Stores a list of projects that can be built using CMake
See CMakeBuildConfig
Path to <worktree>/.qi/qibuild.xml Will be created if it does not exist
The toolchain to use
The default config to use
The virtualenv path associated with this worktree. Only exists if qipy bootstrap has been called
Generate a sourceme file to help running binaries using libraries from the build projects and the toolchain packages
Get an environment dictionary to help running binaries using libraries from the build projects and the toolchain packages
Parse the remote profiles (coming from qisrc sync), and the local profiles (written in .qi/qibuild.xml). Return a dict name -> list of tuple (key, value)
Get a BuildProject given its name
Configure a build profile for the worktree
Remove a build profile for this worktree
Set the default toolchain for this worktree
Set the config to use for this worktree Should match a build config name