SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.5?

Merge Request #1 - July 2014


We intend to clean and factorize our public API. Some of our libraries has been merged together to simplify their utilization and we have standardize our API. We also add some repositories to split libraries source code, bindings and documentations

Global changes


Move bindings from qimessaging to their own repository:

  • C: sdk/libqi-capi
  • dotnet: sdk/libqi-dotnet
  • java: sdk/libqi-java
  • Javascript: sdk/libqi-js
  • python: sdk/libqi-python


Create the SDK documetation repository independent from general documentation (sdk/doc).


  • Remove qipkg
  • Rewrite Behavior
  • Rewrite LogManager, LogProvider and LogListener.
    • Add unique message identifier.
    • Add lockfree ring buffer to send messages.

libqi and clocks

Integration with new clocks has been improved. These new methods has been added to Future:

qi::FutureState qi::Future<T>::wait(qi::Duration duration) const;
qi::FutureState qi::Future<T>::wait(qi::SteadyClock::time_point timepoint) const;

And these functions were added for async operations:

qi::Future<R> qi::EventLoop::async(boost::function<R()> callback, qi::Duration delay);
qi::Future<R> qi::EventLoop::async(boost::function<R()> callback, qi::SteadyClockTimePoint timepoint);
qi::Future<R> qi::async(boost::function<R()> callback, qi::Duration delay)
qi::Future<R> qi::async(boost::function<R()> callback, qi::SteadyClockTimePoint timepoint)

It is recommanded to stop using integers versions of these functions and use the duration overload instead.

// old code:
qi::async(myfunc, 50000);
// new code:
qi::async(myfunc, qi::MilliSeconds(50));

The steady clock overload provides a way to wait for multiple futures for the same time.

typedef std::vector<Future<void> > Futures;

Futures futures;
// let's wait for all the future for only 50ms
qi::SteadyClockTimePoint timepoint = qi::SteadyClock::now() +
bool ok = true;
for (Futures::iterator iter = futures.begin(); iter != futures.end(); ++iter)
  if (future.wait(timepoint) != qi::FutureState_FinishedWithValue)
    ok = false;
if (!ok)
  qiLogError() << "There was an error or the operation timed out";

libqimessaging, libqitype, libqi and liqiperf

Merge libqimessaging, libqitype libqiperf and libqi together. You only need to depend to QI instead of QIMESSAGING, QITYPE or QIPERF.


qi_create_lib(my_lib SRC main.cpp DEPENDS QIMESSAGING QITYPE QIPERF)
# or


qi_create_lib(my_lib SRC main.cpp DEPENDS QI)
# or
qi_use_lib(my_lib QI)

Python bindings

Properties bindings in python have been improved. You can now bind callbacks to be notified when properties change, as you can do in C++.

New Features


A module can contain:

  • function definitions
  • factories for structures and objects

Modules are cross-language, you can define a module in C++ and use it in python or the reverse. They can be used at runtime, so you can import a module and use it without knowing it previously.

Redmine issues

Bug #13825: Object::call should not return a Future

Bug #21158: Fix SEGV because of a profusion of python exceptions

Bug #21637: [ALBehaviorManager] Deadlock on empty behaviors

Bug #22032: qi::Session crashes on close

Bug #22170: [CRASH] Fix crash in qi::py::pyCallMethod

Bug #22243: Session leak in qimessaging-json

Bug #22260: Crash in pyobjectconverter.cpp into

Bug #22279: [CRASH] in

Bug #22321: async qi::Future can sometimes be executed in the same thread than the one generating the future

Bug #22330: Deadlock libqipython

Bug #22658: Debug logs aren’t thrown in the log files

Bug #22739: signal serviceStarted is not triggered

Bug #23166: Incorrect date for copyright at naoqi launch

Bug #23676: Packages are uncompressed in tempfs before being moved to /home

Bug #23945: A service should be stopped when its package is removed

Bug #23603: Remove ALTabletService.disableWebviewTouch() from TouchDectection tablet box

API Modifications


  • LogListener:

    Deprecated New API
    setVerbosity(qi::LogLevel) setLevel(qi::LogLevel)
    setCategory(string, qi::LogLevel) addFilter(string, qi::LogLevel)


    qi::LogListenerPtr listener = logmanager->getListener()
    // set global log level to debug
    // add filter to show logs matching foo.* on Verbose
    listener->setCategory("foo.*", qi::LogLevel_Verbose);


    qi::LogListenerPtr listener = logmanager->getListener()
    // set global log level to debug
    // add filter to show logs matching foo.* on Verbose
    listener->addFilter("foo.*", qi::LogLevel_Verbose);
  • LogProvider:

    Deprecated New API
    setVerbosity(qi::LogLevel) setLevel(qi::LogLevel)
    setCategory(string, qi::LogLevel) addFilter(string, qi::LogLevel)
    clearAndSet(vector<pair<string, qi::LogLevel> >) setFilters(vector<pair<string, qi::LogLevel> >)


    qi::LogProviderPtr provider = qi::makeLogProvider(loggermanager);
    // set global log level to debug
    // add filter to show logs matching foo.* on Verbose and bar.* on Info
    provider->setCategory("foo.*", qi::LogLevel_Verbose);
    provider->setCategory("bar.*", qi::LogLevel_Info);
    // reset and set filters to foo.* on Verbose
    // and bar.* to Info
    filters.push_back(std::make_pair("foo.*", qi::LogLevel_Verbose));
    filters.push_back(std::make_pair("bar.*", qi::LogLevel_Info));


    qi::LogProviderPtr provider = qi::makeLogProvider(loggermanager);
    // set global log level to debug
    // add filter to show logs matching foo.* on Verbose and bar.* on Info
    provider->addFilter("foo.*", qi::LogLevel_Verbose);
    provider->addFilter("bar.*", qi::LogLevel_Info);
    // reset and set filters to foo.* on Verbose
    // and bar.* to Info
    filters.push_back(std::make_pair("foo.*", qi::LogLevel_Verbose));
    filters.push_back(std::make_pair("bar.*", qi::LogLevel_Info));


  • call(MetaCallType, ...) is removed.

  • call does not return a future anymore.

    Remove New API
    template<typename R> qi::FutureSync<R> call() template<typename R> R call()
  • To get a future, you need to call async<R>().


// Sync setValue<void>("setValue", 12).wait();
// Async getValue
qi::Future<int> fut =<int>("getValue");


// Sync setValue<void>("setValue", 12);
// Async getValue
qi::Future<int> fut = object.async<int>("getValue");


Deprecated New API
qi::LogLevel verbosity() qi::LogLevel logLevel()
void setVerbosity(qi::LogLevel) void setLogLevel(qi::LogLevel)
void setVerbosity(string) void addFilters(string)
void setCategory(string, qi::LogLevel) void addFilter(string, qi::LogLevel)


qi::LogLevel level = qi::log::verbosity();
// set global log level to level
// Add filters foo.* to Debug and bar.* to Info
// Add filter "*" to Warning
qi::log::setCategory("*", qi::LogLevel_Warning);


qi::LogLevel level = qi::log::logLevel();
// set global log level to level
// Add filters foo.* to Debug and bar.* to Info
// Add filter "*" to Warning
qi::log::addfilter("*", qi::LogLevel_Warning);

Cleaning headers qitype and qimessaging

Deprecated Headers Replacement
qimessaging/applicationsession.hpp qi/applicationsession.hpp
qimessaging/autoservice.hpp qi/messaging/autoservice.hpp
qimessaging/serviceinfo.hpp qi/messaging/serviceinfo.hpp
qimessaging/session.hpp qi/session.hpp
qimessaging/url.hpp qi/url.hpp
qitype/anyfunction.hpp qi/anyfunction.hpp
qitype/anyobject.hpp qi/anyobject.hpp
qitype/anyreference.hpp qi/type/anyreference.hpp
qitype/anyvalue.hpp qi/anyvalue.hpp
qitype/binarycodec.hpp qi/binarycodec.hpp
qitype/dynamicobject.hpp qi/type/dynamicobject.hpp
qitype/dynamicobjectbuilder.hpp qi/type/dynamicobjectbuilder.hpp
qitype/fwd.hpp qi/type/fwd.hpp
qitype/jsoncodec.hpp qi/jsoncodec.hpp
qitype/metamethod.hpp qi/type/metamethod.hpp
qitype/metaobject.hpp qi/type/metaobject.hpp
qitype/metaproperty.hpp qi/type/metaproperty.hpp
qitype/metasignal.hpp qi/type/metasignal.hpp
qitype/objectfactory.hpp REMOVED use qi/module.hpp
qitype/objecttypebuilder.hpp qi/type/objecttypebuilder.hpp
qitype/property.hpp qi/property.hpp
qitype/proxyproperty.hpp qi/type/proxyproperty.hpp
qitype/proxysignal.hpp qi/type/proxysignal.hpp
qitype/signal.hpp qi/signal.hpp
qitype/signature.hpp qi/signature.hpp
qitype/typedispatcher.hpp qi/type/typedispatcher.hpp
qitype/typeinterface.hpp qi/type/typeinterface.hpp
qitype/typeobject.hpp qi/type/typeobject.hpp


#include <qimessaging/session.hpp>
#include <qimessaging/serviceinfo.hpp>
#include <qitype/signal.hpp>
#include <qitype/objecttypebuilder.hpp>


#include <qi/session.hpp>
#include <qi/messaging/serviceinfo.hpp>
#include <qi/signal.hpp>
#include <qi/type/objecttypebuilder.hpp>