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Romeo - Motors

Motor RE40 RE21 RE25 RE17
Model RE40_148877 REmax21_250028 RE25_339154 RE-max17_216007
No load Speed (tr.min-1) 7580 9620 10300 10100
Stall Torque (N.m) 2.5 0.0280 0.271 0.0117
Torque Constant 0.0603 0.0468 0.0329 0.0445

Motor RE24 RE24B DCX10 DCX35
Model RE-max24_222057 RE-max24_220419 DCX10L DCX35
No load Speed (tr.min-1) 7880 7450 2800 6670
Stall Torque (N.m) 0.0460 0.0499 0.01752 0.138
Torque Constant 0.0613 0.0613 0.040 0.0683

Max Velocity and Max Torque are given on the joint axis.


Joint name Motor Reduction Max Velocity (rad.s-1)
ShoulderPitch RE25 249.7 2.2
ShoulderYaw RE25 118.1 4.0
ElbowRoll RE25 145.2 3.7
ElbowYaw RE25 118.1 4.0
WristRoll RE24 201.3 1.1
WristYaw RE17 249.9 2.6
WristPitch RE17 173.2 3.75
Hand RE24B 13.03 [1] 47.59
[1]Ratio between the axis of the motor and the axis of the first phalanx of the index finger.


Joint name Motor Reduction Max Velocity (rad.s-1)
TrunkYaw DCX35 292.47 1.5


Joint name Motor Reduction Max Velocity (rad.s-1)
HipYaw RE21 2696.58 0.32
HipRoll RE40 160.448 2.09
HipPitch RE40 243.736 2.09
KneePitch RE40 66 - 150 6.0
AnklePitch RE40 247.338 2.10
AnkleRoll RE40 168.65 2.10
ToePitch are controlled by a servo motor HS-125MG. It only allows locking or unlocking operations.


Joint name Motor Reduction Max Velocity (rad.s-1)
EyeYaw DCX10 1.0 293.21
EyePitch DCX10 1.0 293.21
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