Setting up the NAOqi OS virtual machine

This step-by-step tutorial has been done using VirtualBox.

Getting the NAOqi OS virtual machine

Retrieve the following file: opennao-vm-<VERSION>.ova

You can download the latest release from Aldebaran Community website. For further details, see: Retrieving software.

Importing the NAOqi OS virtual machine into VirtualBox


Get VirtualBox on your development machine:

Linux It should be available through the package manager of the installed distribution.


Mac OS

  1. Download it from the Oracle website:
  2. Install VirtualBox.

Setting up the NAOqi OS virtual machine in VirtualBox

Step Action

Start VirtualBox.


If you launch a newly installed VirtualBox, then there is no existing virtual machine in the left column.

Choose File > Import Appliance.

The following window is displayed:


Browse and open the *.ova file:


The details of the imported virtual machine will be displayed.


Click the Import button to start the importation.

This may take few minutes, be patient:


Congratulations! The NAOqi OS virtual machine was successfully imported.


Using the NAOqi OS virtual machine

Launching the NAOqi OS virtual machine

Step Action

In VirtualBox, select the NAOqi OS virtual machine, then click the Start button.

It is launched in its own window:


Here, you are in a console.

Refer to NAOqi OS - user accounts for logins and passwords.

Accessing the NAOqi OS virtual machine through ssh

By default, the host port 2222 is forwarded on the ssh port (22) of the NAOqi OS virtual machine.

Thus, after launching the NAOqi OS virtual machine, one can easily log in over ssh:

  • From a Linux terminal:

  • From PuTTy:


Refer to NAOqi OS - user accounts section for logins and passwords.

Exchanging data between the host and the NAOqi OS virtual machine


This problem is only addressed using command line tools.


All the following commands are run on the host system.

Using a Linux or Mac OS host

On UNIX hosts, use scp.

Sending data from the host to the NAOqi OS virtual machine:

scp -P 2222 <source path on the host> nao@localhost:<destination path inside the virtual machine>

Retrieving data from the NAOqi OS virtual machine on the host:

scp -P 2222 nao@localhost:<source path inside the virtual machine> <destination path on the host>

Using a Windows host

On Windows hosts, use pscp, a command line tool, provided within Putty.


Locate the Putty installation directory, assuming it is installed in C:\Program Files\Putty

Start a command window and go to the Putty installation directory:

cd "C:\Program Files\Putty"
Sending data from the host to the NAOqi OS virtual machine
pscp -P 2222 source <source path on the host> nao@localhost:<destination path inside the virtual machine>
Retrieving data from the NAOqi OS virtual machine on the host
pscp -P 2222 nao@localhost:<source path inside the virtual machine> <destination path on the hos

Tweaking the NAOqi OS virtual machine configuration


The NAOqi OS virtual machine system does not currently include CDrom support.

Thus, installing guest additions is not possible.

Changing the network configuration

NAT configuration

By default, the NAOqi OS virtual machine network configuration uses NAT.

Using this the NAOqi OS virtual machine is reachable, without any knowledge about its network settings, just logging on localhost (see Accessing the NAOqi OS virtual machine through ssh).

Port forwarding

The port forwarding settings are available under the menu Machine > Settings, then select the Network section (or just click Network on the right column after selecting the right virtual machine).

Expand the advanced features by clicking on Advanced:


Open the port forwarding table:


From here you can set any redirection you want.

Setting sub-network

It may be necessary to change the default sub-network on which the OpenNAO virtual machine is connected.

To make this change, there is no other way but command line:

VBoxManage modifyvm <virtual machine name> --natnet1 "<network>/<netmask length>"


This command line must be run when the NAOqi OS virtual machine is not running.


VBoxManage modifyvm opennao-vm --natnet1 ""

Bridge configuration

If you prefer the NAOqi OS virtual machine has its own IP address on the same sub-network as the host is, then you migth be interested by using the bridge network configuration.

To do so, just select Bridged Adapter in the Network configuration window:


Then, the easiest way to know the IP address of the NAOqi OS virtual machine is:

  1. Start the NAOqi OS virtual machine;

  2. Logging on the NAOqi OS virtual machine through the console;

  3. Run the following command:

    ifconfig eth0

    In the following example, the IP address of the NAOqi OS virtual machine is:
