qibuild <COMMAND> ...
Provides several actions to work with projects. You can configure, build, install and generate binary archives of projects.
Useful commands:
(use qibuild --help to have the full list of available actions)
Create a new project in the work tree.
In the following actions, you do not need to specify the project name if you are in a subdirectory of this project
All following command accept a -c,--config argument which should be the name a a toolchain (-c system to use the native toolchain). See qitoolchain man page.
Useful options:
(use qibuild COMMAND --help to have the full list of available options for the given COMMAND)
-v, --verbose | Set verbose output |
--backtrace | Print the full backtrace when an error occurs. (useful for bug reports) |
Useful build options:
--release | Build in release (by default, qibuild builds in debug) |