| ALExtractor (boost::shared_ptr< ALBroker > pBroker, const std::string &pName) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~ALExtractor () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | subscribe (const std::string &pSubscribedName, const int &pPeriod, const float &pPrecision) |
| Called by the "client" to tell that it is interested in the output values. More...
virtual void | subscribe (const std::string &pSubscribedName) |
| Called by the "client" to tell that it is interested in the output values. Period and Precision specified by getDefaultPrecision() and getDefaultPeriod() will be used by default. More...
virtual void | updatePeriod (const std::string &pSubscribedName, const int &pPeriod) |
| Called by the "client" to update the periode. More...
virtual void | updatePrecision (const std::string &pSubscribedName, const float &pPrecision) |
| Called by the "client" to update the precision. More...
virtual void | unsubscribe (const std::string &pSubscribedName) |
| Called by the "client" to tell that it is not interested anymore in the output values. More...
virtual int | getCurrentPeriod () |
| Called by the "client" to get the current period chosen by the Extractor. More...
virtual float | getCurrentPrecision () |
| Called by the "client" to get the current precision chosen by the Extractor. More...
virtual int | getMyPeriod (const std::string &pSubscribedName) |
| Called by the "client" to get the period. More...
virtual float | getMyPrecision (const std::string &pSubscribedName) |
| Called by the "client" to get the precision. More...
ALValue | getSubscribersInfo () |
| Called by the "client" to get the information of all the current subscribers. More...
virtual std::string | httpGet () |
| Called by the broker webpage to detail the module. More...
| ALModule (boost::shared_ptr< ALBroker > pBroker, const std::string &pName) |
virtual void | stop (const int &taskId) |
bool | isStopRequired (const int &taskId=-1) |
bool | wait (const int &taskId, const int &timeout) |
bool | isRunning (const int &taskId) |
int | getMethodID (void) |
bool | isPCalled () |
virtual void | exit () |
QI_API_DEPRECATED void | functionStop (int pIDTask) |
virtual void | init (void) |
| ALModuleCore (boost::shared_ptr< ALBroker > pBroker, const std::string &pName) |
ALMethodInfo & | getCurrentMethodDescription () |
boost::shared_ptr< ALModuleCore > | getThis () |
boost::shared_ptr< const
ALModuleCore > | getThis () const |
bool | isClosing () |
void | initModule (void) |
boost::shared_ptr< AL::ALProxy > | getProxy (const std::string &pModuleName) |
std::string | getBrokerName () |
ModuleType | getModuleType (void) |
void | setModuleType (ModuleType pType) |
virtual ALMethodInfo * | execute (const std::string &pMethod, const AL::ALValue &pParams, AL::ALValue &pResult) |
std::vector< std::string > | getMethodList () |
AL::ALValue | getMethodHelp (const std::string &pMethodName) |
ALMethodInfo | getMethodHelpObject (const std::string &pMethodName) |
AL::ALValue | moduleHelp () |
bool | ping (void) |
virtual std::string | version () |
const std::string & | getName () const |
boost::shared_ptr< ALModuleInfo > | getModuleInfo () |
ALMethodInfo * | getMethodInfoByNameMember (const std::string &pName, const std::vector< std::string > ¶mType, bool softCompare=true) |
ALMethodInfo * | getMethodInfo (const std::string &pName) |
ALMethodInfo * | getMethodInfo (const std::string &pName, std::vector< std::string > pParamsType) |
ALMethodInfo * | getMethodInfo (const std::string &pName, const AL::ALValue &pParams) |
ALMethodInfo * | getFunctionDesc (const std::string &pName) |
ALMethodInfo * | getFunctionDesc (const std::string &pName, std::vector< std::string > pParamsType) |
ALMethodInfo * | getFunctionDesc (const std::string &pName, const AL::ALValue &pParams) |
ALMethodInfo * | getFunctionDescByNameMember (const std::string &pName, const std::vector< std::string > ¶mType, bool softCompare=true) |
boost::shared_ptr< ALBroker > | getParentBroker () const |
void | functionStop (int pTaskID) |
void | setModuleDescription (const std::string &pDesc) |
std::string | getUsage (const std::string &methodName) |
bool | isModuleStopped () |
void | setModuleID (int id) |
int | getModuleID () |
void | bindMethod (boost::shared_ptr< ALFunctorBase > pFunctor) |
void | bindMethod (boost::shared_ptr< ALFunctorBase > pFunctor, const std::string &pName, const std::string &pClass, const std::string &pFunctionDescription, const ALMethodInfo &pMethodDescription) |
void | bindMethodOverload (boost::shared_ptr< ALFunctorBase > pFunctor) |
void | functionName (const std::string &pName, const std::string &pClass, const std::string &pFunctionDescription, int pMask=0) |
void | addParam (const std::string &pName, const std::string &pDesc) |
void | addModuleExample (const std::string &pLanguage, const std::string &pExample) |
void | addMethodExample (const std::string &pLanguage, const std::string &pExample) |
void | setReturn (const std::string &pName, const std::string &pDesc) |
virtual qi::Future
< qi::AnyReference > | metaCall (qi::AnyObject context, unsigned int method, const qi::GenericFunctionParameters &in, qi::MetaCallType callType, qi::Signature returnSignature) |
qi::AnyObject | asObject () |
qi::DynamicObjectBuilder & | getBuilder () |
int | pCall (const qi::AnyArguments &args) |
virtual void | xStartDetection (const int pPeriod, const float pPrecision)=0 |
| What the extractor shall do to start detection. More...
virtual void | xUpdateParameters (const int pPeriod, const float pPrecision) |
| Enables to do some custom updates when the period and/or the precision have been updated. More...
virtual void | xStopDetection ()=0 |
| What the extractor shall do to stop detection. More...
virtual int | getDefaultPeriod () |
| Specifies the advertised period that should be chosen by default when subscribe(std::string name) is used. More...
virtual float | getDefaultPrecision () |
| Specifies the advertised precision that should be chosen by default when subscribe(std::string name) is used. More...
virtual int | getMinimumPeriod () |
| Specifies the minimum period (in ms) that can be set for the extractor. More...
virtual int | getMaximumPeriod () |
| Specifies the maximum period (in ms) that can be set for the extractor. More...
virtual std::vector< std::string > | getOutputNames (void) |
| Which values this extractor updates in ALMemory. More...
std::vector< std::string > | getEventList (void) |
| Retrieves the list of events updated by the extractor. More...
std::vector< std::string > | getMemoryKeyList (void) |
| Retrieves the list of memory keys updated by the extractor. More...
void | declareEvent (const std::string &event) |
| Declares an event in ALMemory.
void | declareMemoryKey (const std::string &key) |
| Initializes a memory key in ALMemory (with an empty ALValue).
ALExtractor class implements an extractor.
An extractor is a module which extracts some information about the world. It can be activated to produce information.
Definition at line 35 of file alextractor.h.