
See also

Overview | API | Tutorial

What is the DCM

DCM stands for “Device Communication Manager”.

The DCM is the software module, part of the NAOqi system, that is in charge of the communication with all electronic devices in the robot (boards, sensors, actuators...) except the sound (in or out) and the camera. It manages the main communication line: the USB link with the ChestBoard. But there is also an I2C link with devices in the robot head. Thus, the DCM is the link between the “upper level” software (others modules) and the “lower level” software (soft in electronic boards). Modules like ALMotion and ALLEDs directly send commands to actuators using the DCM, while extractors and other modules use sensor results returned by the DCM in ALMemory.


Although the DCM itself and electronic boards have many securities, it is possible to damage the robot with bad configuration parameters or inappropriate series of actuator commands. Using directly the DCM means that you know what you are doing. First of all, read this documentation carefully.

Architecture overview

As the DCM is a link between the high and low level, understanding both high level architecture (NAOqi) and low level (devices/electronic board) is useful to understand the DCM.

Like other modules, the DCM is part of the NAOqi environment. It is linked as a library.


The DCM installation is done with the NAOqi installation. The DCM is a library of the NAOqi core program.

At first, the DCM reads two preference files: the device.xml (with all data about devices and subDevices) and the dcm.xml (with DCM specific information).


Even if it’s possible to run the DCM as a remote object with Soap communication, it’ll be very CPU consuming to do that, as the link between ALMemory and the DCM is highly used.

How the DCM handles various NAO models and versions

The DCM deals with many different NAO versions and models.
To determine the body type and version of your robot, see NAO Version and NAO Body type.

In the DCM, all the options managed are present by default (hands, arms, legs ...).

When a robot do not have some parts:

  • DCM sends back 0 for the missing sensors,
  • actuator changes do not have effect,
  • electronics boards won’t answered to request.