Headers go into <libname>/*
Sources and private headers goes into <src>/*
Private classes go into <src>/*
Private implementation headers should be named ‘<classname>_p.hpp’
For the public foo class and the private oups class in the bar library we have:
src/oups_p.hpp (optional)
This gives us the following objects:
#include <bar/foo.hpp>
int main(void) {
qi::Foo foo;
#include <bar/qt/qifoo.h>
int main(void) {
QiFoo foo;
Public headers must not include public headers from other libraries. This ensures binary compatibility.
Public headers must be enclosed within brackets <> when included.
On the other hand, private headers must be enclosed within double quotes “” when included.
If a header is not provided by the project, then the include statement must be:
#include <bar/foo.h>
Else if a header is provided by the project and gets installed, so this is a public header, then the include statement must be:
#include <bar/foo.h>
Otherwise, this is a private header provided by the project and only used in this project (e.i. never gets installed), then the include statement must be:
#include "bar/foo.h"
All public functions and classes should be exported using <LIBNAME>_API macro. This macro should be unique to the library and never be used by others libraries.
#include <bar/api.hpp>
class BAR_API Foo
For each library you will have to define <library>/api.hpp
#pragma once
#ifndef BAR_API_HPP_
#define BAR_API_HPP_
#include <qi/macro.hpp>
#define BAR_API QI_LIB_API(bar)
#endif // !BAR_API_HPP_
Please remember to export nested class
class BAR_API Foo
class BAR_API Bar // BAR_API is mandatory here
When a class has a private implementation, the copy constructor must be either implemented, either disabled - ie. defined in the private section of the class.
class Foo
//could be used to create a future pimpl if needed without breaking ABI
void* _reserved;
int _mymember;
You can expose struct but they should only contains POD. If a struct have a member which a class (or worst) a STL class, Windows wont be happy, and you will have to link the exe and the dll with the same VC runtime, in the same configuration (release/debug). Prefer Pimpl in this case.
Exceptions issues:
A* a = new A();
// this leak a A*
delete a;
This could be fixed with a RAII smart pointer class:
// this could be rewriten with smart pointer to avoid error
boost::shared_ptr<A> a = boost::make_shared<A>();
// a is cleanup here whatever happened.
even more vicious:
// GenericObject that throw in operator= sometime
class EvilObject;
std::list<EvilObject> evilList;
// simple function, that do not look evil, but can throw nevertheless,
// but can you guess what?
void functionthatdonotthrow(const EvilObject& eo)
void main()
EvilObject* eo = new EvilObject;
// leak, but you can't guess that reading functionthatdonotthrow
Once you have exception you should use RAII everywhere to avoid leak.
So use exception with caution and prefer a simple hierarchy over a complicated one. Do not hesitate to use std::runtime_error. Never throw an exception not defined in your lib, except the one provided by the stdexcept header.
When naming an iterator, simply append “It” after the name of the container.
std::vector<int> primeNumbers;
std::vector<int>::iterator primeNumbersIt;
The name of the enumeration must be singular.
The enumeration values must be prefixed by the name of the enumeration followed by an underscore.
Precise each number and never reorder existing enumerations for ABI compatibility.
class Message
enum Type
Type_Call = 0,
Type_Error = 1,
Type_Answer = 2,
Type_Event = 3
Always prefer enumerations to booleans for readability.
// bad: cannot understand just by reading the line
Client ds("ip", true);
// GOOD: easy to read, ok this is keepalive.
Client ds("ip", Connection_KeepAlive);
If the argument is IN-OUT then use pointer and avoid reference. The code that use the function is clearer to look at.
int a, b, result;
bool check;
// the & show that the value can be modified
check = computeButCanFail(a, b, &result);
//bad... we dont know value will be modified
check = computeButCanFail(a, b, result);
If the type is a POD (bool, char, short, int, float, double, etc...) use:
void setValue(int i);
In all other case use const ref.
void setValue(const MyClass& myclass);
All class with virtuals should have a virtual destructor to avoid leak.
Always declare the destructor of an interface pure virtual.
(and provide an implementation to make it compile).
An interface should not be instanciable, so forcing the destrutor to be pure is good.
class SocketInterface
// pure virtual destructor
virtual ~SocketInterface() = 0;
virtual void onReadyRead();
They should never be used to return data to users. Implement fast copy constructor and operator=. Rely on swap semantic if needed.
** pointer should only be used as input parameter, to pass an array of pointer.
// BAD an object is created in the socket library, but should be released
// in the client program
Message* msg;
// Good, user provide a message to fill
Message msg;
** Basically you should only use assert for something that according to you the developer when you write the assert CANNOT POSSIBLY BE FALSE.
Report error to the user of the library if possible instead. Users are then free to assert/exit as they want. A library should never crash a program deliberately.
assert is only active during debug, you may think that it is enough to use it, but some developper use debug build, and they do not want their program to crash because of a lib that do not handle errors correctly.
You should really be careful with assert, the goal is to catch error before a segfault, to point at the real error, instead of a random segfault. So use with caution.
A borderline example:
inotify_event& evt = reinterpret_cast<inotify_event&>(buffer[i]);
if (evt..mask & IN_CREATE) {...}
else if (evt.mask & IN_STUFF) {...}
else assert(!"inotify event type unknown");
// this one is wrong, if inotify api evolves some new message types may appear. This can happen and is not fatal to the code.
We use clang-format (version 3.6.0) to format our c++ files. If you want more information about clang-format take a look to http://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html and http://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.html
Here is the .clang-format file use for the project (files are port to this one at a time).
Language: Cpp
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# Only works for clang-format 3.7.0 (Apple)
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ColumnLimit: 119
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DisableFormat: false
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