This is the complete list of members for AL::ALBroker, including all inherited members.
_p | AL::ALBroker | |
ALBroker() | AL::ALBroker | |
createBroker(const std::string &pName, const std::string &pIP, int pPort, const std::string &pParentIP, int pParentPort, int pKeepAlive=0, std::string pPath="", bool pLoadLib=true) | AL::ALBroker | static |
fBrokerManager | AL::ALBroker | |
getBrokerList(std::vector< ALModuleInfo > &pBrokerList) | AL::ALBroker | |
getGlobalModuleList(boost::shared_ptr< std::vector< ALModuleInfo > > pModuleList) | AL::ALBroker | |
getIP() const | AL::ALBroker | |
getModuleByName(const std::string &pModuleName) | AL::ALBroker | |
getModuleList(boost::shared_ptr< std::vector< ALModuleInfo > > pModuleList) | AL::ALBroker | |
getName() const | AL::ALBroker | |
getParentIP() const | AL::ALBroker | |
getParentPort() const | AL::ALBroker | |
getPort() const | AL::ALBroker | |
getProxy(const std::string &pProxyName, int deprecated=0) | AL::ALBroker | |
getSpecialisedProxy(const std::string &name=std::string()) | AL::ALBroker | inline |
getThis() | AL::ALBroker | |
getThis() const | AL::ALBroker | |
httpGet(const std::string &pPath) | AL::ALBroker | |
isConnected() | AL::ALBroker | |
isExiting() const | AL::ALBroker | |
isModulePresent(const std::string &pModuleName) | AL::ALBroker | |
Ptr typedef | AL::ALBroker | |
session() | AL::ALBroker | |
setBrokerManagerInstance(boost::shared_ptr< ALBrokerManager > pBrokerManager) | AL::ALBroker | |
shutdown() | AL::ALBroker | |
unregisterModule(const std::string &pModuleName) | AL::ALBroker | |
WeakPtr typedef | AL::ALBroker | |
~ALBroker(void) | AL::ALBroker | virtual |