SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.5?

Wake up and Rest effect

Waking up action

When requested to wake up, Pepper:

  • Turns the Stiffness of its motors on,
  • Goes to a standing posture,
  • Resumes its life.

Rest action

When requested to rest, Pepper:

  • Goes to its resting posture,
  • Turns the Stiffness of its motors off.

Specific cases

Pepper lying on the ground

If Pepper is not on his wheels, i.e. he has fallen or was forced to lie on the ground, the fall manager automatically sets the Stiffness off and neither Wake up nor Rest are available anymore.

With Brake Release keys

You should not insert Brake Release keys while Pepper is ON.

For further details about potential danger, see: Brake release Key effect when Pepper is ON.