qi preprocessor macros


Global Macros

Detailed Description

Variadic Templates


libqi provides macros to emulate C++11 variadic templates. The idea is to transform a variadic definition:

template <typename R, typename... T>
R forward(T... args) {
  return call<R, T...>(args...);

into multiple normal definitions:

template <typename R>
R forward() {
  return call<R>();

// ...

template <typename R, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
R forward(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) {
  return call<R, T1, T2, T3>(arg1, arg2, arg3);

The downside is that it makes compilation time longer and does not support arguments up to infinity.


With the previous example, the macro usage looks like:

#define genCall(n, ATYPEDECL, ATYPES, ADECL, AUSE, comma)   \
  template <typename R comma ATYPEDECL>                     \
  R forward(ADECL)                                          \
  {                                                         \
    /* note that you can skip "comma ATYPES" since they can \
     * be automatically inferred in this case */            \
    return call<R comma ATYPES>(AUSE);                      \
#undef genCall

You must define a macro that will be called with 0, 1, ..., n arguments and must generate a definition each time.

  • n is the number of arguments this call should generate.
  • ATYPESDECL is the list of typenames with their names separated by commas.
  • ATYPES is just the names of the template arguments.
  • ADECL is the declaration of each parameter with a name.
  • AUSE is the names of the parameters.
  • comma is a comma when there is at least an argument, nothing otherwise. This is needed for the first call in which there is no template argument and the comma must be skipped.
