Enrich NAO’s behavior list

This tutorial will show you how to enrich your robot’s possibilities by uploaded behaviors.

In this section you will learn how to:

  • Add a Behavior to your robot using the Behavior manager, and then
  • Call it inside a script box.

Add a behavior to your NAO using the Behavior manager

Let’s create a simple Behavior that we will add to the robot:

Step Action Further help
Drag and drop the Motion > Stand Up and the Motion > Sit Down boxes into your Flow diagram.  

Link those two boxes to make it look like this:

Save the Behavior.  
Display the Behavior manager. How to display/hide panels
Click on the add-current-behavior-button Add current behavior button to add the Behavior on your robot.  
Set the name of the Behavior.  

Click on Ok.

You can see that the behavior is added in the list of behaviors that are on the robot.


You have added your first behavior on your robot.


In the Behavior list of the Behavior manager, click the Play button to start the Behavior.

Your robot executes the behavior.



Call a behavior from a box script

In this part we will see how to call a Behavior directly from a box script using the Behavior Manager API.
For more information about the Behavior Manager module, see ALBehaviorManager section.

Step Action Further help
Create a new project.  
In the Flow diagram, create a Script box. How to create a Script box

Double click the box to display the Script editor.

You can see that the structure of the code was automatically generated.

In the onLoad method, creates a proxy to the ALBehaviorManager module.  
In the onStart method, call the method runBehavior with the name of the Behavior previously added to the Behavior manager.  

In the onUnload method, call the method stopBehavior with the name of the Behavior previously added to the Behavior manager.

The code of the box should look like that:

class MyClass(GeneratedClass):
    def __init__(self):

    def onLoad(self):
        self.behaviorManagerProxy = ALProxy("ALBehaviorManager")

    def onUnload(self):
        self.behaviorManagerProxy.stopBehavior("Put here the name of the behavior")

    def onInput_onStart(self):
        self.behaviorManagerProxy.runBehavior("Put here the name of the behavior")

    def onInput_onStop(self):
        #~ it is recommanded to call onUnload of this box in a onStop method,
           as the code written in onUnload is used to stop the box as well
Link the input of the box to the beginning of the root behavior.  

Start the behavior using the play-button Play button.

Your robot executes the behavior called in the script.


If you look at the Behavior manager during the execution, you can see that the Behavior called is running and that you can stop it by clicking on the stop button.

