qitoolchain.qipackage - Binary package for use with qibuild

class qitoolchain.qipackage.QiPackage(name, version=None, path=None)

Binary package for use with qibuild.

Package names are unique in a given toolchain. path is None until the package is added to a database


The license of the package


Parse package.xml, set the dependencies


Return an etree.Element representing this package

install(destdir, components=None, release=True)

Install the given components of the package to the given destination

Will read

  • install_manifest_<component>.txt for each component if the file exists
  • <component>.mask to exclude files matching some regex if the mask exists
  • if none exits, will apply the qisys.sh.is_runtime filter when installing runtime component

Note that when installing ‘test’ component, only the install_manifest_test.txt manifest file will be read


Load metadata from package.xml

Assume self.path is set: must be called after the package has been added to a toolchain


Make sure all the paths are absolute. Assume self.path is set: must be called after the package has been added to a toolchain


Run the post-add script if it exists.

  • CommandFailedException if the post-add script fails