
NAOqi Vision - Overview | API | Tutorial

What it does

The ALPhotoCapture module allows you to take pictures and using the robot cameras and save them on disk.


This function takes and stores one picture using the module’s parameters (color space, frame rate, resolution, picture format). All these parameters can be set using the appropriate methods (see the API section). The location of the file on the disk is given as argument. .. note:

A button is available in the Monitor GUI for taking pictures by calling this


This function is similar to ALPhotoCaptureProxy::takePicture() but allows to take several pictures. The final file names are constructed by appending the number of the picture to the file name.


If you don’t manually set the parameters, the following ones will be used by default:

  • Camera ID: default (top camera)
  • Color space: BGR
  • Time between two pictures: 200 millisecond (i.e. 5 frames per second)
  • Resolution: VGA (640 x 480)
  • Picture format: jpg

Performances and Limitations

A call to ALPhotoCaptureProxy::takePicture() or ALPhotoCaptureProxy::takePictures() takes some time because the module has to subscribe to ALVideoDevice and wait a few hundred milliseconds for the camera image to stabilize. However, if you need reactivity it is possible to subscribe to ALVideoDevice before taking the picture(s), thus saving up to a second or more. This is done by calling the method ALPhotoCaptureProxy::halfPress(). A second call will cause the module to unsubscribe from ALVideoDevice.


Please note that no change in camera ID, color space, time period, resolution will be taken into account when the halfPress mode is on. You have to turn it off and on again for the new settings to be applied.


Be careful when turning this mode on especially if the requested resolution is high, for it might affect performance of all other modules which get data from ALVideoDevice. It is advised to turn the halfPress mode off as soon as it is not needed anymore.

Getting started

The easiest way to get started with most of these features is to use the corresponding Choregraphe vision boxes. Recording capabilities can be easily used through the camera panel of Monitor. You will also find working examples on the Tutorial page.