T14 - Masses - V 3.2

See also

V 4.0 | V 3.3 | V 3.2

NAO T14 | Masses


This page details, for each solid (S) of a robot, the Mass, Center of Mass and Inertial matrix.

\text{Mass (kg)}

\text{CoM(S)} = \left[\begin{array}{c}
X_G \\ Y_G \\ Z_G
\end{array} \right]_{(o, R)} \text{(m)}

\left[I_o(S)\right]_R = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}
I_{xx} & I_{xy} & I_{xz} \\
I_{yx} & I_{yy} & I_{yz} \\
I_{zx} & I_{zy} & I_{zz}
\end{array}\right]_R (\text{kg}*\text{m}^2)

The Center of Mass position and the Inertial matrix are described relative to the local coordinate system of the current solid (S) (o, R).

All solids (S) and local coordinate system are described relative to the zero posture: with straight arms pointing forwards.

Whole robot

\text{Mass} = 2.5


(o, R) is located on: Torso.


\text{Mass} = 1.05767

\text{CoM(S)} = \left[
                  -0.00544 \\
                  0.00005 \\
                \right]_{(o, R)}

\left[I_o(S)\right]_R = \left[
                          0.00407798983 & 0.00001905036 & -0.00009699419 \\
                          0.00001905036 & 0.00383666587 & -0.00000729520 \\
                          -0.00009699419 & -0.00000729520 & 0.00191346075 \\


Right Shoulder

(o, R) is located on the joint: RShoulderPitch.


\text{Mass} = 0.06984

CoM(S) = \left[
             -0.00178 \\
             +0.02507 \\
         \right]_{(o, R)}

[I_O(S)]_R = \left[
               +0.00007101854 & +0.00000202458 & +0.00000001713 \\
               +0.00000202458 & +0.00001404920 & +0.00000004410 \\
               +0.00000001713 & +0.00000004410 & +0.00007314467

Left Shoulder

(o, R) is located on the joint: LShoulderPitch.

\text{Mass} = 0.06984

CoM(S) = \left[
             -0.00178 \\
             -0.02507 \\
         \right]_{(o, R)}

[I_O(S)]_R = \left[
               +0.00007101854 & -0.00000202458 & +0.00000001713 \\
               -0.00000202458 & +0.00001404920 & -0.00000004410 \\
               +0.00000001713 & -0.00000004410 & +0.00007314467

Right Bicep

(o, R) is located on the joint: RShoulderRoll.


\text{Mass} = 0.12166

CoM(S) = \left[
             +0.02067 \\
             -0.00388 \\
         \right]_{(o, R)}

[I_O(S)]_R = \left[
               +0.00005931793 & +0.00000193929 & -0.00001564503 \\
               +0.00000193929 & +0.00020221058 & +0.00000368731 \\
               -0.00001564503 & +0.00000368731 & +0.00018421556

Left Bicep

(o, R) is located on the joint: LShoulderRoll.

\text{Mass} = 0.12166

CoM(S) = \left[
             +0.02067 \\
             +0.00388 \\
         \right]_{(o, R)}

[I_O(S)]_R = \left[
               +0.00005931793 & -0.00000193929 & -0.00001564503 \\
               -0.00000193929 & +0.00020221058 & -0.00000368731 \\
               -0.00001564503 & -0.00000368731 & +0.00018421556

Right Elbow

(o, R) is located on the joint: RElbowYaw.


\text{Mass} = 0.05959

CoM(S) = \left[
             -0.02573 \\
             +0.00001 \\
         \right]_{(o, R)}

[I_O(S)]_R = \left[
               +0.00000549462 & +0.00000002242 & +0.00000006771 \\
               +0.00000002242 & +0.00006224789 & -0.00000000559 \\
               +0.00000006771 & -0.00000000559 & +0.00006323010

Left Elbow

(o, R) is located on the joint: LElbowYaw.

\text{Mass} = 0.05959

CoM(S) = \left[
             -0.02573 \\
             -0.00001 \\
         \right]_{(o, R)}

[I_O(S)]_R = \left[
               +0.00000549462 & -0.00000002242 & +0.00000006771 \\
               -0.00000002242 & +0.00006224789 & +0.00000000559 \\
               +0.00000006771 & +0.00000000559 & +0.00006323010

Right Motorized ForeArm

(o, R) is located on the joint: RElbowRoll.


\text{Mass} = 0.03770

CoM(S) = \left[
             +0.01940 \\
             -0.00304 \\
         \right]_{(o, R)}

[I_O(S)]_R = \left[
               +0.00001271101 & +0.00000131460 & -0.00000143626 \\
               +0.00000131460 & +0.00003056901 & +0.00000020686 \\
               -0.00000143626 & +0.00000020686 & +0.00002976287

Left Motorized ForeArm

(o, R) is located on the joint: LElbowRoll.

\text{Mass} = 0.03770

CoM(S) = \left[
             +0.01940 \\
             +0.00304 \\
         \right]_{(o, R)}

[I_O(S)]_R = \left[
               +0.00001271101 & -0.00000131460 & -0.00000143626 \\
               -0.00000131460 & +0.00003056901 & -0.00000020686 \\
               -0.00000143626 & -0.00000020686 & +0.00002976287

Hands - motorized

Right Motorized Hand

(o, R) is located on the joint: RWristYaw.


\text{Mass} = 0.14314

CoM(S) = \left[
            +0.03241 \\
            -0.00268 \\
         \right]_{(o, R)}

[I_O(S)]_R = \left[
               +0.00005692620 & +0.00000822213 & +0.00001136287 \\
               +0.00000822213 & +0.00027230907 & -0.00000181780 \\
               +0.00001136287 & -0.00000181780 & +0.00026611399

Left Motorized Hand

(o, R) is located on the joint: LWristYaw.

\text{Mass} = 0.14314

CoM(S) = \left[
            +0.03241 \\
            +0.00268 \\
         \right]_{(o, R)}

[I_O(S)]_R = \left[
               +0.00005692620 & -0.00000822213 & +0.00001136287 \\
               -0.00000822213 & +0.00027230907 & +0.00000181780 \\
               +0.00001136287 & +0.00000181780 & +0.00026611399