SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.5?

NAOqi OS - Getting started


The Operating System of the robot.

It is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Gentoo.

It’s an embedded GNU/Linux distribution specifically developed to fit the SoftBank Robotics robot needs.

It provides and runs numbers of programs and libraries, among these, all the required one by NAOqi, the piece of software giving life to the robot.

This page presents miscellaneous tips about the NAOqi OS embedded OS.

NAOqi OS - user accounts

nao NAO only

The main user is nao, and like any GNU/Linux system, there is the super-user root.

By default, passwords are usernames. So, changing user to root using the su command will request the password root.

Logging in as root over ssh is now disabled. However the su command remains available.

We recommend to change the password using the web page.

User Password Description
nao nao default account
root root administrator account

pepp Pepper only

The unique user account is nao. By default, the password is also nao, but it is mandatory to modify it at the first settings.

User Default Password Description
nao nao unique account

Accessing NAO over ssh

To login on your Aldebaran robot, get its IP address pushing its torse button, then connect to your Aldebaran robot over ssh:

Using PuTTy:


in a Linux terminal, run:

$ ssh nao@


For logins and passwords, see: NAOqi OS - user accounts.


The default shell is bash with a custom profile.

When logging in as nao, the prompt now looks like:

<robotname> [<last_command_exit_code>] <current_working_directory> $

When logging in as root:

root@<robotname> [<last_command_exit_code>] <current_working_directory> $



Base commands and programs

Program Description
htop monitor process activity (many options are available use F1)
ldd list library dependencies
gdbserver start a remote gdb server

Sudo and root permissions

sudo is available on NAOqi OS. Its usage is limited for shutting down Aldebaran robot.

$ sudo shutdown -r now
$ sudo shutdown -h now

No other command requiring root permissions is authorized.

Text editor

Available text editor: nano.

FTP Access

Step Action

Start a FTP client on the PC side.

We recommend Filezilla.

Fill in the different fields:

A. Host: “BonjourName.local” or IP address of the robot

B. Username: “nao”

C. Password: your nao password

D. Port: 22

Click the Quickconnect button.