SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.5?

Face Characteristics - Get Age

no-virtual Cannot be tested on a simulated robot.

When you run this behavior, the robot will track your face and estimate your age!

In this behavior the robot is only able to estimate the age of one person at a time!

Step Action
Drag and drop the Movement > Motors > WakeUp box onto the Flow Diagram panel.
Connect its input to the diagram input.
Test The robot stands up.
Drag and drop the Sensing > Vision > Surroundings > Basic Awareness box onto the Flow Diagram panel.
Connect its input to the output of the WakeUp box.
Click on its parameter-button parameter button.

Deselect all stimuli but the People Stimulus.

Test The robot only tracks human faces, but no sounds, movements etc.
Drag and drop the Sensing > Human Understanding > Get Age box onto the Flow Diagram panel.
Connect its input to the Human Tracked output of the Basic Awareness box.
Test The robot tries to estimate the age of the person in front of him.
Drag and drop the Speech > Creation > Say Text box onto the Flow Diagram panel.

Connect its input to the onStopped output of the Get Age box.


Double click on the Say Text box and replace line 27 of the python code with: sentence += “You look like you are %s years old” % str(p)

Test Depending on the estimated age the robot will say: “You look like you are {age} years old”
