SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.5?

Play tab

The Play tab allows the Teacher to start and control a training session, associating a Child, a Robot and a Playlist or an Activity.


Playing a Playlist

Step Action

Make sure your NAO is turned on and connected.

NAO needs to be turned on and connected to a WiFi network in order to be available through the Interface.

Choose a Child.

  • Click the Choose a Child button,
  • Select a Child profile,
  • Click the Select This Child button.

Choose a Robot.

  • Click the Choose a robot button.

    The NAOs that are connected to your interface are displayed.

  • Select the robot you want to work with.

  • Click the Select This Robot button.

    The name of the selected NAO is displayed.

    To test the connection, type a word or phrase into the text box and wait for NAO to say it.

Choose a Playlist or an Activity.

  • Click the Choose a Playlist/ An App button
  • Select the Playlist or single Acivity you wish to start,
  • Click the Select This Playlist button.
  • If you choose an app, click the param_play parameter button to select the features which best suit the class or child you are working with.

When you and the child are ready to interact with NAO:

  • Click the Play play button.

    A few seconds after, the Playlist starts.

Playlist Controls

The buttons under the timeline allow you to start, stop, pause, skip ahead and skip backward through the Playlist.

  • backward Skip backward button restarts the currently running Activity without saving data,
  • forward Skip ahead button jumps to the next one.
  • If you use the stop Stop or the pause Pause button, when the Activity is resumed, the Activity will restart from the beginning.

Troubleshoot: You have two robots on but your Interface is not recognizing one of them.

  1. Make sure both robots are connected to Wi-Fi (NAO will give an IP address when you press his chest button once).
  2. Make sure both NAOs are connected to the Community account your Interface has on file. For further details, see: Connecting a NAO to ASK NAO for the first time.
  3. Potential Proxy issue.