qipkg tutorial

qipkg lets you make packages the same way Choregraphe does, but from the command line, and also lets you embed code written in C++ or Python inside the package


First, you need a .pml file. Those are written by Choregraphe when you save your project and look like this:

<Package name="my-package">

  <!-- Some tags written and read by Choregraphe -->


A manifest.xml should exist next to the pml file and should at least contain

<package version="0.0.1" uuid="my-package">

Those are the id and the version number used by the PackageManager on the robot

After that, just use:

qipkg make-package my-package.pml

to generate a package, and then (if libqi python bindings are available)

qipkg deploy-package /path/to/my-package.pkg --url nao@nao.local

to deploy and install the package on the robot.

If you need to include code written in C++ or Python, just add them to the .pml file, like this:


<!-- choregraphe tags -->

  <qibuild name="foo" />
  <qipython name="bar" />


This assumes you have a qibuild CMake project named foo and a qipy project named bar in your worktree.

Also note that to include python projects in your package, you should have called qipy bootstrap at least once.