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alrotation.h File Reference
#include <vector>

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struct  AL::Math::Rotation
 A 3*3 rotation matrix. More...






Rotation AL::Math::transpose (const Rotation &pRot)
 Compute the transpose rotation of the one given in argument: More...
float AL::Math::determinant (const Rotation &pRot)
 Compute the determinant of the given Rotation: More...
void AL::Math::normalizeRotation (Rotation &pRot)
 Normalize data, if needed, to have Rotation properties. More...
Rotation AL::Math::rotationFromQuaternion (const float pA, const float pB, const float pC, const float pD)
 Creates a 3*3 Rotation Matrix from a normalized quaternion ( |a + bi + cj + dk| = 1). More...
Rotation AL::Math::rotationFromAngleDirection (const float pAngle, const float pX, const float pY, const float pZ)
 Creates a 3*3 Rotation Matrix from a an angle and a normalized direction( |pX, pY, pZ| = 1). More...
void AL::Math::applyRotation (const AL::Math::Rotation &pRot, float &pX, float &pY, float &pZ)
 Apply Rotation to a 3D point. More...
Rotation AL::Math::rotationFromRotX (const float pRotX)
 Create a Rotation initialized with explicit rotation around x axis. More...
Rotation AL::Math::rotationFromRotY (const float pRotY)
 Create a Rotation initialized with explicit rotation around y axis. More...
Rotation AL::Math::rotationFromRotZ (const float pRotZ)
 Create a Rotation initialized with explicit rotation around z axis. More...
Rotation AL::Math::rotationFrom3DRotation (const float &pWX, const float &pWY, const float &pWZ)
 Create a Rotation initialized with euler angle. Rot = fromRotZ(pWZ)*fromRotY(pWY)*fromRotX(pWX) More...

Macro Definition Documentation


Definition at line 10 of file alrotation.h.