D: More...
Velocity6D | operator* (const float pVal, const Velocity6D &pVel) |
| Overloading of operator * for left Velocity6D. More...
float | norm (const Velocity6D &pVel) |
| Compute the norm of a Velocity6D: More...
Velocity6D | normalize (const Velocity6D &pVel) |
| Normalize a Velocity6D: More...