Aldebaran documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.4.3?

Basic Channel - What can I say to Pepper - German

If you do not know what you could say to Pepper, try one of the following sentences.


These sentences are the canonical forms. A canonical form is the standard. Some of variants can also work. For example, you can also try “How can I call you?” for “what’s your name?”

Prerequisite: Autonomous Life: ON - basic_channel_pep: ON

Meet Pepper

French - 日本語 - German - Spanish - Italian

English German
How are you? Wie geht es dir?
Can you say goodbye? Kannst du auf Wiedersehen winken?

About the applications

French - 日本語 - German - Spanish - Italian

English German
What can you do? Was kannst du tun?
Tell me all you can do. Welche Anwendungen hast du?


French - 日本語 - German - Spanish - Italian

English German
What did I say? Was habe ich gesagt?
Can you repeat please. Kannst du wiederholen?

Information about settings and system

French - 日本語 - German - Spanish - Italian

Battery level

English German
What is your battery level? Was ist dein Batteriestand?
Are you charging? Lädst du dich gerade auf?

Internet connection

English German
What is your IP address? Was ist deine IP adresse?
Are you connected to Internet? Ist du mit dem Internet?

Date & Time

English German
What time is it? Wie spät ist es?
What day are we? Hast du das Datum?


You can ask Pepper witch languages he can speak and understand.

English German
What languages do you speak? -

Modifying Language & sound settings

French - 日本語 - German - Spanish - Italian


You can ask Pepper to temporarly change his current language.

English German
Speak French. -
Can you speak French? -
Speak Japanese. -
Can you speak Japanese? -
Speak Chinese. -
Can you speak Chinese? -
Speak Italian. -
Can you speak Italian? -
Speak Spanish. -
Can you speak Spanish? -
Speak German. -
Can you speak German? -
- -
- -

Note: when Pepper is asked to to speak another language, the language changes but only while the user has the robot engaged in dialog. As soon as the current dialog is stopped, the language is set back to the one defined in his settings.


English German
Speak softer. -
Speak louder. -

Pepper‘s moves

French - 日本語 - German - Spanish - Italian


English German
Can you stretch your arms? [1] Strecke deine Arme aus.
Raise your arms. [1] Hebe deine Arme.

[1] Try also left arm or right arm.


English German
Make your hands [2] move. Bewege deine hände.
Can you open your hands [2] ? Öffne deine hände.
Can you close your hands [2] ? Schließe deine hände.
Can you put your hands behind? Tu deine hände hinter den rücken.
Hands up! Hände hoch!

[2] Try also left hand or right hand.

More about Pepper

French - 日本語 - German - Spanish - Italian


Personal information

English German
What’s your name? Wie lautet dein name?
What is your nickname? Wie lautet dein Spitzname?
Introduce yourself. Beschreibe dich.
How tall are you? Wie hoch bist du?
How much do you weigh? Wieviel wiegst du?
How old are you? Wie alt bist du?
When is your birthday? Wann ist dein geburtstag?
Are you a boy or a girl? Bist du ein junge oder ein mädchen?
What are you made of? Woraus bestehst du?
What colour are you? Welche farbe hast du?
What is your tablet for? Wofür ist dein tablett?


English German
Are you kind? Bist du sanft?
Are you cool? Bist du cool?
Are you intelligent? Bist du klug?
Can I trust you? Kann ich dir trauen?


English German
Are you human? Bist du menschlich?
Are you alive? Bist du lebendig?
Are you sentient? Hast du ein bewusstsein?
Can you think? Kannst du denken?
Can you feel emotions? Hast du emotionen?
How do you detect emotions? Wie bestimmst du emotionen?
Do you eat? Isst du?

Interaction with user

English German
Can you talk? Kannst du sprechen?
Can you see me? Kannst du mich sehen?
Can you hear me? Kannst du mich hören?
Can you understand me? Kannst du mich verstehen?
Can you remember me? Kannst du dich an mich erinnern?



English German
Are you a robot? Bist du ein roboter?
What is a robot? Was ist ein roboter?
What is a humanoid robot? Was ist ein humanoider roboter?
Will robots replace humans? Werden roboter menschen ersetzen?


English German
Do you know the laws of robotics? Kennst du robotergesetze?

Famous Robots

English German
Do you know Nao? Kennst du Nao?
Do you know Romeo? Kennst du Romeo?


English German
Why is your name Pepper? Warum wurdest du Pepper genannt?
Who decided to call you like that? Wer hat deinen namen gewählt?
Who made you? Wer hat dich gemacht?
Where were you made? Wo wurdest du gemacht?


English German
Do you have a family? Hast du eine Familie?
Do you have friends? Hast du Freunde?
What is your friend’s name? Wie heißt dein Freund?
Can we be friends? Wollen wir Freunde sein?