This is the complete list of members for AL::ALSoundExtractor, including all inherited members.
ALExtractor(boost::shared_ptr< ALBroker > pBroker, const std::string &pName) | AL::ALExtractor | |
ALSoundExtractor(boost::shared_ptr< AL::ALBroker > pBroker, std::string pName) | AL::ALSoundExtractor | |
audioDevice | AL::ALSoundExtractor | protected |
declareEvent(const std::string &event) | AL::ALExtractor | protected |
declareMemoryKey(const std::string &key) | AL::ALExtractor | protected |
fbDebugMode | AL::ALSoundExtractor | protected |
fIsRunning | AL::ALSoundExtractor | protected |
fNullTimestamp | AL::ALSoundExtractor | protected |
getCurrentPeriod() | AL::ALExtractor | virtual |
getCurrentPrecision() | AL::ALExtractor | virtual |
getDebugMode(void) | AL::ALSoundExtractor | inline |
getDefaultPeriod() | AL::ALExtractor | protectedvirtual |
getDefaultPrecision() | AL::ALExtractor | protectedvirtual |
getEventList(void) | AL::ALExtractor | protected |
getMaximumPeriod() | AL::ALExtractor | protectedvirtual |
getMemoryKeyList(void) | AL::ALExtractor | protected |
getMinimumPeriod() | AL::ALExtractor | protectedvirtual |
getMyPeriod(const std::string &pSubscribedName) | AL::ALExtractor | virtual |
getMyPrecision(const std::string &pSubscribedName) | AL::ALExtractor | virtual |
getSubscribersInfo() | AL::ALExtractor | |
process(const int &nbOfChannels, const int &nbrOfSamplesByChannel, const AL_SOUND_FORMAT *buffer, const ALValue ×tamp) | AL::ALSoundExtractor | virtual |
processSound(const int nbOfChannels, const int nbrOfSamplesByChannel, const AL_SOUND_FORMAT *buffer) | AL::ALSoundExtractor | virtual |
processSoundRemote(const int &nbOfChannels, const int &nbrOfSamplesByChannel, const ALValue &buffer) | AL::ALSoundExtractor | virtual |
setDebugMode(const bool &pbSetOrUnset=true) | AL::ALSoundExtractor | inline |
startDetection(void) | AL::ALSoundExtractor | virtual |
stopDetection(void) | AL::ALSoundExtractor | virtual |
subscribe(const std::string &pSubscribedName, const int &pPeriod, const float &pPrecision) | AL::ALExtractor | virtual |
subscribe(const std::string &pSubscribedName) | AL::ALExtractor | virtual |
unsubscribe(const std::string &pSubscribedName) | AL::ALExtractor | virtual |
updatePeriod(const std::string &pSubscribedName, const int &pPeriod) | AL::ALExtractor | virtual |
updatePrecision(const std::string &pSubscribedName, const float &pPrecision) | AL::ALExtractor | virtual |
version(void) | AL::ALSoundExtractor | inlinevirtual |
~ALExtractor() | AL::ALExtractor | virtual |
~ALSoundExtractor() | AL::ALSoundExtractor | virtual |