
NAOqi Audio - Overview | API | QiChat | Tutorials

What it does

The ALDialog module allows you to endow your robot with conversational skills by using a list of “rules” written and categorized in an appropriate way.

How it works


ALDialog uses a list of written rules in order to manage the flow of the conversation between the human and the robot.

These rules are of two types: User rules and Proposal rules

  • A User rule links a specific user input to possible robot output.

    u: (Hello Nao how are you today) Hello human, I am fine thank you and you?
  • A Proposal rule triggers a specific robot output without any user output beforehand.

    proposal: Have you seen that guy on the TV yesterday?
       u1: (yes) He was crazy, no?
       u1: (no) Really, I need to tell you.

Grouped by Topics

In order to properly manage the conversation between the human and the robot, the rules are grouped by Topics.

topic: ~greetings
language: enu

u: (Hello Nao how are you today) Hello human, I am fine thank you and you?
u: ({"Good morning"} {Nao} did you sleep * well) No damn! You forgot to switch me off!
proposal: human, are you going well ?
   u1: (yes) I'm so happy!
   u1: (no) I'm so sad

A Topic can either be created and edited directly in any text editor or through a qiChat Choregraphe box.