Main usages of the Chest button

Common usages

Initial state Action Effect
NAO is Off Press once

Turn on

The boot process takes approximately one minute.

  • Blinking and lighting of the different LEDs.
  • NAO says “OGNAK GNOUK”.

For more details about the meaning of the LEDs, see: Ears on boot time and Ears on upgrade.

NAO is On Press once

Get IP address

NAO says its IP address.

Press and hold for 3 seconds.

Shut down

Caution: for this action, make sure NAO is in a safe position, or he may fall.

The shutdown process takes 18 seconds.

  • The Chest Button becomes Green,
  • NAO says “GNUK GNUK”,
  • the tactile-head LEDs fade,
  • the ear LEDs fade one by one.

Choregraphe usages

When the robot is connected to Choregraphe and the Animation Mode is activated, the Chest button is also used to perform a “store position”.

For further details, see: Animation Mode.

Advanced usages

Initial state Action Effect
NAO is Off Press and hold for 4 seconds

Turn on and update the firmware

The Chest button has a blinking blue light then the boot process goes on as usual.

This process can be requested by support or has to be done in some cases of software update.

For further details, see: NAOFlasher for NAO V4.

NAO is On Press twice

Stiffness off

Caution: for this action, make sure NAO is in a safe position, or he may fall.

The robot is still on, but all the joint motors are off.

NAO says “Stiffness removed”.

Press and hold for 8 seconds

Hard switch off

Caution: for this action, make sure NAO is in a safe position, or he may fall.

Forces NAO to perform an emergency shut down (not recommended in normal use).

  • the Chest Button becomes Green,
  • NAO says “GNUK GNUK”,
  • The tactile-head and ear LEDs fade quickly.