Below you can find a list of tasks that are not worth putting in a bug tracker.
Mostly because they involve some refactoring, or because they would cause so many changes we are not sure if/when we will tackle them.
Feel free to add your own ideas here.
qibuild does lots of black magic so that you can find dependencies and headers paths from the sources and build dir of your project, without using the “global cmake registry” or any other tricks.
The solution is simple: After building a dependency, install it to QI_WOKTREE/root and just set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to QI_WOKTREE/root
This will work with any build system, (provided they have correct install rules), and will force people to have correct install rules.
Say you find a foo-config.cmake somewhere... If you try to do
qi_use_lib(bar FOO)
This may or may not work: it depends of what the foo-config.cmake does: qi_use_lib , qi_stage_lib expects some variables (FOO_INCLUDE_DIRS, FOO_LIBRARIES) to be in the cache
It may be cleaner to add a qi_export function
# works out of the box if foo follows CMake conventions
# can specify alternative variable names (here the case is wrong)
Basically, go from
qi_stage_header_only_lib(foo DEPENDS EIGEN3)
qi_create_header_only_lib(foo ${public_headers})
qi_use_lib(foo EIGEN3)
where foo is a header-only library depending on Eigen3
It’s the future ! We already removed compatibility with Python 2.6, and python3 is now the default version on most linux distros.
parser.get_* functions should be usable with **kwargs too:
def get_worktree(args=None, **kwargs):
options = dict()
if args:
options = vars(args[0])
options = kwargs
qisrc.parser.get_projects(worktree, args) -> qisrc.parser.get_projects(args) (just get the worktree from the args)
replace qisys.interact.ask_choice Instead of a return_int option, use something like: ask_choice(message, choices, display_fun=None, allow_none=False)
display_fun will be called on each choice to display them to the user, returning either an element from the choices list, or None if the user did not enter anything and allow_none is True
Use same API as shutil in and qisys.archive: