#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- """Example: Walk To - Small example to make Nao Walk follow a Dubin Curve""" import qi import argparse import sys import almath def main(session): """ Walk To: Small example to make Nao Walk follow a Dubins Curve. """ # Get the services ALMotion & ALRobotPosture. motion_service = session.service("ALMotion") posture_service = session.service("ALRobotPosture") # Wake up robot motion_service.wakeUp() # Send robot to Stand Init posture_service.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5) # first we defined the goal goal = almath.Pose2D(0.0, -0.4, 0.0) # We get the dubins solution (control points) by # calling an almath function circleRadius = 0.04 # Warning : the circle use by dubins curve # have to be 4*CircleRadius < norm(goal) dubinsSolutionAbsolute = almath.getDubinsSolutions(goal, circleRadius) # moveTo With control Points use relative commands but # getDubinsSolution return absolute position # So, we compute dubinsSolution in relative way dubinsSolutionRelative = [] dubinsSolutionRelative.append(dubinsSolutionAbsolute[0]) for i in range(len(dubinsSolutionAbsolute)-1): dubinsSolutionRelative.append( dubinsSolutionAbsolute[i].inverse() * dubinsSolutionAbsolute[i+1]) # create a vector of moveTo with dubins Control Points moveToTargets = [] for i in range(len(dubinsSolutionRelative)): moveToTargets.append( [dubinsSolutionRelative[i].x, dubinsSolutionRelative[i].y, dubinsSolutionRelative[i].theta] ) # Initialized the Move process and be sure the robot is ready to move # without this call, the first getRobotPosition() will not refer to the position # of the robot before the move process motion_service.moveInit() # get robot position before move robotPositionBeforeCommand = almath.Pose2D(motion_service.getRobotPosition(False)) motion_service.moveTo( moveToTargets ) # With MoveTo control Points, it's also possible to customize the gait parameters # motionProxy.moveTo(moveToTargets, # [["StepHeight", 0.001], # ["MaxStepX", 0.06], # ["MaxStepFrequency", 1.0]]) # get robot position after move robotPositionAfterCommand = almath.Pose2D(motion_service.getRobotPosition(False)) # compute and print the robot motion robotMoveCommand = almath.pose2DInverse(robotPositionBeforeCommand)*robotPositionAfterCommand print "The Robot Move Command: ", robotMoveCommand # Go to rest position motion_service.rest() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--ip", type=str, default="", help="Robot IP address. On robot or Local Naoqi: use ''.") parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=9559, help="Naoqi port number") args = parser.parse_args() session = qi.Session() try: session.connect("tcp://" + args.ip + ":" + str(args.port)) except RuntimeError: print ("Can't connect to Naoqi at ip \"" + args.ip + "\" on port " + str(args.port) +".\n" "Please check your script arguments. Run with -h option for help.") sys.exit(1) main(session)