ALAutonomousMoves API

NAOqi Core - Overview | API

Namespace : AL

#include <alproxies/alautonomousmovesproxy.h>


void ALAutonomousMovesProxy::setExpressiveListeningEnabled(const bool& enabled)

Enables or disables the expressive listening.

  • enabled – Whether or not to enable or disable the expressive listening.
void ALAutonomousMovesProxy::getExpressiveListeningEnabled()

Gets if the expressive listening is enabled.

Returns:True if the expressive listening is enabled, False otherwise.
void ALAutonomousMovesProxy::setBackgroundStrategy(const std::string& stategy)

Sets the backround posture strategy.

  • strategy – The backround posture strategy (“none” or “backToNeutral”).
void ALAutonomousMovesProxy::getBackgroundStrategy()

Gets the backround posture strategy.

Returns:The backround posture strategy (“none” or “backToNeutral”).