qi.Future API


Promise and Future are a way to synchronise data between multiples threads. The number of future associated to a promise is not limited. Promise is the setter, future is the getter. Basically, you have a task to do, that will return a value, you give it a Promise. Then you have others thread that depend on the result of that task, you give them future associated to that promise, the future will block until the value or an error is set by the promise.



Constants that describe the state of the Future. This is the status returned by qi.Future.wait()

qi.FutureState.None The future is not bound.
qi.FutureState.Running The future is attached to a Promise.
qi.FutureState.Canceled The future has been canceled
qi.FutureState.FinishedWithError The future has finished and an error is available
qi.FutureState.FinishedWithValue The future has finished and a value is available

Constants to use for timeout arguments.

qi.FutureTimeout.None Do not wait.
qi.FutureTimeout.Infinite Block forever
class qi.Promise
Parameters:cb – a python callable

If the promise was constructed with a callback in parameter, it will be executed when a future associated to the promise is cancelled. The first argument of the callback is the promise itself.

future() → qi.Future

Get a qi.Future from the promise, you can get multiple from the same promise.

isCancelRequested() → bool

Return true if the future associated with the promise asked for cancelation

setCanceled() → None

Set the state of the promise to Canceled

setError(error) → None

Set the error of the promise

setValue(value) → None

Set the value of the promise

class qi.Future
addCallback(cb) → None
Parameters:cb – a python callable, could be a method or a function.

Add a callback that will be called when the future becomes ready. The callback will be called even if the future is already ready. The first argument of the callback is the future itself.

andThen(cb) → None
Parameters:cb – a python callable, could be a method or a function.
Returns:a future that will contain the return value of the callback.

Add a callback that will be called when the future becomes ready if it has a value. If the future finishes with an error, the callback is not called and the future returned by andThen is set to that error. The callback will be called even if the future is already ready. The first argument of the callback is the value of the future itself.

cancel() → None

If the future is cancelable, ask for cancelation.

error(timeout) → string
Parameters:timeout – a time in milliseconds. Optional.
Returns:the error of the future.
Raise:a RuntimeError if the timeout is reached or the future has no error.

Block until the future is ready.

hasError(timeout) → bool
Parameters:timeout – a time in milliseconds. Optional.
Returns:true if the future has an error.
Raise:a RuntimeError if the timeout is reached.

Return true or false depending on the future having an error.

hasValue(timeout) → bool
Parameters:timeout – a time in milliseconds. Optional.
Returns:true if the future has a value.
Raise:a RuntimeError if the timeout is reached.

Return true or false depending on the future having a value.

isCancelable() → bool
Returns:always true, all future are cancelable now

Deprecated since version 2.5.

isCanceled() → bool
Returns:true if the future is canceled.
isFinished() → bool
Returns:true if the future is not running anymore (if hasError or hasValue or isCanceled).
isRunning() → bool
Returns:true if the future is still running.
then(cb) → None
Parameters:cb – a python callable, could be a method or a function.
Returns:a future that will contain the return value of the callback.

Add a callback that will be called when the future becomes ready. The callback will be called even if the future is already ready. The first argument of the callback is the future itself.

unwrap() → Future

If this is a Future of a Future of X, return a Future of X. The state of both futures is forwarded and cancel requests are forwarded to the appropriate future

value(timeout) → value
Parameters:timeout – a time in milliseconds. Optional.
Returns:the value of the future.
Raise:a RuntimeError if the timeout is reached or the future has error.

Block until the future is ready.

wait(timeout) → qi.FutureState
Parameters:timeout – a time in milliseconds. Optional.
Returns:a qi.FutureState.

Wait for the future to be ready.


Simple example:

import qi
import time
import functools

def doSomeWork(p):
  #do your work here instead of sleeping

p = qi.Promise()
f = p.future()
qi.async(functools.partial(doSomeWork, p))
print "result:", f.value()

With callback:

import qi
import time
import functools

def doSomeWork(p):
  #do your work here instead of sleeping

def resultReady(f):
  if f.hasValue():
    print "Value:", f.value()
  elif f.hasError():
    print "Error:", f.error()

p = qi.Promise()
f = p.future()
qi.async(functools.partial(doSomeWork, p))

#resultReady will be called even if the result is already there.

Cancellation support

In some situations, you will want to create asynchronous operations that can be interrupted in the middle of their execution. For that you can set a callback to the promise that will be called when someone asks for cancellation. You usually don’t need anything particular in this callback and you can just check for isCancelRequested() on the promise.

import qi
import time
from functools import partial

class FakeOperation:
    def doStep(self):
        print 'I executed one step'

    def longOperation(self, promise):
        "do steps or cancel before the end"
        for i in range(10):
            if promise.isCancelRequested():
                print 'Cancel requested, aborting'
        # if an error occurred, promise.setError("error")
        # use setValue if everything went ok
        print 'longOperation finished'

    def asyncLongOperation(self):
        "start long operation and return a cancelable future"
        promise = qi.Promise(qi.PromiseNoop)
        qi.async(partial(self.longOperation, promise))
        return promise.future()

m = FakeOperation()

fut = m.asyncLongOperation()

assert fut.wait() == qi.FutureState.Canceled
assert fut.isCanceled()
assert fut.isFinished()
qi.PromiseNoop(*args, **kwargs)

No operation function .. deprecated:: 2.5