Getting Started


qiBuild is a set of command line tools written in Python.

Only Python 2.7 is supported.

Note that most linux distributions now comes with Python3 by default now, so you may need to install python 2 first.



Step Action

Install qibuild with pip.

It is recommended to install qibuild with the --user option, in order to keep your system clean.

pip install qibuild --user

Add $HOME/.local/bin to your $PATH.

One way to that is to add the following line at the end of your ~/.bashrc file:



Step Action

Install qibuild with pip.

It is recommended to install qibuild with the --user option, in order to keep your system clean.

pip install qibuild --user
Add $HOME/Library/Python/2.7/bin to your $PATH.


Step Action

Install qibuild with pip.

pip install qibuild
Add C:\Python27 and c:\Python27\Scripts in your PATH.
If you’d like to have nice colors in your console, you can install the Python readline library: