SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.5?

Requesting technical information

Pending notifications

When a notification is pending, NAO emits a small sound and his Status LEDs blink once in a while.

Blinking Status LEDs


The color indicates the severity of the notification:

  • Green pep_green_notif info: feed-back about an ongoing action;
  • Yellow pep_yellow_notif warning: an issue requires your attention and/or action;
  • Red pep_red_notif error: at least one functionality became unusable.

For further details, see: Event and state notifications.

Reading IP address and notifications

To Get NAO‘s IP address and read notifications:

Step Action

Press the Chest Button once.


  • NAO says its name and IP address.
  1. If the Status LEDs were blinking:

    NAO reads the pending notifications.

Optionally: Press again the Chest Button to Skip a message.

While the robot is saying its IP address or a notification message, pressing again interrupts the current message and jumps to the next one, if any.


  • IP address is hard to understand?

    On the third request, NAO will slow down and spell digit by digit the address.

Chest Button
