Testing Autonomous Life

no-virtual Cannot be tested on a simulated robot.

1. Get Aldebaran robot alive

To activate ALAutonomousLife:

Step Action

Make sure your Aldebaran robot is on the floor.

More specifically, do not leave NAO unattended on a table.

Make sure he has subscribed to the Basic Channel.

For further details, see: Basic Channel.

Click the life Turn autonomous life on button.
Your Aldebaran robot becomes alive, breathing, slightly moving and trying to keep eye contact with any human entering its field of vision.

2. Upload additional activities

To see activities launched:

Step Action
Make sure your Aldebaran robot is associated with the Apps 2.1 Store.
From the Apps 2.1 Store: https://cloud.aldebaran-robotics.com/, choose something to install.
In Choregraphe, click the life Turn autonomous life on button.

To go further

To discover how to create an Activity, follow the tutorial: