H25 - Motors - V 3.2

See also

V 4.0 | V 3.3 | V 3.2

NAO H25 | Motors




There are 4 types of motor in NAO - V. 3.2:

Motors Motor type 1 Motor type 2 Motor type 3 Motor type 4
Model RE-Max 24 RE-Max 17 A-max12 GM20
No load speed 8 000 rpm 11 900 rpm 12 300 rpm 13 206 rpm
Stall torque 59.5 mNm 15,1 mNm 1.52 mNm 0.08 mNm
Nominal torque 12.3 mNm 3.4 mNm 0.931 mNm 0.08 mNm

Speed Reduction ratio

For each motor, there are several types of speed reduction ratio:

Speed Reduction ratio Motor type 1 Motor type 2 Motor type 3 Motor type 4
Type A 201.3 150.27 800 372
Type B 130.85 173.22    

The table below lists the motor type and reduction ratio for each joint in NAO - V. 3.2:


Joints Motor Reduction ratio
ShoulderPitch Type 2 Type A
ShoulderRoll Type 2 Type B
ElbowYaw Type 2 Type A
ElbowRoll Type 2 Type B


Joints Motor Reduction ratio
WristYaw Type 3 Type A
Hand Type 4 Type A


Joints Motor Reduction ratio
HipYawPitch Type 1 Type A
HipRoll Type 1 Type A
HipPitch Type 1 Type B
KneePitch Type 1 Type B
AnklePitch Type 1 Type B
AnkleRoll Type 1 Type A