SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.8?

ALRobotMood API

NAOqi Emotion - Overview | API

Method list

class ALRobotMood

This is a naoqi2 module.

ALRobotMood has the following methods:


RobotFullState ALRobotMood::getFullState()

Gets the estimated emotional state of the robot through a RobotFullState struct.

Returns:A struct containing the values of each emotional descriptor of a robot.

This is organized as follows, in C++:

struct RobotFullState
   ValueConfidence pleasure;
   ValueConfidence excitement;
struct ValueConfidence
   float value;
   float confidence;

In python:

RobotFullState =
     "value": float
     "confidence": float
     "value": float
     "confidence": float

Valence value is ranged from -1 to 1; excitement value is ranged from 0 to 1; confidence is ranged from 0 to 1.

RobotState ALRobotMood::getState()

Gets the simplified emotional state of the robot through a RobotState struct.

Returns:A struct containing the values of each emotional descriptor of a robot.

This is organized as follows, in C++:

struct RobotState
   std::string pleasure;
   std::string excitement;

In python:

RobotState =
   "pleasure": string
   "excitement": string

For further details, see: Basic Emotions.


RobotState ALRobotMood::stateChanged()
Triggered:Each time the robot’s emotional state changed.
Returns:A struct containing the robot’s mood state. See above.
std::string ALRobotMood::pleasureChanged()
Triggered:Each time the robot’s pleasure state changed.
Returns:Robot’s pleasure new state, one of “negative”, “neutral”, or “positive”
std::string ALRobotMood::excitementChanged()
Triggered:Each time the robot’s excitement state changed.
Returns:Robot’s excitement new state, one of “calm” or “excited”.


RobotFullState ALRobotMood::fullState()
Triggered:At each ALRobotMood time period (1s by default).
Returns:A struct containing the robot’s full mood state. See above.
RobotState ALRobotMood::state()
Triggered:At each ALRobotMood time period (1s by default).
Returns:A struct containing the robot’s mood state. See above.
std::string ALRobotMood::pleasure()
Triggered:At each ALRobotMood time period (1s by default).
Returns:Robot’s pleasure state, one of “negative”, “neutral”, or “positive”
std::string ALRobotMood::excitement()
Triggered:At each ALRobotMood time period (1s by default).
Returns:Robot’s excitement state, one of “calm” or “excited”.