qiBuild documentation

Creating conan packages with qitoolchain

What is conan

Conan is a build tool written in Python to build and package C++ librairies.
The Conan ecosystem gather a client tool and some servers repositories.
Project built with Conan expose a python script to configure, build and package the project,
these projects also store the package in a conan server.

One of the usefull feature of conan, used here to build a qitoolchain package, is the conanfile.txt.
This file list our dependencies and the build configuration of these packages.
With one command we will be able to fetch the selected package or to rebuild them with our compiler.
The output directory will contains all the data we will need to create a qitoolchain package.

Creating conan package with qibuild interactivity

Let’s assume we will need a package for qitoolchain with shared boost inside.

qitoolchain convert-package --conan --name=boost --version=1.68.0 .
Switch to interactive mode
:: Which conan library do you want to add? (True)
> boost/1.68.0@conan/stable
:: Do you want it to be shared (highly recommended)? (Y/n)
> yes

In this way qitoolchain will detected that the conanbuildinfo.json is missing and will ask you for some informations about what you want to build.

The first thing is the name of the channel, something like: boost/1.68.0@conan/stable.
The second thing is if you want the shared version of the library (Yes by default).
Then it will write a conanfile in a tmp directory, build it and pass it the to rest of the process.

Here we are. A new package is now available and you can add it to you toolchain feed:

qitoolchain add-package -t linux64 boost-Linux-x86_64-1.68-0.zip