SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.5?

Event and state notifications

You may receive notifications from Pepper system or from an application.

In that case, a small sound is played and the status LEDs remain still white but blink once in a while with a color indicating the severity of the notification.

Status LEDs is ... Severity


Steady White light,

cut by a brief

blinking in ...

Green green_chest_anim Pepper gives you some feed-back by an Info notification about an ongoing action.
Yellow yellow_chest_anim

Warning notification occurs when an issue requires your attention and/or action.

Pepper is still usable but, it may either run in a degraded mode in which some features may be not available or it may soon become unusable if you don’t solve the problem.

Red red_chest_anim

Error notification occurs when one or all functionality(ies) of Pepper become unusable.

Try to solve the problem using the tips. If the problem persists, contact the customer support and provide them with the error ID. For further details, see: Contacting customer support for Pepper.

Error and Warning notification messages are prefixed by their severity and their ID when they are said, so that you can give them to the customer support to describe more easily your problem.

To ask Pepper to read the notification, see: Requesting technical information.

List of notifications

Boot process

English - 日本語 - 普通话

# Message Tips Severity
10 11 我取消了系统更新。系统镜像无效。我仍在运行版本 ◯◯。 The file containing the system image seems unusable, try again to retrieve the relevant system file. red_chest
100 我成功地更新了我的系统。我现在在运行版本 ◯◯。   green_chest
101 102 103
  • 我取消了系统更新。系统镜像我的更新程序不兼容。我仍在运行版本 ◯◯。
  • 我取消了系统更新。系统镜像与我的处理器不兼容 。我仍在运行版本 ◯◯。
  • 我取消了系统更新。系统镜像与我的身体不兼容。我仍在运行版本 ◯◯。
The system image used for the update is not compatible with your robot hardware. Check what system image version supports your robot version and model, and retry with one of the supported system image version. red_chest
104 我取消了系统更新。系统镜像已损坏。我仍在运行版本 ◯◯。 The system image is corrupted. Try downloading it again then restart the update process. red_chest
105 我取消了系统更新。我目前的系统似乎崩溃了。我仍在运行版本 ◯◯。 The update program cannot recognize your robot hardware. Some changes done on the hardware damage it. Contact the support. red_chest
110 111 我无法更新我的系统。请尝试再次更新我。   red_chest
120 我成功地恢复了出厂设置。我的所有数据和设置都已经重置。   green_chest
200 201 202 我不能恢复出厂设置。我的一些数据或设置可能没有被重置。请重试恢复出厂设置,以便删除所有数据和设置。

Retry the update with factory reset enabled.

If the problem persists, contact the support.

203 我成功地恢复了出厂设置。我的所有数据和设置都已经重置。   green_chest
204 205 我无法访问我的一些数据。我的用户磁盘分区似乎损坏了。请重启我以便解决这个问题。

The memory space dedicated to the user is not accessible due to some hardware failure.

Try to reboot the robot.

If the problem persists, contact the support.

214 215 我无法访问我的一些数据。我的内部磁盘分区似乎损坏了。请重启我以便解决这个问题。

The memory space dedicated to internal usage is not accessible due to some hardware failure.

Try to reboot the robot.

If the problem persists, contact the support.

400 401 402
  • 我不能移动。我目前的系统与我的身体不兼容。用一个兼容的系统镜像,重新更新我。
  • 我不能移动。我目前的系统对我的身体来说版本太旧了。请用一个稍新的系统镜像再次更新我。
  • 我不能移动。目前的系统对我的身体来说版本过新。用一个较新的系统镜像重新更新我。
The current system image of your robot is not compatible with your robot hardware. Check what system image version supports your robot version and model, and retry with one of the supported system image version. red_chest
404 我不能移动。我无法连接身体。请重启我以便解决这个问题。

The head does not find or recognize its body. The robot is unusable.

Try to reboot to fix this.

405 我更新了一些固件。请重启我以便完成更新。

Some new firmwares have been installed but will not be enabled until a reboot of the robot.

Turn off the robot using the standard procedure, then start it again.

If this warning occurs on every boot, it means:

  • either some hardware is too old and cannot be updated;
  • or some hardware is broken and cannot be updated.

In either case, you should contact the support.

500 我无法连接到云服务。我无法检测到我的头部序列号。请联系售后服务。 Contact the support. red_chest
501 我无法连接到云服务。我的系统日期出错了。请确保我连接网络,并重新启动,以便解决这个问题。 Make sure your robot is connected to the Internet then restart it to update the date. yellow_chest
600 我這樣不太安全。请帮助我坐下来或是弯腰 The robot is not in a good position to start autonomous life. Put it in sitting or crouching position and it will start life. red_chest

Diagnosis - Pepper

English - 日本語 - 普通话

# Message Tips Severity
710 我不能再动了。我检测到我的关键设备◯◯上有一个错误:◯◯。请重启我以便解决这个问题。

This will have an impact on your robot,

see Diagnosis effect.

If the problem persists after a reboot, contact the support.

711 我检测到我的关键设备◯◯上有一个错误:◯◯。请重启我以便解决这个问题。

This will have an impact on your robot,

see Diagnosis effect.

If the problem persists after a reboot, contact the support.

712 我检测到一个系统错误:我的某个软件无法正常运行。请重启我以便解决这个问题。

If the problem persists after a reboot,

contact the support.

713 我不能再动了。我检测到我的关键设备◯◯上有一个错误:◯◯。请重启我以便解决这个问题。

This will have an impact on your robot, see Diagnosis effect.

If the problem persists after a reboot, contact the support.

714 我检测到我的关键设备◯◯上有一个错误:◯◯。请重启我以便解决这个问题。

This will have an impact on your robot, see Diagnosis effect.

If the problem persists after a reboot, contact the support.

720 我的◯◯中的一些马达的温度正在升高。我很快就需要休息了。 Robot motors are getting hot or are already too hot to be able to move. Put the robot in crouch and unstiffened and wait for few tens of minutes to let its motors cool down before you can use it again. yellow_chest
721 我身体的一部分不能再动了。我的◯◯中的一些电机的温度过高。让我休息一会儿吧。 Robot motors are getting hot or are already too hot to be able to move. Put the robot in crouch and unstiffened and wait for few tens of minutes to let its motors cool down before you can use it again. yellow_chest
722 我不能再动了。我的◯◯中的一些电机的温度过高。让我休息一会儿吧。 Robot motors are getting hot or are already too hot to be able to move. Put the robot in crouch and unstiffened and wait for few tens of minutes to let its motors cool down before you can use it again. red_chest
723 我的◯◯中的一些马达的温度正在升高。我很快就需要休息了。 Robot motors are getting hot or are already too hot to be able to move. Put the robot in crouch and unstiffened and wait for few tens of minutes to let its motors cool down before you can use it again. yellow_chest
724 我的◯◯中的一些电机的温度过高。让我休息一会儿吧。 Robot motors are getting hot or are already too hot to be able to move. Put the robot in crouch and unstiffened and wait for few tens of minutes to let its motors cool down before you can use it again. yellow_chest
725 我的内存快满了。请重启我以便解决这个问题。 Robot RAM is full. Reboot the robot. yellow_chest
726 我的内存快满了。请删除一些应用或者数据以便腾出一些空间。 Robot user partition is full. Remove some applications or some data. yellow_chest
730 我头部处理器的温度正在上升。我很快就需要休息了。 Robot head processor is getting or is already too hot. Shut down the robot for few tens of minutes. yellow_chest
731 我头部处理器的温度过高。让我休息一会儿吧。 Robot head processor is getting or is already too hot. Shut down the robot for few tens of minutes. red_chest

Battery - notifications

English - 日本語 - 普通话

# Message Tips Severity
800 我没法使用电池。请重启我以便解决这个问题。 If the problem persists after a reboot, contact the support. red_chest
801 我的电池快需要充电了。 The battery level reached a low level. See: Charging the battery. yellow_chest
802 我的电池需要紧急充电。 The battery level reached a very low level. See: Charging the battery. yellow_chest
803 我的电量完全不足。我正在关机。 The robot ran out of battery so it shut down. See: Charging the battery. red_chest
805 现在我的电池充好电了。   green_chest
806 我检测到我的电池温度异常。我正在关机。请让我休息至少2小时以上,再重启。 If the problem persists after 2 hours with the robot off, contact the support. red_chest
810 我无法离开我的充电底座。请帮助我从它身边移开。 The robot is in an unknown and unsafe position. Push him away from its charging station like described in section Moving Pepper while off. red_chest

Store - notifications

English - 日本語 - 普通话

# Message Tips Severity
830 我已经安装了 ◯◯。   green_chest
832 我已经更新了 ◯◯。   green_chest
834 我已经删除了 ◯◯。   green_chest
840 我已经下载了系统版本 ◯◯。请重新启动我以便安装它。   yellow_chest

Robot backup tool - notifications

English - 日本語 - 普通话

# Message Tips Severity
900 我成功备份了数据。   green_chest
901 我无法备份我的数据。我的系统版本无法与这个操作兼容。请更新我的版本并重试一次。   red_chest
902 我无法备份我的数据。这个文件无法读取。请再试一次。   red_chest
903 我无法备份我的数据。与云端备份应用的连接被断开。请确保我连接网络,并重试一次。   red_chest
920 我成功地重新存储了数据。   green_chest
921 我无法储存数据。我的系统版本无法与这个操作兼容。请更新我的版本并重试一次。   red_chest
922 我无法储存数据。这个文件无法写入。请再试一次。   red_chest
923 我无法储存数据。与云端备份应用的连接被断开。请确保我连接网络,并重试一次。   red_chest