SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.8?

C++ SDK - Hello world (auto-generated)ΒΆ

Step Action

In your worktree, type:

$ qisrc create myFirstExample

Result: a directory myfirstexample has been created, with a ‘hello world’ already implemented inside.

Go in this directory:

$ cd myfirstexample

Then type:

$ qibuild configure

Result: a directory build-<myconfig> has been created, where <myconfig> corresponds to your current configuration. For example, if you configure on a Linux 64 bits, your configuration file will be build-sys-linux-x86_64.

To compile the ‘hello world’ program, type:

$ qibuild make

To run the ‘hello world’ program, for example with the command:

Go into the directory build-<myconfig>/sdk/bin:

$ cd build-<myconfig>/sdk/bin

then type:

$ ./my_first_example


On Mac, you should set the environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to myfirstexample/build-mytoolchain/sdk/lib first.