/** * @author Pierre-Emmanuel VIEL * Copyright (c) 2011 Aldebaran Robotics * */ #include #include "genericvideomodule.h" // For resolution and colorspace definitions + utility functions. #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace AL { GenericVideoModule::GenericVideoModule( boost::shared_ptr pBroker, const std::string& pName ): ALModule(pBroker , pName), fRegisteredToVideoDevice(false), fIplImageHeader(cv::Mat()) { // Describe the module here. setModuleDescription( "This is an example of a generic video module. " "It can be used to save images returned by the camera. " "It internally uses OpenCv's cvSaveImage function. " "Refer to the Example codes section below for an example of use."); // Define the module example. addModuleExample( "Python", " # Create a proxy to the module \n" " sampleProxy = ALProxy('GenericVideoModule', '', 9559)\n\n" " # Register our module to the Video Input Module. \n" " sampleProxy.registerToVideoDevice(1, 13)\n\n" " # Save image in remote mode. \n" " sampleProxy.saveImageRemote('/home/nao/img', 'jpg') \n\n" " # Unregister.\n" " sampleProxy.unRegisterFromVideoDevice()\n" ); // Define bound methods with their description. functionName( "registerToVideoDevice", getName(), "Register to the V.I.M." ); addParam("resolution", "Resolution requested."); addParam("colorSpace", "Colorspace requested."); BIND_METHOD( GenericVideoModule::registerToVideoDevice ); functionName( "unRegisterFromVideoDevice", getName(), "Unregister from the V.I.M." ); BIND_METHOD( GenericVideoModule::unRegisterFromVideoDevice ); functionName( "saveImageLocal", getName(), "Save an image received from the camera." ); addParam( "name", "name and path of the picture (without format extension)" ); addParam( "imageFormat", "format extension such as bmp, jpg, tiff, etc.)" ); BIND_METHOD( GenericVideoModule::saveImageLocal ); functionName( "saveImageRemote", getName(), "Save an image received from the camera. to be used if the genericvideomodule is a remote module." ); addParam( "name", "name and path of the picture (without format extension)" ); addParam( "imageFormat", "format extension such as bmp, jpg, tiff, etc.)" ); BIND_METHOD( GenericVideoModule::saveImageRemote ); } void GenericVideoModule::exit() { AL::ALModule::exit(); } void GenericVideoModule::init() { // Create a proxy to the ALVideoDevice. try { fCamProxy = boost::shared_ptr(new ALVideoDeviceProxy(getParentBroker())); } catch (const AL::ALError& e) { qiLogError("vision.genericvideomodule") << "Error while getting proxy on ALVideoDevice. Error msg " << e.toString() << std::endl; GenericVideoModule::exit(); return; } if(fCamProxy == NULL) { qiLogError("vision.genericvideomodule") << "Error while getting proxy on ALVideoDevice. Check ALVideoDevice is running." << std::endl; GenericVideoModule::exit(); return; } qiLogInfo("vision.genericvideomodule") << "Use registerToVideoDevice + " "saveImageLocal + unRegisterFromVideoDevice to save images." << std::endl; } GenericVideoModule::~GenericVideoModule() { // Unregister the video module. try { if(fCamProxy) fCamProxy->unsubscribe(fVideoClientName); fCamProxy.reset(); } catch(const AL::ALError& e) { qiLogError("vision.genericvideomodule") << e.toString() << std::endl; } } /** * registerToVIM */ void GenericVideoModule::registerToVideoDevice(const int &pResolution, const int &pColorSpace) { // If we've already registered a module, we need to unregister it first ! if (fRegisteredToVideoDevice) { throw ALError(getName(), "registerToVideoDevice()", "A video module has already been " "registered. Call unRegisterFromVideoDevice() before trying to register a new module."); } // GVM Name that we're going to use to register. const std::string kOriginalName = "genericvideomodule"; int imgWidth = 0; int imgHeight = 0; int imgNbLayers = 0; const int kImgDepth = 8; const int kFps = 5; // Release Image Header if it has been allocated before. if (!fIplImageHeader.empty()) fIplImageHeader.release(); setSizeFromResolution(pResolution, imgWidth, imgHeight); imgNbLayers = getNumLayersInColorSpace(pColorSpace); if (imgWidth == -1 || imgWidth == -1 || imgNbLayers == -1) { throw ALError(getName(), "registerToVideoDevice()", "Invalid resolution or color space."); } // Allocate our Image header. int type; type = (imgNbLayers) == 3 ? CV_8UC3 : CV_8UC1; fIplImageHeader = cv::Mat(cv::Size(imgWidth, imgHeight), type); if (fIplImageHeader.empty()) { throw ALError(getName(), "registerToVideoDevice()", "Fail to allocate OpenCv image header."); } // Call the "subscribe" function with the given parameters. if(fCamProxy) fVideoClientName = fCamProxy->subscribe(kOriginalName, pResolution, pColorSpace, kFps ); qiLogInfo("vision.genericvideomodule") << "Module registered as " << fVideoClientName << std::endl; // Registration is successful, set fRegisteredToVim to true. fRegisteredToVideoDevice = true; } /** * unRegisterFromVIM */ void GenericVideoModule::unRegisterFromVideoDevice() { if (!fRegisteredToVideoDevice) { throw ALError(getName(), "unRegisterFromVideoDevice()", "No video module is currently " "registered! Call registerToVideoDevice first."); } // Release Image Header if it has been allocated. if (!fIplImageHeader.empty()) fIplImageHeader.release(); qiLogInfo("vision.genericvideomodule") << "try to unregister " << fVideoClientName << " module." << std::endl; if(fCamProxy) fCamProxy->unsubscribe(fVideoClientName); qiLogInfo("vision.genericvideomodule") << "Done." << std::endl; // UnRegistration is successful, set fRegisteredToVim to false. fRegisteredToVideoDevice = false; } /** * saveImage : save the last image received. * @param pName name of the file */ void GenericVideoModule::saveImageLocal(const std::string& pName, const std::string& pImageFormat) { // Check that a video module has been registered. if (!fRegisteredToVideoDevice) { throw ALError(getName(), "saveImageLocal()", "No video module is currently " "registered! Call registerToVideoDevice() first."); } #ifdef GENERICVIDEOMODULE_IS_REMOTE // If this module is running in remote mode, we shouldn't use saveImageLocal. throw ALError(getName(), "saveImageLocal()", "Module is run in remote mode, " "use saveImageRemote instead !"); #else ALImage* imageIn = NULL; // Now you can get the pointer to the video structure. imageIn = (ALImage*)fCamProxy->getImageLocal(fVideoClientName); if (!imageIn) { throw ALError(getName(), "saveImageLocal", "Invalid image returned."); } // You can get some image information that you may find useful. //const int width = imageIn->fWidth; //const int height = imageIn->fHeight; //const int nbLayers = imageIn->fNbLayers; //const int colorSpace = imageIn->fColorSpace; const long long timeStamp = imageIn->getTimeStamp(); const int seconds = (int)(timeStamp/1000000LL); // Set the buffer we received to our IplImage header. fIplImageHeader.data = imageIn->getData(); xSaveIplImage(fIplImageHeader, pName, pImageFormat, seconds); // Now that you're done with the (local) image, you have to release it from the V.I.M. fCamProxy->releaseImage(fVideoClientName); #endif } /** * saveImageRemote : save the last image received. To be used if genericvideomodule is a remote module. * @param pName name of the file */ void GenericVideoModule::saveImageRemote(const std::string& pName, const std::string& pImageFormat ) { // Check that a video module has been registered. if (!fRegisteredToVideoDevice) { throw ALError(getName(), "saveImageRemote()", "No video module is currently " "registered! Call registerToVideoDevice() first."); } ALValue results; results = (fCamProxy->getImageRemote(fVideoClientName )); if (results.getType()!= ALValue::TypeArray && results.getSize() != 7) { throw ALError(getName(), "saveImageRemote", "Invalid image returned."); } //const int size = results[6].getSize(); // You can get some image information that you may find useful. //const int width = (int) results[0]; //const int height = (int) results[1]; //const int nbLayers = (int) results[2]; //const int colorSpace = (int) results[3]; const long long timeStamp = ((long long)(int)results[4])*1000000LL + ((long long)(int)results[5]); const int seconds = (int)(timeStamp/1000000LL); // Set the buffer we received to our IplImage header. fIplImageHeader.data = (uchar*) (results[6].GetBinary()); xSaveIplImage(fIplImageHeader, pName, pImageFormat, seconds); } // Actually perform the cvSaveImage operation. void GenericVideoModule::xSaveIplImage(const cv::Mat &img, const std::string& pName, const std::string& pImageFormat, int seconds) { std::stringstream ss; ss << pName << seconds << "." << pImageFormat; const std::string kImageNameFull = ss.str(); try { cv::imwrite(kImageNameFull, fIplImageHeader); qiLogInfo("vision.genericvideomodule") << "Image saved as " << kImageNameFull << std::endl; } catch(const cv::Exception& e) { qiLogError("vision.genericvideomodule") << "OpenCV can't save the image " << "with this format. (e.g. " << "incompatible file format" << " / no space left) Error msg " << e.err << std::endl; } } } // namespace AL