#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- """Example: Use executeJS Method""" import qi import argparse import sys import time def main(session): """ This example uses the executeJS method. To Test ALTabletService, you need to run the script ON the robot. """ # Get the service ALTabletService. tabletService = session.service("ALTabletService") try: # Display a local web page located in boot-config/html folder # The ip of the robot from the tablet is tabletService.showWebview("") time.sleep(3) # Javascript script for displaying a prompt # ALTabletBinding is a javascript binding inject in the web page displayed on the tablet script = """ var name = prompt("Please enter your name", "Harry Pepper"); ALTabletBinding.raiseEvent(name) """ # Don't forget to disconnect the signal at the end signalID = 0 # function called when the signal onJSEvent is triggered # by the javascript function ALTabletBinding.raiseEvent(name) def callback(event): print "your name is:", event promise.setValue(True) promise = qi.Promise() # attach the callback function to onJSEvent signal signalID = tabletService.onJSEvent.connect(callback) # inject and execute the javascript in the current web page displayed tabletService.executeJS(script) try: promise.future().hasValue(30000) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError('Timeout: no signal triggered') except Exception, e: print "Error was:", e # Hide the web view tabletService.hideWebview() # disconnect the signal tabletService.onJSEvent.disconnect(signalID) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--ip", type=str, default="", help="Robot IP address. On robot or Local Naoqi: use ''.") parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=9559, help="Naoqi port number") args = parser.parse_args() session = qi.Session() try: session.connect("tcp://" + args.ip + ":" + str(args.port)) except RuntimeError: print ("Can't connect to Naoqi at ip \"" + args.ip + "\" on port " + str(args.port) +".\n" "Please check your script arguments. Run with -h option for help.") sys.exit(1) main(session)