SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.5?


NAOqi Sensors & LEDs - Overview | API | Tutorial

Namespace : AL

#include <alproxies/allaserproxy.h>

Method list

As any module, this module inherits methods from ALModule API. It also has the following specific methods:

class ALLaserProxy


void ALLaserProxy::laserOFF()

Disable laser light, the motor will keep turning.

void ALLaserProxy::laserON()

Enable laser light and sampling

void ALLaserProxy::setDetectingLength(const int& length_min_l, const int& length_max_l)

Set detection threshold of the laser

  • length_min_l – int containing the min length that the laser will detect(mm), this value must be greater than 20 mm
  • length_max_l – int containing the max length that the laser will detect(mm), this value must be lower than 5600 mm
void ALLaserProxy::setOpeningAngle(const float& angle_min_f, const float& angle_max_f)

Set openning angle of the laser

  • angle_min_f – float containing the min value in rad, this value must be upper than -2.35619449
  • angle_max_f – float containing the max value in rad, this value must be lower than 2.092349795