SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.5?

Fall manager API

NAOqi Motion - Overview | API


void ALMotionProxy::setFallManagerEnabled(const bool& enable)

Enable/disable the fall manager reflex, but only if allowed by the owner. If not allowed, an exception is thrown.

For further details, see: Deactivation of non-critical safety reflexes.

  • enable – Enable or disable the fall manager reflex.
bool ALMotionProxy::getFallManagerEnabled()

Allow to know if the fall manager reflex is activated.

Returns:Return true is the fall manager reflex is activated.


Event: "ALMotion/RobotIsFalling"
callback(std::string eventName, bool val, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the fall manager process starts.

  • eventName (std::string) – “ALMotion/RobotIsFalling”
  • val – always True.
  • subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –
Event: "robotHasFallen"
callback(std::string eventName, bool val, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the fall manager process finishes.

  • eventName (std::string) – “robotHasFallen”
  • val – always True.
  • subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –
Event: "ALMotion/RobotIsStand"
callback(std::string eventName, bool val, std::string subscriberIdentifier)

Raised when the robot has detected, or no longer detects that its weight is supported by the feet.

  • eventName (std::string) – “ALMotion/RobotIsStand”
  • val – True if the weight is supported by the feet, false otherwise.
  • subscriberIdentifier (std::string) –