Basic Channel - What can I say to NAO¶
If you do not know what you could say to NAO, try one of the following sentences.
These sentences are the canonical forms. A canonical form is the standard. Some of variants can also work. For example, you can also try “How can I call you?” for “what’s your name?”
Prerequisite: Autonomous Life: ON - Basic Channel: ON |
Meet NAO¶
French - Japanese - Chinese - German - Spanish - Italian
English | French |
Hello | Bonjour |
Good morning | |
Good afternoon | |
Good evening | Bonsoir |
Nice to meet you | Enchanté de faire ta connaissance |
Small talk¶
English | French |
How are you? | Comment ça va? |
Nao! | Nao! |
Thank you | Merci |
End of interaction¶
English | French |
Goodbye | Au revoir |
Goodnight | Bonne nuit |
See you later | À tout à l’heure |
Have a good day | Bonne journée |
Take care | Fais attention à toi |
I’m going to sleep | Je vais me coucher |
I have to go | Je dois y aller |
I’ll come back soon | Je reviens bientôt |
Have a nice weekend | Bon week-end |
See you tonight | À ce soir |
See you tomorrow | À demain |
See you Monday [1] | À lundi |
See you next week | À la semaine prochaine |
[1] Try also with other weekdays.
Ask for information¶
French - Japanese - Chinese - German - Spanish - Italian
English | French |
What did I say? | Qu’est-ce que je viens de dire? |
Can you repeat? | Peux-tu répéter? |
English | French |
What are your applications? | C’est quoi tes applications? |
How can I start an application? | Comment on fait pour lancer une application? |
Date & time¶
English | French |
What time is it? | Quelle heure est-il? |
What day is it? | Quel jour sommes-nous? |
Tell me the current year | En quelle année sommes-nous? |
English | French |
What languages do you speak? | Quelles langues sais-tu parler? |
English | French |
Tell me your current volume | Quel est ton volume actuel? |
How can I change your volume? | Comment faire pour changer le volume? |
What is your minimum volume? | Quel est ton volume minimum? |
What is your maximum volume? | Quel est ton volume maximum? |
Battery level¶
English | French |
How long does it take you to charge? | Combien de temps tu mets à te charger? |
How much autonomy do you have? | Combien as-tu d’autonomie? |
What is your battery level? | Il te reste combien de batterie? |
Do you need charging? | As-tu besoin de te recharger? |
Are you hungry? | As-tu faim? |
What is your exact battery level? | Quel est ton niveau exact de batterie? |
Are you plugged in? | Es-tu branché? |
Are you charging? | Es-tu en train de te recharger? |
Do you want me to plug you in? | Tu veux que je te branche? |
Internet connection¶
English | French |
What is your IP address? | Quelle est ton adresse IP? |
Give me your wifi IP address | Donne-moi ton adresse IP wifi |
Give me your ethernet IP address | Donne-moi ton adresse IP ethernet |
Give me your bluetooth IP address | Donne-moi ton adresse IP bluetooth |
What is your webpage? | Donne-moi ta page web |
I want to configure the Internet | Je veux me connecter au wifi |
Are you connected to the wifi? | Es-tu connecté au wifi? |
Are you connected to the internet? | Es-tu connecté à internet? |
Modify settings¶
French - Japanese - Chinese - German - Spanish - Italian
English | French |
Speak English | Parle anglais |
Try also with the other supported languages: English, French, Japanese, Chinese, German, Spanish and Italian (the corresponding language packages must be installed on your robot beforehand).
Note: when NAO is asked to speak another language, the language is changed and remains changed, i.e. asking NAO to speak a language has the same effect as modifying his settings.
English | French |
Speak softer | Parle moins fort |
Speak louder | Parle plus fort |
Set the volume to the minimum | Mets le volume au minimum |
Set the volume to the maximum | Mets le volume au maximum |
I want to set the volume at 35 [2] | Mets le volume à 35. |
I want to change the volume | Change le volume |
[2] Try also with other values between 20 and 100.
Silent mode¶
In silent mode, NAO will still listen but will make specific gestures instead of answering.
English | French |
Stop talking | Tais-toi |
You can speak again | Tu peux reparler |
Shutdown, restart & sleep mode¶
English | French |
Can you shutdown? | Éteins-toi |
Can you restart? | Tu peux redémarrer? |
Go to sleep | Va dormir |
Make NAO move¶
French - Japanese - Chinese - German - Spanish - Italian
English | French |
Turn your engines on | Allume tes moteurs |
Turn your engines off | Éteins tes moteurs |
Can you stand up? | Lève-toi |
Can you sit down? | Assieds-toi |
Can you lie down? [3] | Allonge-toi |
Can you crouch? | Accroupis-toi |
[3] Try also: Can you lie on your belly / on your back?
English | French |
Can you turn your head? [4] | Tourne la tête |
Can you look elsewhere? | Regarde ailleurs |
Can you look down? | Regarde vers le bas |
Can you look up? | Regarde vers le haut |
Can you shake your head? | Peux-tu bouger la tête? |
Can you look at me? | Peux-tu me regarder? |
Can you stop moving your head? | Arrête de bouger la tête |
[4] Try also: Can you turn your head to the left / to the right?
English | French |
Can you raise your arm? [5] | Peux-tu lever ton bras? |
Can you raise your arms? | Lève tes bras |
Can you stretch your arm? [5] | Peux-tu tendre le bras? |
Can you stretch your arms? | Tend tes bras |
[5] Try also with left / right arm.
English | French |
Let’s shake hands! | On peut se serrer la main? |
Can you open your hand? [6] | Peux-tu ouvrir la main? |
Can you open your hands? | Peux-tu ouvrir les mains? |
Can you close your hand? [6] | Peux-tu fermer la main? |
Can you close your hands? | Peux-tu fermer les mains? |
Can you move your hand? [6] | Peux-tu bouger la main? |
Can you move your hands? | Peux-tu bouger les mains? |
Hands up! | Haut les mains |
Can you put your hands behind? | Mets tes mains en arrière |
Can you wave bye bye? | Peux-tu me faire coucou? |
Hide yourself | Cache-toi les yeux |
[6] Try also with left / right hand.
Impossible moves¶
English | French |
Can you touch me? | Peux-tu me toucher? |
Can you point at me? | Montre-moi du doigt? |
Can you cross your arms? | Peux-tu croiser les bras? |
Can you dab? | Peux-tu faire un dab? |
Can you turn your head 180 degrees? | Peux-tu tourner la tête de 180 degrés? |
Can you walk? | Tu peux marcher? |
Can you roll? | Tu peux rouler? |
Go backwards | Peux-tu reculer? |
Can you run? | Peux-tu courir? |
Can you jump? | Peux-tu sauter? |
Can you spin? | Fais un tour sur toi-même |
Can you do a backflip? | Peux-tu faire un saut périlleux? |
Can you do push ups? | Peux-tu faire des pompes? |
Can you stand on one foot? | Peux-tu te mettre sur un pied? |
Can you fly? | Peux-tu voler? |
Make NAO do something¶
French - Japanese - Chinese - German - Spanish - Italian
English | French |
Can you sing? | Tu sais chanter? |
Sing Ring around the Rosie | Chante à la ronde jolie ronde |
Sing Mary had a little lamb | Chante Marie avait un petit agneau |
Sing Row row row your boat | Chante Rame rame rame le bâteau |
Sing Do Re Mi | Chante Do Re Mi |
Sing Hello Robots | Chante Salut les robots |
Sing the ABC song | Chante ABC |
English | French |
What can you do? | Que sais-tu faire? |
What cannot you do? | Qu’est-ce que tu ne sais pas faire? |
What can we talk about? | De quoi peut-on parler? |
English | French |
Launch <application name> | Lance <> |
<trigger sentence of the application> | <> |
Launch an application randomly | Lance une application au hasard |
Learn more about NAO¶
French - Japanese - Chinese - German - Spanish - Italian
Personal information¶
English | French |
Can you introduce yourself? | Présente-toi |
What’s your name? | Comment tu t’appelles? |
What’s your nickname? | As-tu un surnom? |
Can I change your name? | J’aimerais changer ton nom |
How old are you? | Quel âge as-tu? |
How old is Pepper? | Quel âge a Pepper? |
How old is Romeo? | Quel âge a Romeo? |
When is your birthday? | C’est quand ton anniversaire? |
What is your job? | Qu’est-ce que tu fais dans la vie ? |
Are you a boy or a girl? | Es-tu un garçon ou une fille? |
English | French |
How tall are you? | Quelle est ta taille? |
How much do you weight? | Combien pèses-tu? |
What are you made of? | Tu es fait en quelle matière? |
What color are you? | De quelle couleur es-tu? |
How many fingers do you have? | Tu as combien de doigts ? |
What is the meaning of your fingerprints? | Que signifient tes empreintes digitales ? |
What is your tablet for? | À quoi sert ta tablette? |
Do you have microphones? | As-tu des micros? |
Where are your microphones? | Où sont tes micros? |
Do you have speakers? | As-tu des haut-parleurs? |
Where are your speakers? | Où sont tes haut-parleurs? |
How many wheels do you have? | Tu as combien de roues? |
Do you have cameras? | As-tu des caméras? |
Where are your cameras? | Où sont tes caméras? |
Do you have sensors? | Tu as des capteurs tactiles? |
Where are your sensors? | Où sont tes capteurs tactiles? |
How many articulations do you have? | Tu as combien de degrés de liberté? |
English | French |
How fast can you go? | À quelle vitesse tu peux aller? |
Do you understand my emotions? | Est-ce que tu comprends mes émotions ? |
How you detect emotions? | Comment tu détectes les émotions? |
Can you remember me? | Tu saurais me reconnaître? |
Can you keep a secret? | Tu peux garder un secret? |
Can you see me? | Tu peux me voir? |
How do you recognize me? | Comment tu fais pour me reconnaître? |
How do you track me with your eyes? | Comment tu fais pour me suivre du regard ? |
Can you hear me? | Peux-tu m’entendre? |
Can you understand me? | Peux-tu me comprendre? |
How many words do you know? | Combien de mots tu connais? |
How do you understand what I say? | Comment tu fais pour comprendre tout ce que je dis? |
How do you speak? | Comment tu fais pour parler ? |
How do you move forward? | Comment tu fais pour avancer/reculer? |
How do you move? | Comment tu fais pour bouger ? |
English | French |
Where do you come from? | D’où viens-tu? |
Why are you called Nao? | Pourquoi tu t’appelles Nao? |
What does Nao mean? | Que veut dire Nao? |
Who called you Nao? | Qui t’a appelé Nao? |
Tell me more about Softbank Robotics | Parle-moi de Softbank Robotics |
English | French |
Are you kind? | Es-tu gentil? |
Are you cool? | Es-tu cool? |
Are you smart? | Es-tu intelligent? |
Can I trust you? | Puis-je te faire confiance? |
What do you think about humans? | Que penses-tu des humains? |
Do you like humans? | Aimes-tu les humains? |
Humanoid robot¶
English | French |
Are you human? | Es-tu humain? |
Are you alive? | Es-tu vivant? |
Are you conscious? | Es-tu conscient? |
Do you eat? | Est-ce que tu manges? |
Do you drink? | Est-ce que tu bois? |
Do you know the laws of robotics? | Est-ce que tu connais les lois de la robotique? |
Who is Asimov? | Qui est Asimov? |
Are you a robot? | Es-tu un robot? |
What is a humanoid robot? | C’est quoi un robot humanoïde? |
What is a robot? | C’est quoi un robot? |
Will robots replace humans? | Est-ce que tu vas remplacer les humains? |
Are robots dangerous? | C’est dangereux les robots? |
Other robots¶
English | French |
Who is Pepper? | Qui est Pepper? |
Talk about Pepper | Parle-moi de Pepper |
I know Pepper | Je connais Pepper |
Who is Romeo? | Qui est Romeo? |
Talk about Romeo | Parle-moi de Romeo |
I know Romeo | Je connais Romeo |
When will Romeo be available? | Quand est-ce que Roméo sortira? |
English | French |
Do you have siblings? | Tu as des frères et soeurs? |
Do you have parents? | Tu as des parents? |
Do you have a child? | Tu as un enfant? |
Who is your father? | Qui es ton père? |
Do you have friends? | Tu as des amis? |
What’s your friend’s name? | Comment s’appelle ton ami? |
Do you want to be my friend? | Tu veux être mon ami? |